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CGI's MAXtheMAGAnificent: Juan O Savin Finally Admits It…The Plan Has Failed and Only An Act of God Can Save Us Now

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Wednesday, 15-Feb-2023 07:57:53

A post submitted by CGI member MAXtheMAGAnificent.


Recently, Juan O Savin did an interview with Michael Jaco in which all the former bravado about Trump (and whoever the White Hats are) was gone…no longer was there mention of the MAGAdor slaying the globalist cabal bull, or of the great multidimensional chess game that the globalist cabal could not win against Trump and the patriots, or certainly anything about getting our popcorn and enjoying the show as The Plan worked its inevitable way towards a successful conclusion. No, for once Juan expressed no hope in anything that good men and women could do on earth to stop the globalist cabal in its satanic quest to kill off anyone that it does not want or need and rule what is left of our world once they are finished.

Juan said that only an act of God can save us now and that we must pray that He is with us and of course we must do our part…whatever we can in our own way to protect ourselves and our families while whatever is going to happen plays out. The only hopium that is left is to hope for the best but expect the worst unless God intervenes somehow…that’s it.

Now I believe in God and I do believe that God does intervene in the affairs of man in very big and very good ways, but as we have seen over and over throughout history, God’s gift to man of free will has allowed humans to engage in unspeakable cruelty to one another…genocide on a grand scale, constant warfare, intense and deliberate cruelty…you name it, nothing has stopped man from inflicting maximum pain on his fellow man since time began. However, it is different this time and unfortunately this time it is much worse. Man’s achievements in the age of high technology have given those with evil intent all of the tools necessary to finally and totally eliminate human freedom and destroy any means for it’s re-taking. Whatever The Plan was it apparently did not take this fact into account.

What we are seeing today across the globe and particularly in America is the culmination of the famous “16 Year Plan” as created by the so-called progressives…leftists, socialists, communists, liberals, globalists, the intelligence community, corporate and banking leaders, etc…. and their organizations…the Democrat Party, the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, the central banks, the media-medical-military industrial complex, the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, the EU, etc. …to finally bring mankind to heel under a ruthless, totalitarian world order where the elites who made it all happen replace God with themselves.

It all really started in the USA with “great” progressives of the early twentieth century like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, and progressed through FDR, Truman, LBJ, Carter, Bush the First, Clinton, Bush the Second. Then we saw eight years of the Marxist Obama and the stage would be set for the coup de grace with eight years of President Hillary Rodham Clinton…thus the 16 Year Plan to finish the job that started 120 years ago.

Of course, we know what happened in 2016 that not only threw the 16 Year Plan into a cocked hat, but actually threatened the entire 120 years of hard progressives’ work…Donald Trump was somehow elected president. I say somehow because the 2016 presidential election was rigged for Hillary just like so many presidential elections have been rigged for “victorious” Democrat candidates over the last hundred years and for some inexplicable reason it didn’t work. Progressive panic ensued from the moment Trump took the stage that election early morning to declare the win…it was all hands on deck…the Donald Trump presidency must be destroyed as soon as humanly possible with whatever means and at all costs.

They managed to slow Trump down but they did not manage to drive him from office until his next election for a second term which of course they stole in grand style, pulling out every stop and bringing in China and several European nations to help with the kill. Everyone knew what had happened, especially Trump and certainly his supporters. Everyone knew exactly how it was done and who actually executed the steal. Trump had one last weapon that he could have used to stop the overthrow of his administration/ government, the Insurrection Act of the early 1800’s. He could have invoked the Insurrection Act and literally saved the Republic, the United States of America, from being taken over by declared foreign owned enemies of the people of the United States and their Constitution. He could have done it but he was surrounded by deep state, establishment Republicans who hated him because he had overthrown their apple cart in 2016 along with that of the Democrats. Ever heard of the “uni-party?” Real Republicans know their place in the uni-party…it is to generally lose gracefully to Democrats who routinely steal their elections without objection, while knowing they’ll get an OK piece of the pie… whatever the Dems leave over for them.

Well Trump caved to the deep state Republicans who I guess convinced him that the people would not be with him if he tried to take down the traitors. They probably told Trump that nobody liked him except his rabid supporters, and they would not be enough to overcome the rage that would suffuse the rest of the nation should Trump be so arrogant and narcissistic as to challenge the “sacred” results of an American presidential election deemed by the deep state to be the freest and fairest in modern history.

Even though Trump ultimately handed the United States of America back to the demonic, fraudulent, foreign-controlled, progressive enemies of the country and the people, those evil monsters were still fit to be tied over the interruption to their 16 Year Plan. They were truly traumatized and like any band of psychopaths all they knew to do was to go into overdrive…the job had to be finished right now. So, here we are today a little over two years into the third term of Obama as played beautifully by the severely demented Joseph R. Biden with the high technology there right on que to enable it all to happen, and the institutions of government from top to bottom totally, completely, and utterly corrupted so the 16 Year Plan will be fulfilled in the originally planned 16 years after all.

Here's the progressive endgame... The United States of America is now literally going to hell in a handbasket. Our energy sector is being taken apart, our currency is being debased, our food plants are being systematically burned down, and our farm land is being bought up by China for their own use and by billionaire globalists to be taken out of production so we will eventually starve, our transportation system is breaking down all over, our military is now no more than a social experiment, our Bill of Rights is in the round file, the intelligence state is essentially running our foreign policy for its own purposes (certainly not in the interests of the nation), the administrative state is running wild writing “rules” indiscriminately to cripple our economy, we are apparently in the midst of a fake alien invasion, and best of all, we are on the verge of a nuclear war with Russia that nobody wants (including the Russians) except those progressive geniuses who want to rule the world even if it has to be reduced to ashes first.

I don’t know Juan, maybe Trump had a plan and maybe there were some patriots, or white hats, who thought that they had a way to stop the progressive juggernaut fueled by our most powerful technologies…AI in its many forms, fully controlled digital social and mainstream media, algorithm controlled elections, social credit systems, central bank digital currencies, digital vaccine passports, global pandemics with gain of function manufactured viruses, killer mRNA vaccines with self-assembling nano structures, under-the-skin human control via 5G, total surveillance and tracking of every activity and thought of every citizen, you name it…the progressives and their globalist accomplices have it all to defeat human freedom and even existence once and for all.

Juan, if you were telling us what you really thought that you knew… the hopium… all these months since our republic fell in January 2021, it is readily apparent now that you understand that without God’s intervention at this most desperate time in our national history, all is probably lost. The pendulum has truly swung to its extreme position where the forces of evil are totally overwhelming the forces of good in the world, and we are most likely in for years of death, depravity, and darkness before the pendulum somehow swings back in the other direction.

God Save America and the people of the world from the evil that has now encompassed us. We are on Your side.


A bit of a post-script to this writing…the only guy who I think has a decent idea of how We The People might help our situation is Jeffrey Prather. Major Prather (ret.) is constantly saying that we must infiltrate the Deep State and sabotage it so that it eventually breaks down. Technology is definitely a two-edged sword, and it is very vulnerable to humans who are not constrained by the rigidity of software and algorithms…even technology enhanced by machine learning. The hacker community knows that no automated system is immune from devastating attack…we must learn from them.

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CGI's MAXtheMAGAnificent: Juan O Savin Finally Admits It…The Plan Has Failed and Only An Act of God Can Save Us Now
RumorMail -- Wednesday, 15-Feb-2023 07:57:53

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