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RMN Reader Comment . . .
Posted By: SpaceCommando Date: Monday, 15-Nov-2021 19:56:50
In Response To: The Dark Lord Behind The Curtain (SpaceCommando)
Reader Stormy sent the following:
I don't know what contacts Martin Armstrong had in Ukraine, but I also had contacts in Ukraine during the coup that overthrew elected President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.
It was not a revolution. It was an overthrow of an elected president by the Right Sector, a far-right militarized group of para-military thugs with strong leanings to Nazism, led by a thug named Dmytro Yarosh.
President Yanukovych sided with Russia for a better economic plan for Ukraine. The US didn't want to lose Ukraine to Russia, and encouraged a so-called 'revolution' to depose Yanukovych and install US puppets led by Petro Poroshenko.
The Donbass region of Eastern Ukraine seceded from Ukraine, and fought a war with the help of Russia. Keep in mind, there were no Russian invasion as the MSM would have you believe. Just as there were no Russian invasion of Crimea as everyone in the West claims. Crimean people voted to become a Russian state.
What is happening in Ukraine today was planned by the West for many years. Ukraine was, and is, ruled by criminals. Nothing will change, until the Russian bear gets poked too often and will eventually show it's teeth with Ukraine begging for mercy.
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Articles In This Thread
- The Dark Lord Behind The Curtain
SpaceCommando -- Monday, 15-Nov-2021 19:56:50
- RMN Reader Comment . . .
SpaceCommando -- Monday, 15-Nov-2021 19:56:50
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