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Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 7-Jul-2021 10:21:11

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie,
As always thank you for your most excellent service to We the People. Good works and honest actions always build up in the account. I believe we are very close to being able to see the bank.

Once again we Beneficiaries speak truth, facts and law to power. The below Monograph was sent to President Trump at 5:23 pm, pacific, 7/6/2021.

We advise all RMN readers that the internet is forever. Our Monographs are public record. Public records are owned by the People because We created our governments and thus we own what we create.

The website of President Trump issues an open invitation to dialogue with your President. In our world that’s a big deal.
Matters not that the dialogues are one way. That’s because We the People are the Master speaking the highest public servant as partner in our American adventure in self executed Liberty.

Please take the time to talk to your President. Mr. Trump has one of the loneliest positions in the world.

I could not imagine the torture it is to be surrounded all the time with systemites of which there are very few who are competent to understand the People’s Jurisdiction.

- - -


Dear Mr. President, our President,
Governors Power to Settle 2ed Amendment Issues and Federal Hegemony.

Any Governor holds the power of the law of the People to close down the Hegemony of 2ed Amendment trespass by any legislature, state or federal, by any judge state or federal. The HOW TO is below.

We the People have nothing to lose and everything to gain by speaking truth, facts and law to power!

Mr. Trump, our President, in the last few days your Beneficiaries have presented to our Office of President, and the People’s Office of Governor for 27 states, the opportunity to exercise some Act Right, Do Right, Get Right with the People, by simply applying the People’s law, the principles of the contract every public servant promises to serve and services each gets paid to provide to the People.

This Beneficiaries Monograph functions as official public record ratifying Letters of Advice, Letters of Wishes and Beneficiaries Reports issued from the People’s Original Jurisdiction, our Constitutions, to alleged public servants. We use the term ‘alleged’ in correct context. No public servant can claim honest service to the People when they refuse to simply and directly apply the law of the People, our Declaration of Rights in our states constitution, and the States United master controller over the federal government, the People’s first national law, the Bill of Rights.

Being that all federal courts currently operating are creatures of statute, each is required to recognize and execute statutes as written. No federal court, in particular of the currently operating Supreme Court of the United States, has ever been authorized by the legislature of the United States, to apply discretion as to whether to execute statutes as written when demanded to do so by a litigant.

Being that twenty two state governments are now involved, by invitation of the Supreme Court, in the adjudication of Second Amendment rights under the law guaranteed to the People, the resolution to the issues is available through current statutes.

In short, simple direct application of the statute, found by reference to the statutes, the United States Code Title 28, Section 2201 provides the tool. DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT. When properly demanded by the States United the law applies legalized force to the Supreme Court justices individually and collectively to construct public record judgement testifying to fidelity or insurrection, rebellion and sedition.

The inquiring minds of the American People want and need to know.

28 USC § 2201.
(a) In a case of actual controversy within its jurisdiction, ……… , any court of the United States, upon the filing of an appropriate pleading, may declare the rights and other legal relations of any interested party seeking such declaration, whether or not further relief is or could be sought. Any such declaration shall have the force and effect of a final judgment or decree and shall be reviewable as such.

Notes of Advisory Committee on Rules—1937, FRCVP Rule 57 Notes, Congressional intent.
The fact that a declaratory judgment may be granted “whether or not further relief is or could be prayed” indicates that declaratory relief is alternative or cumulative and not exclusive or extraordinary. A declaratory judgment is appropriate when it will “terminate the controversy” giving rise to the proceeding. Inasmuch as it often involves only an issue of law on undisputed or relatively undisputed facts, it operates frequently as a summary proceeding, justifying docketing the case for early hearing as on a motion, ………
The “controversy” must necessarily be “of a justiciable nature, thus excluding an advisory decree upon a hypothetical state of facts.” ……
The existence or nonexistence of any right, duty, power, liability, privilege, disability, or immunity or of any fact upon which such legal relations depend, or of a status, may be declared. The petitioner must have a practical interest in the declaration sought and all parties having an interest therein or adversely affected must be made parties or be cited. A declaration may not be rendered if a special statutory proceeding has been provided for the adjudication of some special type of case, but general ordinary or extraordinary legal remedies, whether regulated by statute or not, are not deemed special statutory proceedings.
When declaratory relief will not be effective in settling the controversy, the court may decline to grant it. But the fact that another remedy would be equally effective affords no ground for declining declaratory relief. The demand for relief shall state with precision the declaratory judgment desired, to which may be joined a demand for coercive relief, cumulatively or in the alternative; but when coercive relief only is sought but is deemed ungrantable or inappropriate, the court may sua sponte, if it serves a useful purpose, grant instead a declaration of rights. ……
Written instruments, including ordinances and statutes, may be construed before or after breach at the petition of a properly interested party, process being served on the private parties or public officials interested. In other respects the Uniform Declaratory Judgment Act affords a guide to the scope and function of the Federal act. ( Emphasis added)

The Declaratory Judgment is a big, forward step in administrative justice. Its benefits will not be confined to any class or portion of society. Every citizen of the State will enjoy and profit by its good offices. Accordingly, the effort to enact it as a part of the jurisprudence of a state can involve no conflict of political parties, no division of industrial interests, and no clash of social forces. NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMMISSIONERS ON UNIFORMED STATE LAWS, 1922.

