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Anna Von Reitz: "Claim Before the Vatican Chancery Court - Attention H.E. Dominique Mamberti"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 23-Jan-2023 04:55:33

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Thursday, January 19, 2023

Claim Before the Vatican Chancery Court - Attention H.E. Dominique Mamberti

By Anna Von Reitz

Comes now the lawful Government of The United States in international jurisdiction, The United States of America, our Federation of Organic States of the Union, seeking action and redress to be provided by the Holy See and His Holiness, Pope Francis.

Under Ecclesiastical Law it is the singular responsibility of the Pope to liquidate corporations that have engaged in unlawful activities; we can now say with certainty that thousands of Municipal and British Territorial corporations have profited themselves by the murder and maiming of the General Public in this country and throughout the world. They have done this in flagrant disregard for both health and life.

The guilty parties include the present iterations of the United States of America, Inc., a British Crown Corporation doing business under various names and through various incorporated subcontractors and agents, including the Department of Justice, Inc., the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Inc., the Central Intelligence Agency, Inc., the Department of Defense, Inc., the White House Office, Inc., National Security Council, Inc., and their State-of-State franchise organizations, numerous pharmaceutical corporations including Pfizer, Inc., Moderna, Inc., Astrazeneca, Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Inc., numerous communications and news organizations including the BBC, Inc., Reuters, Inc., Associated Press, Inc., ABC, Inc., NBC, Inc., CBS, Inc., Fox News, Inc., The New York Times, Inc., The Washington Post, Inc., and innumerable other newspapers, radio stations, and television outlets, along with thousands of hospitals, clinics, and individual Uniformed Officers who profited from administering "covered countermeasures". The insurance industry was also profited by the large number of deaths inflicted on the elderly population of this country. Hospitals and individual health providers received kick-backs amounting to millions of dollars "per head" for those diagnosed with and dying from "Covid 19".

The Municipal Counterparts of all of these British Crown Corporations similarly benefited themselves from lies, pretended authorities, coercive acts and demands undertaken under color of law, and cancellation of debt resulting from the death of millions of Americans including, thus far, over 118,000 youths under the age of 25.

According to some credible life expectancy projections, only 1 in 40,000 recipients of these injections will be alive seven years from the date they received this "vaccination".

The perpetrators purposefully and with malice aforethought changed the definition of "vaccine" in order to misrepresent what they were doing as a "vaccination" and to further misrepresent the nature of the material they were injecting into the bodies of their victims.

A genetic pattern obtained from SARS virus and then genetically manipulated to form a unique lipid protein capsule used to deliver mRNA payloads and other foreign genetic materials at the cellular level, was the only faint association with any infectious disease at all, but it was used as a smokescreen to make it appear that a pandemic of an infectious disease was involved in this murderous-- and lucrative-- hoax.

The actual products injected included: (1) parasites including freshwater hydras and eggs of an exotic Middle Eastern heartworm common to sheep in that region; (2) poisons including salts of aluminum and mercury and graphene oxides; (3) so-called "smart" hydrogels containing luciferase and other exotic photo-sensitive compounds and self-assembling "smart" nanotechnologies that respond to electromagnetic signals and share artificial intelligence information at a biological level.

The ultimate goals of this program, above and beyond the death of the vast majority of recipients within seven years, appear to involve the secretive deployment of technology designed to collect information about the victims and their biological functions, to interfere with those functions, to coercively control the "subjects" in this experiment, to reduce the fertility of the participants to about 30% viability of offspring, and to track and surveil the victims so as to study the process of their deaths and the maiming effects of the various parasites, poisons, and foreign genetic materials that have been deployed throughout the General Public by means of criminal fraud.

There has also been an effort on the part of the guilty corporations including Black Rock, Inc. and its various iterations and franchises and subsidiaries, and Vanguard, Inc., and the Department of Defense, et alia, to claim ownership interest in the "test subjects" who "volunteered" --- in response to what appeared to be "government mandates". The logic for this appears to be that by accepting a snippet of undisclosed genetically engineered material that was patented by the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity, the victims thereby became genetically modified organisms (GMOs) owned by the patent holders.

Our Public Law already stands against any such cellular property interest claims advanced against living men and women.

This entire murder-for-profit scheme has been the brainchild of William H. "Bill" Gates, Jr. and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has operated in cooperation with the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, INC., aka, WHO, INC., and NATO, INC., DOD, INC., and the World Economic Forum (WEF) Inc., and the WORLD BANK, INC., which benefited itself by selling "Pandemic Bonds" as a rigged bet, in a situation in which no actual infectious disease, per se, was present.

These above facts are all now "public knowledge" as they have been published as patents by the US and EU Patent Offices and published in scientific journals, and exhaustively reviewed and analyzed by Doctors David E. Martin and Karen Kingston and others, and there are no contrary findings, which results in this "no contest" claim for damages and action liquidating the offending corporations.

Prior to these crimes against humanity actually being undertaken, we served Public International Notice to the Principals responsible for the existence of these corporations that we would charge one (1) Trillion dollars per American killed or maimed by any such attack, and we locked in the exchange "dollar value" as of the day of the Notice. We are losing 7,500 Americans per day to death or permanent disability, and are exercising our pre-established lien in the amount of $232,500 Trillion USD for the month of December 2022.

This commercial lien and resulting debt will continue to accrue and collect 4% compound interest per annum against the Principals and all British Crown and Municipal affiliates until and unless the damage done is remediated with effective and substantial cures for the victims and appropriate compensation being paid to them and their families.

In addition --- and the reason that this claim appears before the Vatican Chancery Court --- we, the living people of The United States, have been injured physically, mentally, emotionally, and materially by these self-interested corporations acting under color of law. Millions of us have been killed already and more continue to die; millions more have been maimed and now suffer debilitating injuries which result in permanent disabilities and the need for extensive medical care.

As we have been killed and maimed by corporations, we demand the death of these corporations in turn. There is no doubt that they have engaged in unlawful activities that have resulted in the death and misery of millions of people and that they have done this for profit and coercive power. We do not accept their "offer" (COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act of the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act | Federal Trade Commission ( of our own money and credit being dispensed to us by the perpetrators as any true consideration, remedy or cure.

The only appropriate and necessary cure is: (1) the complete liquidation of all these offending corporations; (2) the sale of their corporate assets for the benefit of the victims and their survivors; (3) the removal of the corporate veil to allow prosecution of the offending officers and board members; (4) the establishment of a Injury Reparations Fund administered directly by our Fiduciary Office; (5) and for the lesser offenders who received kick-backs, the return of all kick-back funds to the Injury Reparations Fund, plus a stiff fine for going along and benefiting themselves from criminal activities.

It is entirely appropriate that the Vatican Chancery Court rule in favor of the victims and that the Holy See and the Pope be imposed upon to liquidate all these offending corporations and hold all the administrators and corporate officers responsible for their premeditated murders, attempts to enslave living men and women as Genetically Modified Organisms owned under patents, and long term injuries to those who have been disabled.

This is all public knowledge now, and uncontested.

Please proceed with all due alacrity to deliver the requested relief to the victims of this unholy scheme to pillage and destroy the only value that gives value to anything else: the living energy, health, and consciousness of the True God incarnate in us all.

Claim made by:

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State

The United States of America

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

Claim published on this 19th day of January in the year of 2023.


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:


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Anna Von Reitz: "Claim Before the Vatican Chancery Court - Attention H.E. Dominique Mamberti"
hobie -- Monday, 23-Jan-2023 04:55:33

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