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What I Think this Current Mess is Really about (OPINION)

Posted By: oldmaninthedesert
Date: Monday, 19-Jul-2021 18:51:04

This is a change of pace for me, the only links are within and serve to complement what I think is their real objective in what I am calling a game of 3 card monte. This is the post in full. It is posted at my blog, but I see no reason to send the readers of this forum to my blog for this one, so here goes...

Let me start by saying it is not my intent to bring anguish to anyone who suffered either themselves or a loved one to what they have used to front end this Op, and what they have followed it up with. I would like to send condolences to anyone who has suffered lost, at the hands of these psychopaths already, and to those who are concerned about actions that loved ones have already taken in fear. I would only say to those people that they understand God hears heartfelt prayer.

I am not here to say anything about the origin of covid,nor will I say anything about the poison they are intentionally putting into people, other then, do not let them hurt you, or your loved ones with their pseudoscience experimental gene therapy being passed off as a vaccine. So please do not think that I am glossing over the past 18 months, nothing anyone says can change what has already happened, but the future is a totally different story.

I do not think I am a very good writer, and for the most part have used the past to prove the future here at my blog, and because of my lack of writing skills, I choose to highlight the work of others from the past here at my blog. Therefore I will not be long winded about what I believe not nearly enough people are looking at, and there should definitely be more attention paid to it. Maybe I can get others to look more closely at what I think they have for the goal of the Op.

To be blunt, the real culprits as they have been for the past four hundred years or so, are the damn bankers. I say this because I see the bottom line of this Op. being a game of three card monte, where the third card is only revealed when it is too late for any of us to change what they have done after we get hit with the knockout punch.

What I believe that 3rd card will turn out to be, unless we start screaming hell no damn soon, we are going to wake up one morning, and we are going to find out that overnight while we slept, the criminals got their way with our so called leaders, and went to the digital system. Money as we had known it all our life's is no longer going to exist and it will be all on computers. Yeah they will have a story to appease the less learned among us,and I do not mean that in a bad way, it's just a matter of fact these days.

Don't think for a second that this great reset thing is just a coincidence that just happened to pop into the news six months in. These criminals never do anything without a reason and greater purpose for their future. Anyone who cares to look at this country's history truthfully cannot miss the trail they have left from 1776 up till the present. To say they have been ruthless in their pursuit of their goal, does not begin to give justice to those who have suffered and lost their lives to these psychopaths and their hitmen, be it those who were and are real time killers, and the hitmen of the media, who are just as bad as the real killers, because they hide behind their pen, and assassinate a person in public through the media.

We see this all the time these days, and it has been going on for years now in the media. I personally suffered character assassination in the media over a three month time in 1979 from August to October over an incident while I was reading meters for the power company. Not going to get into the details other then to say like always, the power won out over the person, even though I had not broken any of the company policies, they only had my back until the stories started over the incident. That right there was the genesis of my serious distrust of the media that still exists to this very day, because in that incident I learned first hand what they could do to a person if they set out to get you.

So what I am telling you, is we need to look deeper into this so called 'reset' because something I still adhere to this very day is the saying...'follow the money'... almost every time there has been a national incident in this country, more times than not that trail ends in New York, Wall St. to be precise. This current crisis is no damn different and here I am going to give you two examples to look at. They both look at a certain company that we have all heard of plenty of to the point of nausea over the last 18 months. This first link will give you a full rundown on the company in question stock price here...over the last 12 months

Now I do not know why I thought the company in question had been around longer than it has, other then complacey on my part and I apologize for that. Finding this second link now has me believing that this particular company was created for one purpose and one purpose alone, to be the spear of the second card of the game. Look when this company went public in what is now a seven month old article. By giving you that first link, you have a up to date price of their stock. This reporters news can be compared to what a 10,000 investment in the company IPO was worth then in December of 2020, up until now.

So there you have just one company involved in the second part of what I really believe is a three part play against us. I am sure I am going to find the exact same thing when I look at the other pharma companies involved in this Op. against us, I would stake my life on it. Better yet it would be better if more people looked into this without waiting for someone else to find the answers for them. Not directed at anyone, just stating something that has long been apparent to me through this 43 year long journey of looking for answers to questions that started with the murder of John Paul 1 and then my pursuit of the secular truths really began the next summer after I got dragged through the mud in the newspaper.

I really believe if we do not start yelling and getting the attention of our corrupted politicians now about this 'reset', we are finished as a nation. People really need to educate themselves on how Wall St really works, because I promise you, if we let them drop the 3rd card unchallenged, everyone will be at the mercy of these psychopaths for everything that they now take for granted. I hate to be a downer, and it is your right to disagree with me on my take, but I also have the right to practice being a prophet, and my higher self does not like the course this Op. seems to be taking.

In a very real way we can use the events of September 11th 2001, to learn some very useful insight in how the media is used to mislead us. On that day I was home recovering from a spinal fusion on three discs in my lower two weeks after the surgery. I was laying in bed and my wife came in and said, you need to look at the tell a vision, our two sons were in their teens then, and they fell for the lie about the caveman as the events unfolded that day. I told them from go, that we were not getting anywhere near the real truth from what was being reported, my sons thought I was crazy, because this was the first time they heard me talk about the media and the crooks, and authority in general.

I don't want to say I was not paying attention, but after eight years of our marriage which began 40 years ago today, I promised my wife I would keep my thoughts to myself around our kids, and I quit working on the newsletter myself and two friends had been putting out locally for five years. It was not until the last five years that my sons both found out for themselves that I was telling them the truth about that day and it's aftermath from the very beginning.