Please oh please let the attorneys and judges and justices and legal scholars and legal pundits argue declaring the law and the Rights of the People to access them and receive the guaranteed protection from that application, invalid. Then We the People will be provided with self confessed judgement of honor or dishonor by public servants.

Mr. President, the People’s Original Jurisdiction, that which is above and controlling all functions of legitimate properly operating governments, is open and available for application now, no matter what any one says or does. If not, then the People are living in an illusion created and sold by SLAVE MASTERS.

The inquiring minds of the People want and need to know WHY our current public servants or alleged public servants run away from the People’s laws and always return to applying the failed politics, policies and procedures that have allowed and caused the current confusions ripping our country apart?

Mr. President, yesterday your Beneficiaries presented a delivery mechanism to draw together honest public servants and deliver on promises to the People. The use of current communications technologies to communicate directly with the People for delivery of action in the form of substantive application of the principles, facts, law and procedures that once made our country great is going to waste. WHY?

Mr. President, your Beneficiaries Wish our Trustee to contact the twenty two Governors involved at the Supreme Court Second Amendment issue. First please share this Beneficiaries Monograph. Then ask the important questions.

Is there a good reason all of the twenty two States failed to clarify that the law of the Second Amendment is subject matter to which the United States could never apply its limited powers?

Are any of the States leadership interested in challenging the Supreme Court as Beneficiaries lay out? If not, why not?

If twenty two States and their Governors and Attorney Generals are arguing in a United States Court over subject matter, the Second Amendment, over which no government state or federal can identify jurisdiction granted by the People, are they competent to be public servants? What are they selling and for who’s benefit?

Mr. Trump, Beneficiaries recognized recently that we have the most secure calling or job descriptions in the history of government, ever. We will never run out of work because the likelihood of current political, legal and commercial leaders and operating X-Perts, actually following the law and being honest in their dealings with the American People is so infinitesimal.

  1. The Court is to declare whether the Bill of Rights as Amending the Constitution for the United States of America, is part of the supreme law of the land, in full force and effect in every venue of the States United and covering every federal territorial jurisdiction.
  2. The Court is to declare whether the United States Congress holds legislative authorities to regulate in any manner whatsoever the Bill of Rights, by fully identifying the Article I section VIII power granting such authority.
  3. The Court is to declare whether every public servant, Supreme Court justices in particular, or any American receiving a pay check for performing a legitimate authorized government service or function, is absolutely required to recognize, honor and execute by full application the terms and conditions of the Bill of Rights as written, the employment contract terms, promised fidelity to the Bill of Rights, before assuming public servants position.
  4. The Court is to declare whether the United States government is assigned by Constitution or holds police powers of any kind whatsoever capable of regulating, in any manner the Bill of Rights, particularly the Second Amendment.
  5. The Court is to declare whether any public servant, state or federal, in any office or position, under any circumstance whatsoever, is identified by any State or the States United Constitution, discretion, to deny either recognition or proper application and execution of the Bill of Rights as written when demanded by any American Citizen.
  6. The Court is to declare by what authority any government, state or federal, regulates in any manner whatsoever the guaranteed right to be protected from all police powers encroaching on the People while keeping and bare it Arms.
  7. The Court is to declare the law or theory of law that recognizes or grants the legalized force of courts or police powers held by either the State governments or the strictly limited United States government, to be applied for the benefit of guests, legally or illegally, present within the territorial jurisdictions of the People’s governments, that impair the Constitutional Rights and benefits of the Republic form of government due and owed to the People by every public servant.

Mr. President, the People’s Original Jurisdiction, that which is above and controlling all functions of legitimate properly operating governments, is open and available for application now, no matter what any one says or does. If not, then the People are living in an illusion created and sold by SLAVE MASTERS.

The inquiring minds of the People want and need to know WHY our current public servants or alleged public servants run away from the People’s laws and always return to applying the failed politics, policies and procedures that have allowed and caused the current confusions ripping our country apart?

Mr. President, yesterday your Beneficiaries presented a delivery mechanism to draw together honest public servants and deliver on promises to the People. The use of current communications technologies to communicate directly with the People for delivery of action in the form of substantive application of the principles, facts, law and procedures that once made our country great is going to waste. WHY?

Mr. President, your Beneficiaries Wish our Trustee to contact the twenty two Governors involved at the Supreme Court Second Amendment issue. First please share this Beneficiaries Monograph. Then ask the important questions.

Is there a good reason all of the twenty two States failed to clarify that the law of the Second Amendment is subject matter to which the United States could never apply its limited powers?

Are any of the States leadership interested in challenging the Supreme Court as Beneficiaries lay out? If not, why not?

If twenty two States and their Governors and Attorney Generals are arguing in a United States Court over subject matter, the Second Amendment, over which no government state or federal can identify jurisdiction granted by the People, are they competent to be public servants? What are they selling and for who’s benefit?

Mr. Trump, Beneficiaries recognized recently that we have the most secure calling or job descriptions in the history of government, ever. We will never run out of work because the likelihood of current political, legal and commercial leaders and operating X-Perts, actually following the law and being honest in their dealings with the American People is so infinitesimal.


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