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SORCHA 12/13: "Heads Explode After Anti-Trump Fox News Host Joins Child Rape Fake News Network CNN"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 14-Dec-2021 13:05:37

In Response To: SORCHA 12/14: "Something Very Bad And Very Evil Is Happening As Global Elite Suffer Colossal Loss In Covid War" (MrFusion)

Somehow I forgot to post this yesterday.



December 13, 2021

Heads Explode After Anti-Trump Fox News Host Joins Child Rape Fake News Network CNN

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting that President Putin has no plans to meet with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried during her diplomatic mission to Moscow this week, says this visit is under the purview of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), and is why she will be meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, who in slamming the lunatic ravings of Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden stated: “The Americans are inexplicably fixated on the idea that there is a threat of a ‘Russian invasion’ of Ukraine…This is not the case and cannot be…And what we are doing on our territory simply does not concern them, they have neither the moral nor the political right to raise the issue”—quickly after which Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declared: “We have been hearing too much aggressive rhetoric from across the ocean in recent weeks. This unfortunately does not contribute to the relaxation of tensions in any way”.

This transcript next sees Security Council Members reviewing a just released Federal Security Service (FSB) urgent war bulletin that states: “The Federal Security Service acting jointly with the Interior Ministry and the Investigative Committee of Russia has carried out detective and investigative measures with regard to 106 supporters of the Ukrainian MKU neo-Nazi youth gang uncovered in 37 Russian regions...The gang was set up by Ukrainian national Yegor Krasnov born in 2000 who was put on an international wanted list and was acting under the cover of the Ukrainian special services”—a blatant war provocation Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova placed the blame on Western countries for, and factually stated: “Ukraine is being pumped with armaments, meaning, direct supplies, future contracts, and, as you see, these are multi-million, billion contracts as a whole...It is about dispatching there militants disguised as instructors”.

Most accurately viewing the present situation fast leading to global thermonuclear war, this report notes, is former top President Ronald Reagan administration official Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who just factually stated: “Biden knows Russia is not preparing to invade Ukraine...It is Washington that is arming and training the Ukrainians and encouraging the Ukrainian attack on the Donbass Russians...Yet Biden blames Russia for escalating the military situation and preparing to invade Ukraine”—sees Dr. Roberts correctly assessing: “When Blinken and Biden say Washington does not recognise spheres of influence and red lines, they mean that they don't recognise any other country's sphere of influence and red lines...Only Washington can have spheres of influence and red lines...No one else can...So Washington claims what it permits no other country to claim”—sees Dr. Roberts warning that what is occurring is a replay of the Cuban Missile Crisis that pushed the world to the brink of World War III in 1962, and further stated: “Whether Ukraine is admitted to NATO or not, what Washington is determined to do is to keep the ‘Russian threat’ very much alive, not eliminate it with negotiations…The Kremlin should remember what happened to President Trump because he said his intention was to restore normal relations with Russia, that is, to eliminate Russia as the ‘enemy of choice’”.

Causing the Cuban Missile Crisis, this report explains, was the United States crossing a “red line” by placing nuclear missiles in Turkey on the border of the former Soviet Union—nuclear missiles able to strike Moscow without warning, that the Soviet Union responded to by placing its nuclear missiles in Cuba, which were able to strike Washington D.C. without warning—a crisis averted when the United States agreed to remove their nuclear missiles from Turkey, which the Soviet Union responded to removing its nuclear missiles from Cubanone of which was reported to the American people—and whose main consequence of saw the United States using the “Soviet threat” to launch its largest military buildup since World War II.

Like occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis to keep truth hidden, this report continues, today American journalists are being threatened with large fines in the hundreds-of-thousands of dollars by the socialist Biden Regime for writing for the ‘wrong’ websites—news websites like Strategic Culture Foundation, all of whom accurately and honestly report the news.

Security Council Members in this transcript note that socialist regimes like Biden’s always fall when truth of their crimes are exposed, and though they’re able to extinguish the truth from being told by American journalists on foreign news websites, this does not apply to news organizations and websites in the United States, all of whom are protected by the First Amendment—but to subvert this protection, now sees the United States branding foreign journalists as spies, whom they persecute and plan to jail for their rest of their lives—and as best exampled by Wikileaks founder-journalist Julian Assange, whom a British court just ruled can be extradited to the US and severely punished for his crime of exposing truths the socialist American government kept hidden from its peoples—a vile ruling against press freedom blasted by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, who stated: “This shameful verdict in the political case against the journalist and activist is yet another manifestation of the cannibalistic worldview of the Anglo-Saxon tandem…The West has had a worthy commemoration of the Human Rights Day and the end of their Summit for Democracy”—saw Executive Director Trevor Timm of the Freedom of the Press Foundation stating about this shameful ruling: “These proceedings, and today's ruling, are a black mark on the history of press freedom…That United States prosecutors continued to push for this outcome is a betrayal of the journalistic principles the Biden administration has taken credit for celebrating”—and saw Secretary-General Christophe Deloire of Reporters Without Borders declaring on behalf of the top 25 press freedom organizations in the world: “We fully believe that Julian Assange has been targeted for his contributions to journalism, and we defend this case because of its dangerous implications for the future of journalism and press freedom around the world”.