So they lied and misdirected our attention from the very beginning about the reason for that days events and who was responsible for them. Oh yeah they mentioned the real truth, but only in the aftermath, and I cannot recall anyone from the whore media reporting in depth about the real truth about that day. The real reason for the events of that day, is much more simple then the convoluted 'official story' they tried to pass off as the truth to the public. Now I will tell you the simple truth about that day. It was done to cover up financial crimes that the psychopaths had been pulling off for almost 20 years which included but not limited to the S&L crisis, and the takedown of the former Soviet Union via a rogue covert economic war by a small group headed by old man Bush.

Don't believe me? I am hardly the first to come to this conclusion. Check out David Gyatt's work on something called Project Hammer either here at my blog, or search his name. I just found out while checking my spelling on his name that David passed on in 2012 at the age of 49. Given his background and the type things he reported on, I have no proof on his young demise, but I am going to look deeper after I post this because to be honest I am having thoughts of Piper and McGowan and their demise at such an early age also, and I am the type of person who never takes what I am told by another person about death and money, without looking into it for myself.

So I cannot stress enough the importance of thinking about what I am saying to you. Just like then, the media is keeping us in the dark about the real agenda, which is no more material money, just digits on a computer only God knows where. Telling you, all these endless wars are and have been part of the cover up of that days events. Look how many people these psychopaths have killed in the last 20 years all over the world to prevent the real truth of their crimes being brought to light. All they have done is add mass murderers to their resume. We are still in that crisis, because the majority has not listened nor searched out the truth for themselves about that day. Now we are in the middle of another crisis, that none of us had any part in it springing on the world. We are once again left only to react.

They have lied to us about everything in this Op. from whatever 'covid' really is, to where it originated, all of it nothing but misdirection to keep our eyes off the real prize. They doubled down on us with their outright lies on the so called vaccines, so they added another layer of confusion to basically keep us busy with the first two cards, while they work behind the scenes to accomplish the real goal of this Op, which started even before Trump got elected( at least they said we elected him) and at this time I am still not convinced he can be trusted. I have absolutely no faith in any of these people making the fancy video's claiming they have the scoop on what's going on, and that goes double for the poser reporting out of Japan trying to pass himself off as one of us. Not buying it, and I can not understand how anyone can continue to buy into these infiltrators of the alternative media.

So there it is, this is already much longer then I intended so I am cutting it here. I was moved to write about the media tonight, because I had been exchanging e-mails with a very good online friend over a certain situation he had possibly to handle in the near future and we bounced possible outcomes through a series of e-mails and in the last, he included a picture of his buddy, his dog, a big dog, which caused me to tell him a very long story from my past that involved yes a very big dog that wanted to eat me, and was stopping me from doing my job to 100 percent. After I was done, I realized that I had let memories out long suppressed about my own experience with the media and their lies.

I was lead to write this after I had a thought out of the blue about the company I highlighted in the two links.I had an idea what I was going to find, and without much looking I found what I thought I would. Will I follow up? Can not say for sure, like I said I am not impressed with my writing skills, nor do I like putting my personal thoughts out for all to see, that includes both sides of the fence. The more important side of the fence, I am leery of adding to the already noisy din we are confronted with daily in this age. The subhumans on the other side? I have no fear, but they are a story for another day.

Up until now I don't think I have said anything personally in my blog or on this forum about any aspect of this ongoing Op. but for months now I have been lead to think(mental wrestling) about changing the focus of my blog, and this here I guess is a feeler or a testing of the waters to see if I should go all in at this time, or continue the blog as is, or just quit it. I have suffered from a flaw in my personality for 43 years out of my 65, where I worried too much for others to the detriment of my own mental health. It has been a struggle to find balance within myself with this, and I have made great strides from my 20's,30's and 40's. Now in my 60's and having returned to the desert in June of 2017 that I have lived the majority of my life after 12 years in California. I would be lying if I said it was the same desert we left in 2005. Other then the media and politicians, things are in constant flux and that includes what I started to sense as soon as we arrived and each year this sense has grown deeper and it is starting to feel like I felt when I was erecting commercial buildings as a carpenter back in the 80's and part of the 90's. I had this ability to look at a set of blueprints, study them, and then see the building in my minds eye finished before we ever set foot on the site.

Anyhow my days as a carpenter and my ability to erect buildings in a manner that I have never seen reproduced, is a story for another time, I only related to it, to explain sort of what I am sensing, and what appears to becoming sharper and more in focus each passing day. I just ask you to consider what I have said, and to really look back at these past 18 months and study for yourself what has transpired.Remember this is only my opinion, but in my heart of hearts I know for myself, I am over their real target. Good night all and take care of yourselves.


a link to my blog can be found in this forum easily enough, you will have to search the keywords for project hammer,google with this last format change has made it a whole lot harder for even the owner of the blog to find find files from past years from the clipboard. Actually they have made it a pain in the ass and most likely was their intent to begin with, given their dark status.


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Articles In This Thread

What I Think this Current Mess is Really about (OPINION)
oldmaninthedesert -- Monday, 19-Jul-2021 18:51:04
Link to blog entry: What I Think this Current Mess is Really about (OPINION)
hobie -- Monday, 19-Jul-2021 22:49:19
Handful of Readers check in
oldmaninthedesert -- Tuesday, 20-Jul-2021 21:55:04
Re: Reader Irene Opines:
oldmaninthedesert -- Tuesday, 20-Jul-2021 21:55:04

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