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Reader now sends: 'Under the rules of heaven: “Checkmate” for the slavery system of Austria!'

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 7-Oct-2014 17:31:09

In Response To: (repost) Reader's personal story: "Nazi-Style kangaroo courts in Austria" (long) (hobie)

(Thanks, F. :)

Reader Franz now writes:


Dear Hobie!

I attach the chronology of crimes leading up to the checkmate written in German to this mail. All affiliated documents are available for you on request. Please put it out as a contribution for liberating humanity.

With much love and appreciation for all you do from Austria



Under the rules of heaven: “Checkmate” for the slavery system of Austria!

By Franz Mayer

"No man survives when freedom fails The best men rot in filthy jails And those who cry 'appease, appease' Are hanged by those they tried to please." Hiram Mann

Relating to my article: “Nazi-Style kangaroo courts in Austria” I have worked out and compiled the sequence of events. Beginning with my refusal to sign an abandonment of all my endowed rights as a civil servant and all my financial claims towards the newly established corporation, ÖBB-DLG, to which we were transferred against our will from our former employer the Republic of Austria. As a consequence my retirement was rejected and that was the critical mass for me to change my behaviour into practicing civil disobedience.

Contrary to my previously attested and certificated physical and mental fitness, they retired me due to illness. Civil disobedience equals illness, according to the management of the slavery system. I knew exactly what kind of strategy they were up to, protracting my definitive retirement for over a year in order to enable them, according to their reformed laws, I call it their policy of tyranny, to coerce me to a repeated psychological fitness check.

A year went by and as it turned out my guess was downright correct, requesting a repeated psychological test. As I stated knowing what they are intending I rejected their invitation. To make a long story short they withdrew my pension in an illegal manner, exposed me with my family nine month without paying me anything but at the same time carried on granting them social security taxes. My wife began threatening me to abandon the family if I did not accept the verbally offered deal to agree to an appointment with their psychiatrist, get the nine month retained pension and a definitive retirement. In the absence of choice I accepted their feigned examination unwillingly as a possibility back to a normal life.

What followed was everything else but normal, my wife left home and the troubles went on! Ready to destroy my life she contacted our local lawyer and presented me a list of wishes according to his legal advice. Sign it or lose the whole lot! What a bunch of parasites, esteeming themselves as the masters of the universe in destroying everything to get rich at the expense of others. Just go on and try it but be careful making no fool out of you! You are too brainwashed to discern friend and foe!

The paradox of crises offered me an opportunity to demonstrate and prove what I tried to teach them unsuccessfully for many years. The whole system is nothing but an illusion of lies and deception. You are steadily programmed for a meaningless life in a world of darkness, full of fear and hate, crimes, terror and war, accepting a hierarchy of hypocrites and psychopaths as your masters and wanting you to be one of them instead of yourself. You are harvested from cradle to grave, bombarded with hardships and attacks from all sides if you dare to criticise their way of thinking and living. There is no justice or rule of law, you have no rights but the idiots don’t get it. They harm and exploit the weak and uneducated and at the same time deeming themselves worthy of respect and superiority. That is not what humans are meant to be, we are beings of light unique and creative with unlimited power if we create with love we can make everything possible. Do you know how it feels being yourself, fearless and free? Ask anybody what do you want to be? If you get a prompt reply: “To be what I am and whom I am!” and a gesture what a silly query, you found a rare species, a real human being, a danger for the establishment but a blessing for humanity. How many can you list? Do you find them in a position of power? Why not? Now you know, why the world is in such a mess, cold and emotionless, a world where children need an amuser and grownups a holiday entertainer to get a smile on their face.

I digress! Now back to my story and the paradox of crisis. I’m a real free spirit it is my way of thinking living and acting. I cannot be controlled not hinging from the system and that makes them crazy to such an extent that their wickedness of acting and proceeding by devious means gets transparent so I can prove and demonstrate it with irrefutable evidence even for the heavily brainwashed and in a state of spiritual coma living masses.

They took me to court without any kind of offence what proves that we are living under a police state. The explanatory of the judge who ordered to bring me before her was that she has to evaluate me because I denied her invitation. After that they fabricated a result of lies by a psychiatrist without my presence as the backbone for a decision and their follow-up of crimes. Now about a year of harassment later they have reached their targeted goal an attachment of earnings without any kind of contract or consent. And now say: “Crime does not pay!” This kind of legal system has nothing to do with law it is a gambling casino for Satanists, Liars and Criminals!

The smoking gun in this game for destroying the control system of the animal farm is the attest of the psychiatrist, in this case seventeen pages of lies. Till now I have not read it only skimmed for a statement which I could proof as unequivocal evidence as a lie. So I took the one out of it and a paragraph from one of my published articles to prove beyond doubt that she is an evil liar. A precious soulless tool of darkness used as expert for the slavery system to destroy dissenters. I do not know what excuses they wove for protecting their so called expert in order to continue with their storyline but I am sure I distracted them away from the smoking gun which is: That such an examination never ever took place. Checkmate!

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(repost) Reader's personal story: "Nazi-Style kangaroo courts in Austria" (long)

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(repost) Reader's personal story: "Nazi-Style kangaroo courts in Austria" (long)
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