By WarNews 24/7
Russia is preparing an attack on Ukraine with the participation of up to 175,000 troops as early as next year, the Washington Post reported in a report yesterday , following fears expressed by Kiev about such a possibility.
Moscow is preparing to launch "100 battalions consisting of regular teams with an estimated strength of 175,000 men, as well as tanks, artillery and other equipment ," a senior US official told the American newspaper on condition of anonymity.
Asked by AFP, the Pentagon declined to comment on sensitive intelligence, but said it was "very concerned" by reports that Russia was planning to launch an offensive against Ukraine.
"We continue to support the easing of tensions in the region and a diplomatic solution to the conflict in eastern Ukraine," said Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Tony Semelroot.
50 regular battle teams
Russian forces are assembling 50 tactical battle groups in four different locations, the Washington Post added, citing a US military document.
Yesterday, Friday, US President Joe Biden stepped up pressure on Russia, saying it was preparing "initiatives" to defend Ukraine in the event of an invasion, following the gathering of Russian troops near the Ukrainian border.
Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov had earlier told the Ukrainian parliament that Russia had deployed more than 94,000 troops near the Ukrainian border and could be preparing for a large-scale military strike in late January.
What Moscow says
Moscow, for its part, accuses Ukraine and the United States of destabilizing behavior and says Kiev may be preparing to launch its own offensive in eastern Ukraine, which Ukrainian authorities deny.
US President Joe Biden added yesterday that he would have a "long discussion" with Russian President Vladimir Putin about the crisis between Russia and Ukraine and that he would not accept Moscow's "red lines".
A video conference between the two leaders is expected to take place within days.
"We have known about Russia's actions for a long time and I expect that we will have a long discussion with Putin," Biden told reporters as he left for Camp David over the weekend.
my comment:
I have been following these developments on a daily basis. Until the past 36 hours the amount of troops on the Russian side of the border was apx. 100,000. Then the troops started to move close to the border and they increased in numbers. Videos and photos of those movements have come through but are few and far between.
For weeks now Russia has been downplaying the reports of Russia being a threat to Ukraine, and scoffed at any notion they were going to invade. However, as Ukraine has been carrying on a daily offensive against the rebel territories, it is anyone's guess what Russia will do in response.
But one thing was always consistent, and that is Russia's long held stand on "red lines". They never wavered on their stand to maintain the red lines they established - which are, they won't accept any nuclear missiles being placed near their borders and they will not surrender their several hundred year old naval base in Crimea.
The US, Europe and NATO is pushing Ukraine to be part of NATO and then place nuclear missiles on their territory that would be pointed at Moscow. This means, what is going on in Ukraine is a direct military threat to Russia in the same way the placement of nukes in Cuba was to the US in 1963.
The bottom line is, the US under the Biden regime is ignoring every warning the Russians have given them about the red lines. It appears the globalists that control Europe and the US, want a war with Russia - even if it goes nuclear.
This kind of dangerous showdown would have been unheard of during the Reagan administration. For the simple reason that Reagan signed an agreement with the Russians to maintain buffer states between the west and Russia so both sides would enjoy a demilitarized zone that would prevent any hair trigger confrontations from taking place.
Unfortunately, Bush Sr. refused to honor that treaty and the US from that time forward has been operating under a new military doctrine to march towards Russia, overthrow them and then steal their land and oil. The motive behind what we are seeing is pure greed. GE