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And what of the Russian angle ??? (And other things) (LANGUAGE WARNING)

Posted By: Journey
Date: Thursday, 13-Aug-2020 17:14:53

In Response To: FREAKING FINALLY a sane mind in the mix ...get rid of the rest ! *NM* (Journey)

We have have learned that the Russians have beat all the rest to get a vaccine to market. I have heard some conflicting data as to just WHAT it may be ... a REAL vaccine that's safe via the old school way of making them (which is the best) or just a placebo which would still do the trick to get this whole BS scenario over with once and for all.
If it's just a placebo ... then it would PROVE that the lethality of CoVid-19 is just what it is ... a freakin hoax.
If it's an actual vaccine then the big pharma should be out of a shit load of trillions of bucks. Either way they are out of a shit load of trillions of bucks.
This really could be a big game changer. Wasn't it said in some prophecies that Russia would be the savior of the world ? in a sense ... oooooh ! Russia bad !
GOD forbid they actually have a soul and heart, those dirty RUSSIANS ... I think I would know ... I'm one of them genetically and I have a great heart and soul. I want to see humanity SUCCEED and go on to greater and great things.
I didn't know this but Alex Jones has stated things I thought he never would say about the future of humans. Only found out by watching everyday for the last 4 years ... it was an appearance on Joe Rogan podcast and what he said there ... he was sounding like some woo woo spiritual guru talking woo woo ... and poor Joe finally asked ... where are you getting this stuff from ?

And his answer ... from the woo woo sphere ... GOD ... intuition ... GUT ... Internet from others saying the same shit ...
It kinda blew my balloon up hearing that from a blowhard like Alex Jones and it took a guy like Joe Rogan to pull it out of him. Alex is more aligned with Christ and GOD ... Christianity not the woo woo crap of the internet crowd spouting all this 5d, 6d ascension BS.
He was the LAST person I thought would speak of this especially in public ... and yet he was on Joe Rogan talking of this sort of thing.
I believe ... this was the 1st podcast Joe did with Alex ... they drank whiskey together and even smoked some weed together and I know Alex is NOT a big fan of weed. I used to be ... but something has changed ... I can't tolerate it anymore ... it's far too powerful these days.

In my early days of dabbling in mind altering substances ... weed was like a mini acid trip ... laughing, giddy, just a wonderful time ... now it's anxiety, panic, terribly uncomfortable. As far as psychedelics go ... stay with the naturals ... peyote cactus ...mushrooms ... etc ... stay away fro synthetics or semi-synthetics like LSD.
Was interesting someone said about DMT from a caller to Alex Jones said ... when Terrence McKinna came down to the Amazon with his powdered DMT, the Shamans said noo noo noo ... cannot do it that way.
The way they did it was far more natural Ayawaska ... somehow mixing it the way they did with naturals did away with the spiritual imperfections ie. demonic aspect ... take it from me ... I did the the dmt smoke (powder/extract) and had quit a very bad traumatic experience. Granted I was somehow cleansed for a short time ... for instance I didn't have a craving for a cigarette for 3 or 4 hrs and I could breath properly for the 1st time in 20 yrs. After my 1st DMT experience, I felt like a new man but it only lasted for a few hours.
The problem with the natural way of doing DMT is that you are seriously fucked up for about 24 to 48 hrs and for the 10 to 15 minutes I was screwed up on it ... no way no how I would do a 24 hr trip on it. UNLESS the MAO inhibitor used in the natural way has a beneficial effect. Only way ingesting DMT works is with that MAO inhibitor. You can eat all the extract you want and you won't get high ... the natural way uses a MAO inhibitor to allow the DMT to have effect BUT be ready for 24 to 48 hrs of a hell of of a trip outside of your NORMAL reality.
I have also done what is called DATURA ... be very very careful with this stuff. It's called the devils juice in the Carribean.

When venturing out to the psychedelic hinterlands you HAVE to be READY ... as a kid I was ready for anything ... now as an adult there are hazards. As a child ... you have no preconceptions as to what you may encounter and are more prepared to deal with it ... as an adult you have too many preconceptions to deal with and may or may not encounter problems ... it depends on how much experience you have had in these realms and how you deal with any problem you encounter. Fear is the biggest issue !
I can do what most call out of body experience ... my biggest problem with it is FEAR.
In the earliest OBE's I had almost zero fear ... was like an acid or mushroom trip. When I got older and had them it was full of fear for some bizarre reason. Loud bangs like a shot gun blast going off when I left my body apparently ... scared the crap outta me. Very typical effect of going out of body ... and it would very often stop the whole thing in it's tracks ... OBE over right then and there and then that's where the fear factor comes in ... especially as an adult. When I was a kid it probably wouldn't have phased me. That's probably why my best OBE's happened when I was younger ... no fear !

Really wish I could re-master my OBE abilities. One problem I had with them is this ... I felt like I was moving in slow motion like I was moving through a very thick liquid. Not sure what that is all about ... me thinks it's a thing where you don't quite get all out. You are still somehow attached to physical body and that slows ya down ... a lot.
OBE's are a lot of fun when you can get free so as to move about freely. The best one I can vividly remember was incredible ... all colors were vibrant to unbelievable extent. I floated through the roof of a house and saw what I would describe as THE SHIRE out of the Hobbit or something of that sort ... it was beautiful beyond description !

Enough babble 4 now


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Reader, links: "Trump JUST Changed The Entire COVID Game With a Single Appointment & Fauci Makes HUGE Admission!"
hobie -- Sunday, 16-Aug-2020 23:36:51
FREAKING FINALLY a sane mind in the mix ...get rid of the rest ! *NM*
Journey -- Thursday, 13-Aug-2020 17:05:49
And what of the Russian angle ??? (And other things) (LANGUAGE WARNING)
Journey -- Thursday, 13-Aug-2020 17:14:53

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