I've left the post on Purpose:
: From CGI's Gryphon: Another blast from the past.
: It began with a shoe throwing game started by Raye
: To provide some levity amid the dismay
: Of Tangodog’s journey to other planes
: Pepsi and Coke the cola wars renewed
: The NWO battle of factions 1 and 2
: Though the thread was just started as always it seems
: that these Machiavellian masters make the scene
: Maitreya is coming! A new sun in the sky!
: Arthur Clarke’s 2010 to happen before our eyes!
: Is this the first bluebeam test they’ll use
: when our TV’s turn to mind control tools?
: Kissinger announced Obama’s their man
: on Tuesday, though posted on Saturday
: Wednesday Sarkozy and Merkel gave us the plan
: for financial dominion o’er their fellow man
: In Gaza their minions test their weapons of war
: What good are they if not to be used, and improved?
: The limited war theory it is, keep the machine humming
: Profits must be made!
: Who cares? They’re only slaves
: Though if Sorcha’s to be believed, it’s the war for the planet
: against the underground bases of the Annunaki
: On the political scene an Electoral Rebellion?
: Disproved it seems, and Richardson gone
: selling taxpayer bonds at exorbitant profits
: to money changers for lining their pockets
: Blagoyovich quotes poetry
: and is eventually impeached
: Burris goes to Washington
: Don’t you just love Chicago politics?
: Obama’s birth is still a hot topic
: Will the Supreme Court rule or just explain it away?
: Only time will tell if the truth will prevail
: Panetta’s the top spook, Faction 2?
: NASA and the Pentagon, soon to be one
: the budget is the given excuse
: The doomsday scenario from space the real reason
: Black Ops, Black Budgets & UFOs
: Billy Meier, Wilcock and Project Camelot
: Down the rabbit hole we go
: Who to believe and to what extent?
: White hats, black hats all with intent
: to play their hands over and over the same game of power
: we’re not at the table, nor even invited
: Earthquakes, prophecy, financial collapse
: Delicado says be sure to have seeds
: plant them, prepare and by the end of this year
: be where you want with those you hold dear
: Almost lost in the bustle, the church, not congregations own
: the land. You can’t resell clothes without the right tag.
: The IRS helps taxpayers?
: Ron Paul says it’s all caused by the Federal Reserve
: Against this monster the valiant battle still rages
: VKD, Casper and Farm claims
: The battle’s been won?
: We’ve heard this before but I honor those who keep beating at
: the door
: Let us hope one day the door will be broken
: the facade stripped away, the packets opened
: To dawn a new day
: Wednesday the IU took it’s turn
: dreams surfaced from the depths
: of magma rising, Yellow stone, gold?
: Odd association, meaning unknown
: In Vail the vacationer lost his pants
: naked he hung for the world to see
: Could this be a sign of disclosure coming to be?
: Thursday the corporate media lied, surprise, surprise
: Shapeshifting and frequency dreams of being sucked in
: to their channel of fear, unable to change
: Planet X photos? Apparently not
: a snitch in the midst of political protest
: More symbolism from the black widow dress
: Raye’s power cut mysteriously
: just another anomaly in her story it seems
: Govermentium was discovered!
: That post gave me a chuckle
: On Friday LA shook
: along with Indonesia, Costa Rica and the whole western plate
: Schiff gave the economy a sobering look
: California collapsing, monetarily at least
: along with bonds, another NWO trap
: Wisconsin confounded those on the dole
: More about the pole shift, and 2012
: Croatia has the best bank in the world
: Saturday it was noted billionaires, helped by trillionaires
: are leaving the planet
: In the big apple it smelled like maple syrup
: Russia still withheld gas from Europe
: Terrorists are we?
: False flag on Iran
: Lawyers taking a website down
: As with the Arabs, if in the Fed they invest
: A porn bailout from Washington?
: Anything’s possible these days it seems
: The week it ended with medevacs in Iraq
: What a great story