Most dangerous to the socialist Biden Regime, however, this report details, is the unbowed truth exposing Fox News network, whose staggering reach and power is documented in articles like “Fox News Dominates Basic Cable, MSNBC Finishes Behind 29 Networks Among Advertiser-Coveted Demo” and “CNN Ratings Crash In October Without Any Regular Program Averaging 1 Million Viewers”—because of Fox News sees it being reported: “Liberal network CNN shed a whopping 76% of its audience since January”—in the past week saw leftist fake news propagandist CNN having to fire its top anchor Chris Cuomo for sexual crimes against women, and his helping to hide the sex crimes of his socialist brother Governor Andrew Cuomo, who likewise was ousted was from power—this week saw secret emails released showing that CNN anchor Chris Cuomo referred to beloved Fox News senior meteorologist Janice Dean as “this Fox weather bitch”—and on Friday, the FBI arrested Chris Cuomo’s long time CNN producer John Griffen for the crime of child rape, and who’s accused of luring a mother and nine-year-old daughter to his Vermont ski home to “train” the young girl child to be sexually submissive telling them that a “woman is a woman regardless of her age”.

While the child rape and woman demeaning supporting leftist fake news outlet CNN implodes, this report continues, yesterday it saw long time Fox News main host Chris Wallace announcing at the end of his programme: “I am thrilled to join CNN+…After decades in broadcast and cable news, I am excited to explore the world of streaming...I look forward to the new freedom and flexibility streaming affords in interviewing major figures across the news landscape—and finding new ways to tell stories...As I embark on this adventure, I am honored and delighted to join Jeff Zucker and his great team...I can’t wait to get started”—an announcement quickly met by Fox News releasing an “icy statement” noting his departure—that was swiftly followed by many notable statements being made against the rabid anti-Trump anchor Chris Wallace, to include:

Gerry Callahan, radio host: “Best news of the weekend! This guy is the absolute worst. Maybe he can slide into the 9 pm slot at CNN and talk endlessly about his two favorite subjects: white supremacy and global warming. Good riddance to this fraud.

Jeremy Boreing, Co-CEO, The Daily Wire: “His performance as a 2020 presidential debate moderator should disqualify him from any position in journalism. Second only to Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz. Candy Crowley seems quaint after. Wallace may have been a straight news man before 2016, but Trump unmade him.

Caleb Hull, digital media strategist: “Chris Wallace going from Fox News to CNN is a big yikes career move. CNN’s audience will hate Chris Wallace. They are tuning in for 24/7 coverage of January 6th and whatever other outrage brings them the ratings. This isn’t Chris Wallace’s style at all.

Jesse Kelly, political commentator: “CNN must have money-whipped him bad. That’s the only reason an established guy would drastically reduce his audience on purpose. Guessing Wallace got PAID.

David Reaboi, political commentator: “Chris Wallace going to CNN is perfect. It’ll enrage the CNN viewer who’s told all day on that network that Fox News is evil personified.

In their discussions about this head-exploding move by Chris Wallace to leave the powerhouse Fox News for the corrupt and failing CNN, the conclusion section of this transcript sees Security Council Members noting that with AT&T’s WarnerMedia merger with Discovery the imploding CNN is about to get new ownership—a new ownership not pleased with the money losing CNN and its accumulating horrors and disgraces, and whose hiring of Wallace signals a break with its propagandist leftist news agenda—but to a greater hidden truth about what’s now occurring, sees Security Council Members noting that Fox News founder-owner Rupert Murdoch just purchased the largest ranch in Montana for $200-millon—is a 340,000 acre cattle ranch carved out of the Montana wilderness by early American pioneers whose most important battle cry when faced with warring Plains Indians like the Sioux was “circle the wagons”—is a battle cry to take defensive action and prepare for an attack by arranging a wagon train in a circular formation—and today is a battle cry being shouted by powerful privileged elites like Chris Wallace, leftist media outlets and socialist forces because Fox News has begun openly reporting on the “stolen” diary of Biden’s daughter—a diary whose contents are fully known, but are being kept hidden from the American people—a diary that beyond shockingly reveals Biden took naked showers with his young daughter and sexually molested her—and if ousted from power for this horrific crime like would happen in any normal nation, one could logically think Biden might get a new job as a producer for CNN, as they also like to rape young girl children. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

December 13, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

SORCHA 12/14: "Something Very Bad And Very Evil Is Happening As Global Elite Suffer Colossal Loss In Covid War"
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 14-Dec-2021 13:05:37
SORCHA 12/13: "Heads Explode After Anti-Trump Fox News Host Joins Child Rape Fake News Network CNN"
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 14-Dec-2021 13:05:37

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