Here is a message I received yesterday, Friday, afternoon. It integrates some things many of us already know, but perhaps with a few new twists:
Alert now! All that has been going on in the ‘geopolitical background’ will now start to be revealed to the public. The ‘ten days of darkness’ is soon at an end. There will be much drama, and many of the population – those who are largely unaware of what is really happening – will be deeply shocked by emerging news and events. It will take a little time for these many people to integrate most of this new and positive information, as they are invested – often deeply – in the optics of what has been falsely promoted in the media for so long.
The impending wave of good news – even though traumatizing to many – will herald a massive change in the fortunes of humanity. Although this will start in the USA, which has been the centre of covert actions to secure this great revision of the systems and institutions by which we live and are governed, this will quickly spread. In truth, the reach of the actions to shortly be revealed is global.
Many governments will fall. The growing nationalist – populist movements around the planet will now gain real and practical traction, and take control of heavily revised government structures. Those institutions and political / religious structures that are the long-running system of controlling humanity will collapse or be taken apart – but it will be a struggle!
Many people who have deep religious beliefs and commitments will find those beliefs morphing ‘back’ to the original inspired teaching on which religions were formed, teachings that have since been suppressed or perverted to serve the control system. This morphing will bring forward a significantly higher spiritual content than currently present in practices and dogmas of most conventional religions.
Governments will become far leaner, and tasked to truly serve the people – always spoken of, but rarely followed through in practice.
An era of creativity will emerge, a modern renaissance benefitting many aspects of our lives.
The many ‘for profit’ corporations, formed around the globe to control and steal vast sums of money from Nations, states and almost all governmental services, constitutes a vast theft network to the benefit of the banksters, the Vatican, the British Crown and the small cadre of global elites. Systems of all-pervasive taxation have fed these control structures. It is reported that 34.5 quadrillion US dollars of value in gold, currency and artifacts was recently confiscated from the Vatican. These and other massive hidden resources are the main reason why most nations are hopelessly bankrupt, for their resources have been systematically plundered on an almost unbelievable scale. Usury has been a principal tool in further leveraging this theft system. The many ‘for profit’ corporations that are the operating structure for this global theft system will be systematically taken down.
The central banks of almost all nations are private organizations owned and operated by syndicates of banksters. It was once said by a famous bankster ‘Give me control of a nation’s money, and I care not who makes the law’. This has been applied to the fullest extend, and has allowed the elite to manipulate everything they set their focus on, controlling and profiting from their nefarious deeds without ever being held to account.
That is why a tiny percentage, a small fraction of 1%, of the population now own around half the planet’s money and resources: it is the result of systematic, long term grand theft. Logically, trade and other transactions between nations should show some kind of balance, viewed globally. But not when the long running theft structure is factored in. As a result, many nations have been technically bankrupt for a good while.
Central banks will either be closed or nationalized, and nations will once again issue their own money. Advanced computer systems will track all major transactions, providing the potential to eliminate vast tracts of institutionalised fraud on ‘we, the people’. The illusion is one of political parties serving the people within a claimed democracy, while all the while they are following the same long-term elite agenda. Political representation will now evolve to become genuine. The trend will be to nominate candidates on merit, and against specific criteria to ensure that each has the skills required to fulfill their duties in representing the people. Life long careers at the senior level of politics – often with the ability to leverage that position of ‘trust’ into much illegal money-making – will no longer be allowed.
With best wishes,
Xavier Hermes