Vincent Foster, W.H. Deputy Counsel Preparing Waco Holocaust Report When Murdered
The Clintons are of the worst things that have happened to the U.S.A..
Calling your attention to this information which is said to be corrorborated by veteran British journalist, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in his book, The Secret Life of Bill Clinton.
Pritchard wrote:
The Branch Davidian siege was clearly on Foster's mind. He was "drafting a letter involving Waco" on the day of his death, surely a point of some significance. He kept a Waco file in the locked cabinet that was off limits to everybody, including his secretary. His widow mentions Waco twice in her statement to the FBI. Toward the end of his life, Foster had no sense of joy or elation at work. The Branch Davidian incident near Waco, Tex., was also causing him a great deal of stress. Lisa Foster believes that he was horrified when the Branch Davidian complex burned. Foster believed that everything was his fault.
The Clintons are violators of The Posse Comitatus Act, but are also guilty of GENOCIDE resulting from that holocaust. To show how corrupt the DEMORAT party is - Hillary Clinton is now running for U.S. President as lamebrained so-call U.S. feckless law enforcement stand idly by, shooting more financial crime suspects in the back multiple times.
And that's the best they can do? Shove the original crims at us and continue shooting us?
So some say it was special U.S. troops that did the Waco murder. Well, if U.S. troops who are supposed to obey the Posse Comitatus Act can do this what do you think the foreign troops will do.....besides laugh as they open fire?
Military Unit Responsible at Waco
As follow up to:
: Foreign Troops & Cops on U.S. Soil is TREASON - Here's Why
: They Want Such Drills w/ Foreigners
: As I stated at: 'This general is already brainwashed - WE
: "This general discusses wanting to be able to work with
: foreign police, etc., but is already brainwashed. It's just
: this kind of brainwashing which has stemmed from 'the
: creep' of gradualism.
: Why do you think they should need foreign combat troops on
: U.S. soil if not to further enforce the bankster and
: do-nothing Congress robbery of 'We, The Forgotten People'.
: I have stopped listening to military persons. This country is
: gone. It's full of lamebrains who want to keep a job by
: further getting the population down, in full violation of
: The Posse Comitatus, etc.. These so-called officers are
: losers. The only path to U.S. sovereignty is kicking all
: the U.N. jacka$$e$ and all the foreign cops and troops out
: of here, including all the dual Israeli-American so-called
: citizens. But, that would require an honest money system
: which the general doesn't seem to be concerned about.
: Most of us don't wish to see anarchy, but if you say law and
: order AT ANY COSTS, I should not agree with you. In that
: case you could be signing away what's left of your freedom
: and life."
: LISTEN UP! In the event U.S. Troops, under The Posse Comitatus
: Act, are not lawfully to be commanded to shoot & kill
: Americans they have an alternative response for those they
: can label troublemakers. They have foreigners like O.S.G.,
: Operational Support Group, who were reportedly called in to
: murder and incinerate The Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas
: in the infamous Waco Holocaust. O.S.G. might have been out
: of Belgium, etc., but were foreign troops.
: believing these foreigners are here to keep you and yours
: safe you have lost the mental efffort to understand what is
: what.
: If foreign troops and officers are not bound by Posse
: Comitatus Law(s) then they can indeed shoot and/or kill
: Americans. Those who think they are on the inside and
: "why they wouldn't do that to me or my group" may
: be in for a big surprise one day if they allow their fellow
: Americans to be slaughtered by these foreign thugs.
: A lot of this stuff began when George H. W. Bush back in the
: late eighties and/or early nineties in response to
: reporters asking about U.S. safety when sending so many
: U.S. Troops abroad said something like, "We have
: foreign assets for that", etc., indicating foreign
: combat troops on U.S. soil. The struggle for freedom is
: already lost if you cannot even have your own country
: overrun by foreign jackbooted combat thugs. This phenomenon
: has been ongoing for some time and the lamebrain,
: do-nothing, feeble, bought-off Congress has let it roll on.
: So now we've seen, after the admission that these foreign
: troops were here, The Waco Holocaust, The 911 WTC &
: Pentagon Attacks and more. Every day that these foreign
: troops are not escorted out of here is another step you
: take closer to your last walk or ride. The last they heard
: from one elderly man was a cell phone call to 911 from
: where he was out jogging as he screamed something about
: "they have dogs, big dogs....", and later they
: found him dead, of course. I think that one was Southern
: California.
: If the red-blue war games with Canada and whichever other
: countries participated turned into that mega-disaster it is
: proof that so-called 'drills' may be intended for
: destructive purposes...and how!
: In short - just to make it real simple to understand, if it
: isn't legal for U.S. troops to take up arms against and
: engage The American People, then the foreigners who are not
: bound by those laws may, indeed, do the dirty work. Are you
: sure you want armed combat units and foreign armed cops in
: your neighborhood when they are not necessarily bound by
: U.S. laws? You're not afraid of U.S. Troops, but these
: foreigners who killed more than 80 women, men, and children
: at Waco are okay?
: Folks, don't let them sell you that lovely "beachfront
: property in Arizona". It's like trying to sell you The
: Golden Gate Bridge.
: Infoeditor
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