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Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 25-Nov-2021 00:01:13

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie

Please find for publish TRUMP, ABANDONMENT OF THE PEOPLES PROPERTY, OUR VOTE. Sent 3:45 am, pacific 11/23/2021.

Dear President Trump, our President,

Vote Conversion, Theft, Breach of Trust.

President Trump, We your Beneficiaries have had your back since day one. Our promise to you as the man Donald Trump and our President that We would provide advisories from the standing at capacities of the People’s Original Jurisdictions.

We your Beneficiaries are keeping our promise.

We are reporting serious criminal matters that expose the roots of both the problems and the solutions once the fundamentals enter the forums of dialogues and actions.


The 2020 election public records admit and prove the crimes of Conversion and Theft. Every American voter qualifies as an injured party having the absolute duty and right to file criminal complaints and demands to public servants for immediate prosecutions, to hold our public servants to account.

The simple fact is Mr. President, that the Peoples most precious of properties, our votes, have been ABANDONED, left for dead after the votes were converted through deceptive practices resulting in theft from the People, from the intended recipient, and legitimate government.


Every Americans vote is private personal chattel property under the political jurisdiction. This is the People’s Original Jurisdiction built upon the 1776 Declaration, original State Constitutions, the Confederation Articles of perpetuity as administered by the Constitution for the United States of America, controlled by the Bill of Rights.

The Preamble to the Constitutions are the ownership, title and constructor positions creating the entities called governments which establish who the Masters over our governments are.

The People’s control over our creation, government, is our vote.

Every public servant knows and has always known the Peoples vote is private property of the most precious kind because only a free People choose their public servants. Those. Cultures that have rulers appointed or fraudulently placed in positions of powers are Feudalistic in nature operating as SLAVE OWNERSHIP systems.

The recognition of the ownership and control over the People’s vote is verified by registration procedure set out by law. That law was implemented from day one of our Republic. That law is based on the principle that governments implementing our American Adventure are to serve the People’s needs first, last and always.

Under the law the voter registration documents are proof of ownership over the vote as individual Americans private property. If not, then every registered voter is subject to powers or authorities not disclosed.

When the vote is cast it is transferred to the county officials in charge of care and custody of the Peoples private personal political will. The county officials are charged with the TRUST duties to ensure the vote is received by the intended recipient.

When the county officials are criminally negligent as they were in the 2020 election, the result was commingling properly cast votes with defective or fraudulent votes. Fraud voids every thing it touches. Thus, the corrupted process of voting, the transfer of the Consent of the governed via vote is a CONVERSION.

When a CONVERSION, the process of converting something from one thing to another, takes place, the property of the vote is changed from an honest transfer of Consent to a recipient to an unauthorized use, transfer and application of the Peoples personal property.

The CONVERSION takes the form of fraudulent government because the deception takes place under CONVERSION. Those allegedly elected do not have any hope whatsoever of being able to verify they are legitimately installed in public office. This means all their acts are void.

Thus the People’s intent to give Consent to government We the People created is invalid because the process applied to secure our votes are honestly and properly tabulated and recorded for electing those the People choose as representatives, was CONVERTED to an unintended never authorized by law use. A THEFT!

Thus the CONVERSION results in the Peoples votes being stolen which is THEFT, a criminal act.

Thus the CONVERSION results in THEFT from the duly elected choice of the People voting.

Thus the CONVERSION results in THEFT of honest government.


Criminal law is the body of law that defines criminal offenses against persons, property, property rights, both common law and statutory law, regulates the apprehension, charging and trial of suspected persons, and fixes penalties.

Mr. President, our country has been STOLEN through CONVERSION and THEFT.

The CONSPIRACY between those actually committing the CONVERSION and THEFT and those taking benefit of the THEFT covers every public servant who each know they hold the absolute duty to report crimes, know they each hold the absolute duty to refuse to engage in fraudulent or deceptive practices either as a principal or accessory, take the bribe of fraudulently obtained public office, know they each hold the absolute duty take all actions necessary to expose the CONVERSION, THEFT, and all derivative crimes caused by CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE allowing THEFT and CONVERSION of the People’s votes.

The charges of CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE attaches to every Attorney Generals office and every attorney employed by any government agency state or federal. Further the charge of CONSPIRACY attaches to these characters as well because silence and non performance of promised and paid for obligations is the ultimate BREACH OF TRUST, a TORT. These characters all know better. That shows intent. The charges against the government attorneys stick because the evidence of fraud in the 2020 elections is so readily available to any American that spends 20 minuets research time on the inter web. There is no excuse for paid professionals in the law application profession, BAR, or law enforcement professionals to ignore the crimes in front of their noses.


