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Loyal Long Time Reader Sends Sad News
Posted By: oldmaninthedesert Date: Friday, 29-Jan-2021 23:40:22
I would ask that everyone who goes to the site, signs the petition against mandatory vaccines. This story hits my friend and reader hard, because he knows what it is like to lose someone(really a part of him) to these shots all in the name of damn greed.Minus his address, the content of the e-mail
This nurse's shot was mandatory for her employment.
I know what this "vaccine" does and we will see this type of death/reaction in many of those who will take it with risk increasing with age of subject.
Not only will this shot make you ill, it may easily kill you if you get a cold, flu or anything that promotes an IMMUNE RESPONSE in your body.
So Sad and so scary.
*There is a petition in the article against MANDATORY VACCINATION with over 900,000 signatures already.
They need 1 million.
I added my name.
Be well,
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- Loyal Long Time Reader Sends Sad News
oldmaninthedesert -- Friday, 29-Jan-2021 23:40:22
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