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Important Message From Commander Valiant Thor of the GFL

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Monday, 17-Oct-2022 16:20:59

Message from the Val Thor Intergalactic Confederation - Starting at midnight EST on October 30th, a 10-14 day period without communication systems will begin - October 15, 2022

* Note by Mr.Ed - Valiant Thor is from Venus.

Elena Danaan said earlier that the Galactic Federation of Light and Intergalactic Confederation are working together to carry out their operations.

Right after receiving a spiritual activation tonight, I was accidentally guided to this 【Message from Val Thor from the Intergalactic Confederation】 channeled by Janet Doerr.

Received by: Janet Doerr - Message received and channeled from:

Val Thor of the Intergalactic Confederation

An agreement has been reached today between the Federation of Light and those who have enslaved Earth's population.

The agreement deals with the return to the people of Earth of their freedom and sets in motion the removal and replacement of enslavement systems.

Universal Laws include Divine Justice.

Those who violated the sovereign rights of others will face the consequences of their actions according to Divine Law.

The consequences will be faced on the planet or off the planet.

Approximately 500,000 people will leave Earth as this transition takes place over a period of months.

On October 30th at midnight EST, a 10-14 day period with no communications systems will begin.

Internet, telephone and cell phone service will cease.

The purpose of cessation of communications is to allow for the orderly transition of many systems to new Quantum systems, including:

The new Quantum Financial system
The new Quantum Electoral system
The new Quantum Communication systems

Starting October 30th, during the transition period, the US (and some other countries) will be under martial law.

The martial law state must have clear lines of authority and decision-making during the period when the United States Corporation is officially terminated, which will require new elections in accordance with the United States Constitution.

Generally speaking, there will be no interruption of power, water and utilities, although minor interruptions may occur in specific areas for unique reasons.

The Federation of Light, in conjunction with the US military, will take over the television and radio channels and begin ongoing broadcasts to help residents of the US and other countries receive information about these changes.

NESARA will be announced and explained.

Under NESARA, which has already been signed into US law, and upon its enactment, the US has 120 days to hold a new election, electing a president and vice president and all senators, representatives, and other elected federal offices.

Information on how these changes impact state elections will be provided during broadcast information briefings.

The US midterm elections scheduled for November 7th will be cancelled/postponed until they can be held using the new Quantum electoral system and reflecting changes in the United States federal government.

Due to the major impacts of miscommunication on airlines and other forms of transportation for this extended period, people are encouraged not to travel during this period.
Due to the move to a largely cashless society and with all banks closing during the 10-14 day period, people are encouraged to prepare before October 30th.

It is suggested that everyone have adequate food, medicine and other essential supplies stored to cover their needs during this two week period as many businesses will not function without communication services.

Please consider the needs of others who may experience difficulties in this situation.

Neighbors are encouraged to consider all other neighbors and provide compassionate support to one another.

Local emergency services will be asked to prepare to meet the needs of their local community as much as possible.

People are encouraged to keep the faith that these changes are the answer to their prayers for more justice and the end of a 'rigged system'.

During the month of October, there can be a number of events that the mainstream media may portray as dangerous or frightening.

Please rest assured that the Galactic Federation will not allow things like nuclear war to take place.

Warheads are easily inoperative, even if they have been fired.

Please know that these events will serve as a light to help more people understand that significant change is necessary, desirable and will support all of Life.

Please pray for Peace, Harmony, goodwill among all people and all life on Earth, prosperity and an abundance of God's supply of all good things.

Keep compassion and love in your hearts for your friends, family, neighbors and all Life.

Go for walks and get into nature to help calm your central nervous system.

Take time to be still and step inside to connect with your higher self and inner guidance.

Invoke the Ascended Host (the angelic realms, the ascended masters and other beings of light) for support, assistance, encouragement and to calm down as needed.


Those of you who looked forward to these events are called upon to assist those who may find this information new and surprising.

Please help everyone to know that the Divine Plan is unfolding.

The Sovereignty of all life and earth's inhabitants are respected and 'All is Well'.

We will provide additional information as events unfold.

Val Thor, on behalf of the Intergalactic Confederation


Source: >>>


The world of humanitarian initiatives, we are here to empower and educate people and unite humanity to instill awareness, eliminate ignorance and act to create a better world.

Message from the intergalactic confederation Val Thor -
Starting at midnight EST on October 30th, a 10-14 day period without communication systems will begin
- October 15, 2022

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Important Message From Commander Valiant Thor of the GFL
Mr.Ed -- Monday, 17-Oct-2022 16:20:59
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Mr.Ed -- Monday, 17-Oct-2022 16:20:59

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