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David Crayford responds to American Lawyer

Posted By: igots2no
Date: Tuesday, 15-Mar-2016 08:42:55

In Response To: A LETTER TO DAVID CRAYFORD -- From an American Lawyer (Rayelan)

Dear American Lawyer,

I am compelled, by my respect for you, and the time and effort that you have put into your research which in turn allowed you to finally complete a very good letter to me which shows a far deeper understanding / knowledge than most.
There are many in this world who need to take a “Leaf out of your Book” so to speak, and undertake exactly what you have done which has enabled you to establish a substantial amount of truth and separate the Good guys from the Bad guys, which is certainly not as easy as knocking down 10 pins at a bowling alley.

I refer to your comments that are reference to you trying to explain to others, quote “Their eyes roll up, and they look like they're getting sick. Nothing is connecting, and they can't comprehend what I'm trying to tell them.”

This is the type of response from others that I would expect, and the fact that they are probably thinking that you are a right “Mental Case”. As we say in Europe, quote “Been there, Seen it, Done it, and got all the T Shirts.” Let it pass as such an attitude is slightly defeatist, and it certainly must dishearten you a little.

You are one person in millions who has bothered to undertake research on the subject matter and you do deserve respect for that because I know it is not easy. However, easy or not, my only wish is that others follow your example and forget the football game or the series on the T.V. and really make use of that matter between the ears, known as Brains.

I refer now to your comments, quote “I'm on board. I want to help. Where do I start? I'm a spiritually dedicated American trained lawyer who used to practice law and live in America, who now wants to dedicate his life to helping humanity, the same thing you're trying to do. What do I have to do to help you help me do this?

Keep investigating, keep learning, establish the facts and finally keep writing so that the readers here on RMN can get a complete view and understanding from a completely independent source. You will help others with the knowledge, as well as helping yourself.

There is one thing that you might help with, if you believe that it is possible. For this I refer to your comments, quote “I don't know what you believe you can do legally on an international basis, or whether Interpol or global law enforcement agencies will consider the World Bank Group's order for the arrest and imprisonment of Karen Hudes, but if what you and the World Bank Group say about her is true, then Karen Hudes should be disbarred for life in this country. The State Bars of Maryland and Washington, D.C. should launch investigations and then bar her for her illegal and fraudulent acts regarding the Global Debt Facility and the ITC / OITC.

I agree with your comments here. It might be all talk and no action from the World Bank Group and Interpol, and as you have stated, neither appear to have much of a good reputation. However, let’s wait and see because we stand ready to step in if warranted.

More to the point is your comment that Karen Hudes should be disbarred from the State and National Bar Associations. As she claims she is a Lawyer she most probably will have taken the Bar Exam and be registered with the Bar Associations.
As my knowledge is limited as to the US legislation on such matters I would ask you to investigate the possibility of reporting Hudes to the applicable Bar Associations, seeking an investigation by them. That is of course only if you want to undertake this and become involved. Then advise me as to same and I will obtain approval from the ITC to move forward on this matter. As American has laws which appear to isolate external parties quite a lot, from bringing legal actions inside the US, it may be that you would have to undertake whatever is necessary to cause such a requested and appropriate investigation. Please advise on this matter.

I now refer to your comments, quote “Marcos was a Godly man who took his massive responsibilities seriously.”

If only the Filipino people had realised that at the time, the Philippines would not be in a mess as it is now.
The Philippines was second only to Japan in economic senses, when Marcos was President. It is now at the bottom of the list of countries in S.E. Asia. Marcos knew what America and its allies were up to and imposed Martial Law to as a method to curtail such anti establishment activities by America and its allies. Unfortunately, the people could not see further than the words “Martial Law” and it unfortunately rebounded on Marcos much to the pleasure of the American CIA and local activists.

I refer to some additional comments of yours, quote “Regarding Ukraine, one of your readers expanded upon your point: "As for the Collateral accounts. Actually the money didn't come from the accounts because they are locked down.... BUT ...what the lovely money digger thieves did was to mirror the accounts, using them as... 'collateral', lol! When they discovered in late 2012 that even the signatories could not access the biometric security systems, they created a sort of ETF to Mirror the accounts, and claimed the funds that are locked down as collateral for the money they magically created through the ETF Mirror. Nice eh? I think that you'll find that the 'slush fund' you are looking for is the mirrored ETF that...was run through UBS."

We are aware of this “Mirroring of Accounts”. It is a method of Fraud that has been used for many years and implemented by the World Bank, Federal Reserve, and the US Government usually at the behest of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
Coincidentally, we have just come across an exact situation (but know of others) whereby funds are electronically transferred to the Mirror Account from the original account and placed under control of a Trustee or Lawyer acting for the Government or a person in Government. The Trustee or Lawyer are completely naïve as to the fact that they have been coerced into fraud by the illicit operations of the above named parties / organisations.

That Government, or person in Government cannot use the initial transferred funds, but they can use all the interest accrued against the original funds. Now imagine a sum of minimum $20 billion USD being transferred illegally into a Mirror Account and then look at the annual interest accrued on that money. When I talk interest I do not relate to the normal interest paid by a bank. I am talking the substantial interest accrued through the “Secret Federal Reserve Trading Programs”.

This is the method that the US uses to finance Friendly Governments or specific people in Governments. In this particular case Bob Hawk and Julia Gillard (Both former P.M’s) were very active participants.
This very same system is being used in the Philippines. Aquino, Ramos, Arroyo, and yet another Aquino, now Bong Bong Marcos (Not the legitimate son and heir of Ferdinand Marcos) all had these financial advantages given to them, illegally by the US, from the Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.
It happens in many countries around the world just to keep those countries or specific Politicians in line with American dictatorship. Only a handful of people involved are aware of how it is implemented. That is up to quite recently, because we now know and have commenced our own investigations.

The adage “What the eye doesn’t see the Heart doesn’t grieve about” is a very good statement regarding the above illegal activities. Mr and Mrs Average right across the world have no knowledge of this illegal financing of Governments and / or specific Politicians.
Also the voting is rigged (as the majority of people already know), so a country gets the Politicians that really should not have been elected or be in that position, and the US gets the country’s obedience and cooperation irrespective of what the people want.

Fortunately for us, some Politicians cannot help themselves and immediately go on a spending binge, a new Mercedes, maybe one for the wife, and reasonable cars for the children, probably even a nice new luxury house or two, or the same in other country. It all clearly shows up like an oasis in the desert and our people around the world do not miss much when it comes to such corruption methods.

Allow me to finish there, because I could go on and on, but it is the same old corruption and story which many have heard before, and will continue until all is brought into order. The unfortunate part is that such methods are multiple and of some magnitude that it will take time for us to eliminate it all and see the crooks behind bars ------- Permanently.

All I ask of you is to keep up your research and investigations and don’t be afraid to write the truth down and post it on the internet so that others are educated and are enlightened. Hopefully many others will follow your example.

Please email me on …….. ………… if you think I can be of any assistance to you.

Thank you and my greatest respects

David P. Crayford.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

A LETTER TO DAVID CRAYFORD -- From an American Lawyer
Rayelan -- Monday, 14-Mar-2016 22:53:35
David Crayford responds to American Lawyer
igots2no -- Tuesday, 15-Mar-2016 08:42:55

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