The People’s Original Jurisdiction advises our President that a President that fails to stand on an and enforce the People’s Original Jurisdiction as written, exposes that neither the Original Jurisdiction nor the People’s office of President, nor the man serving the office, have any value to the People. This failure equates to abandonment.

The People’s Original Jurisdiction advises our President that a President that fails to protect and return the People’s property, our vote, abandons all right to wield the People’s authorities and powers defined by Article II of the Constitution for the United States of America.

Below find the simple direct method and simple mechanisms to simply apply the law.

The 2020 election fraud is a crime, yet no one has identified the the mechanism of the fraud, nor the resulting crimes. More to the point is the fact that not one attorney general, county prosecutor, U.S. Attorney, or individual denied public office by the fraud has filed a complaint either civil or criminal that properly identifies the facts, law and procedures to address the crimes!


The only term that applies that defines the cause that damages all of the People, destroys credibility, trust in government and its servants is CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE!

RCW 9A.08.010

General requirements of culpability.

(1) Kinds of Culpability Defined.

(d) CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE. A person is criminally negligent or acts with criminal negligence when he or she fails to be aware of a substantial risk that a wrongful act may occur and his or her failure to be aware of such substantial risk constitutes a gross deviation from the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation.

(4) Requirement of Wilfulness Satisfied by Acting Knowingly. A requirement that an offense be committed wilfully is satisfied if a person acts knowingly with respect to the material elements of the offense, unless a purpose to impose further requirements plainly appears.

What public servant, or individual seeking public office, is authorized or allowed in any manner whatsoever, to know of a crime and refuse to report the crime, refuse to take every action necessary to expose, prosecute the wrong doers, support the fraud by non action or conspire to deceive by allowing misleading, off point, defective, or straight up lies or lies by deception of changing the points at issue or by -passing the facts with gobbledygook.

The story line is very very simple to understand once the flow of events is defined which expose the facts, the law that causes opening the procedures for a serious case of get right. The Minor Premisses above define the issues. The get right is also very very simple to understand when the ultimate result of placing the wrong doers in the position to justify their acts or omission is presented in the form of the choice. Crooks, choose to survive or not. Presenting the choice is what we Americans call due process. Notice and opportunity to respond and prove the charges are not correct, true and accurate.

When the choice point is delivered via a criminal complaint and demand that public servants like the governors, attorney generals, county persecutors and elected public servants process properly the Peoples charges, the People’s audit on public servants loyalty and performance is the controlling issue. The audit is represented as the Court of Public Opinion.

The presenting of a criminal complaint by the American voter places the public servants and every outsourced agent contracted for providing services to government in the forum of self judgement. The judgement is proof of action taken as shown from public record. Self judgement is the highest form of judgement which is not escapable because the public records are not debatable nor subject matter for argument.

In short the public servant must show from public record they complied with the laws starting with the Bill of Rights and states Declarations of Rights.

Every public servant that attempts to subvert the People’s absolute right to PASS JUDGEMENT on our public servants does not understand the concept of Consent of the Governed nor the sanctity of the vote process transferring that consent.

The Master, the American People, never need engage in arguments with nor participate in arguments between public servants. Masters never argue with servants. Masters provide the tools and payment to apply the tools to the servant so the servant may perform properly. Public servants arguments, operations, acts, are never competent to bind the Master when the Master DOES NOT CONSENT!

Simple is as simple does federal forms exposing resolutions available under purchase contract and contract security documents provided by federal law.


Form 15. Complaint for Conversion of Property.

  1. Statement of jurisdiction.-See form seven
  2. On date, at place, the defendant negligently converted to the defendants own use plaintiffs property owned by plaintiff. The property converted consists of the vote, in the 2020 election, which is transfer of Consent to be Governed a political property protected by law.
  3. The property has a value of and is worth $ ____________ .

Therefore, the plaintive demands judgment against the defendant for, $___________ , plus cost, a return of my vote, invalidation of the 2020 election and a verifiably honest election operated through paper ballots and supervised human tabulating procedures.

Form 11. Complaint for Negligence

  1. Statement of jurisdiction.-See form seven
  2. On date, at place, the defendant negligently converted plaintiffs private personal political property, the vote, to on an authorized use and application.
  3. As a result, the plaintiff was denied honest government services, misidentified as subject to personal acts of defendant while acting under color of official right.
  4. As a result plaintiff suffers emotional and mental pain and has denied legitimate lawful operations of government by usurpers posing as duly elected officials resulting in being held to involuntary servitude to illegitimate government operations

Therefore, the plaintive demands judgment in against the defendant for $__________ , plus costs, and a return of my vote, invalidation of the 2020 election and a verifiably honest election operated through paper ballots and supervised human tabulating procedures.

Form 12. Complaint for Negligence Where the Plaintiff Does Not Know Who Is Responsible.

  1. Statement of jurisdiction.-See form seven.
  2. On date, at place, defendant name or defendant doe 1 through 5000 or all of them willfully or recklessly or negligently converted plaintiffs private property of the vote to defendants own use the property owned by the plaintiff. The property converted consists of the vote, in the 2020 election, which is transfer of Consent to be Governed a political property protected by law.
  3. As a result plaintiff suffers emotional and mental pain and has denied legitimate lawful operations of government by usurpers posing as duly elected officials resulting in being held to involuntary servitude to illegitimate government operations

Therefore, the plaintive demands judgment in against the defendant for $__________ , plus costs, and a return of my vote, invalidation of the 2020 election and a verifiably honest election operated through paper ballots and supervised human tabulating procedures.

Beneficiaries question to our Trustee is, when will the People’s office of President served by Donald John Trump, stand on and deliver actions founded on direct and personal action applying the law of the People required by the office of trust identified as the People’s office of President of the United States of America?

Why should the People ever trust any elected public servant that fails to apply all possible remedies available to have restored the public office stolen from them by the fraudulent 2020 election?

Thus, this Beneficiaries Letter of Advice and Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes requires immediate action concerning the felonies, conspiracies resulting in Breach of Trust defined as a high crime against We the People and our governments. Think piercing the veil and attaching liability to individuals.

The reason the People’s Original Jurisdiction is important and controlling is that the source and application of law are the same coin. Heads or tails the coin is still a single unit. The source of all law in our country being We the People. The application of the law of the People being the public servants.

Essentially the two basic jurisdictions are the source of the law ruling our country and the application of law administering the law as defined by the source.

The superior jurisdiction creates the inferior jurisdiction. Master jurisdiction is We the People. Inferior jurisdiction is the servants jurisdiction administering the Masters properties and powers.

Defining the source and authority of all powers of governments at all levels of administration of the People’s powers is simply declared for all time by the final arbiter controlling every public servant from top to bottom. A single quote, undeniable and binding public record. This quote defines the ORDER requiring every public servant, public employee, contractor serving the People’s governments. Never over ruled!

YICK WO v HOPKINS. 118 U.S. 356 (1886)

When we consider the nature and the theory of our institutions of government, the principles upon which they are sup- [118 U.S. 356, 370] posed to rest, and review the history of their development, we are constrained to conclude that they do not mean to leave room for the play and action of purely personal and arbitrary power. Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. And the law is the definition and limitation of power. It is, indeed, quite true that there must always be lodged somewhere, and in some person or body, the authority of final decision; and in many cases of mere administration, the responsibility is purely political, no appeal lying except to the ultimate tribunal of the public judgment, exercised either in the pressure of opinion, or by means of the suffrage. But the fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, considered as individual possessions, are secured by those maxims of constitutional law which are the monuments showing the victorious progress of the race in securing to men the blessings of civilization under the reign of just and equal laws, so that, in the famous language of the Massachusetts bill of rights, the government of the commonwealth 'may be a government of laws and not of men.' For the very idea that one man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of living, or any material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to be intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery itself.

Mr Trump, your Beneficiaries, as have many Americans, lost much of the trust and respect we held for you as our sitting in the White House as President. The main reasons are fundamental to a prosperous and healthy Republic.

  1. Not one time have you stood on the law, cited the law, publicly, ordered executive branch agents to enforce the law as written. The first law of course being the Bill of Rights controlling our Constitution.
  2. Not one time did you apply the law in the form of criminal charges signed by the President and issued by the Presidents office acting as Chief Magistrate.
  3. To often you allowed attorneys allegedly representing the office of President to engage in argument with legislators and judges, on their terms and points, rather than publicly ordering from the Peoples office of President a demand to produce proof of law and fact to support and verify the judges and legislators actions.

Mr. President, your Beneficiaries present this monograph because we are convinced you will be restored to your rightful office. We are keeping our promise.

So the question becomes very pointed and serious and all telling.

How does the American adventure in personal Liberty under our Democratic Republic form of government ever become viable again when our President does not stand on the fundamentals, the Peoples Original Jurisdiction creating all governments, speak them to the People, order executive branch public servants to execute them as written?

No servant is ever authorized to argue with the Master, reconstruct the Masters employment contracts by converting the Master to a servant to those he employees.


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Articles In This Thread

hobie -- Thursday, 25-Nov-2021 00:01:13
Liberty_Lady: 'Article 2, Sec 3 states "he (the president) shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed."'
hobie -- Friday, 26-Nov-2021 00:09:05
Reader Charles: "No, Oh God be praised, No, not an attorney."
hobie -- Friday, 26-Nov-2021 00:09:05

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