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Druids, Aryans, Christians, & Serpents

Posted By: RobertS
Date: Wednesday, 28-Jan-2015 01:12:51

Christianity was formed from Mosaic/Talmudic Judaism, or Egyptian Atonism. Aton was the monotheist god of the pharoah Akhenaton. The Atonists of Egypt via pharoah Akhenaton, had cast out the panthiestic Amenists of Egypt (Egyptian Amon, Amen, Stellar Cult and other panthiest gods)), and formed a monotheistic Solar Cult named Aton. Akhhenaton became the sun-god king, and priest of Aton, reusing and renaming the symbols of the Amenist idols and dieties.

Before the Age of Catastrophe, Amenism had formed a confederation in Egypt with the Ara, (Ari, the Ariya), a caste of Druidic Elders who spoke the Hebrew language. The Hebrew were the Habiru, of Ariya-land. The Habiru of the "Land of the Arya" or "Aryans". The Eri, Eire, Erainn, and Erin of ancient Ireland. The Druid Elders and the Amenists of Egypt, were a Stellar Cult, worshipping, studying the sun, moon, the planets, and nature.

“The secret theosophy of Irish Druidism was central to the theology of the Theban Amenists, as well as to the sun priests of Lower Egypt.”

---Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1)

Judaism was Egyptian in origin. Most Jews were converts to Judaism. Moses wrote the Hebrew Torah and the first five boks of the Old Testament. Moses also given due regard as to have spread and transmitted to others the secret Oral Tradition, that had the particular influence for the Babylonian Talmud.

But Moses was Akhenaton, and so come the generations of altering and editing of this Old Testament, so as to hide away the chief dignitaries of the “Holy Family of Akhenaton”, and that their god was Aton. Akhenaton was “the one who was cast out of Egypt and unable to find a place to rest his head”.

Christianity was formed to replaced Talmudic Judaism, so that Talmudic Judaism could operate in secrecy.

“The trail of the past, of the descent through time of Akhenaton and his Cult, had to be concealed and Mosaic Judaism offered imperfect cover. It was a liability, since a close reading of the Judaic religion eventually exposes its Egyptian roots. Christ would be from a heavenly realm far above confines of the world. He would reject the Pharisees, and they would reject and condemn him. Christ would be accepted by the Gentile nations of the west and all would be well. A new Church for a new age, a new doctrine to be forced on the western world by holy emperors. No more Torah or Talmud, and barely a mention of Egypt. When the Pauline "Christ" apparently rejects the Old Testament, the way was opened for a breakaway religion with new converts and adherents.”

-----Michael Tsarion ( The Irish Origins of Civilazation, Vol 2)

The Baptism of Christ is a painting by the Italian Renaissance master Piero della Francesca, finished around 1448-1450

“The river, the tree, the dove and the Baptizer - ancient pagan symbols appropriated by Christianity. The name Asur (meaning "Osiris")comes from the Egyptian Asar meaning "sacred tree." Osiris' relationship with the Ash tree suggests a Druidic connection. The Ash was a prominent tree in Druidism. The Ash was connected with the element fire, and therefore with purification.

The original birthday of Jesus was positioned by the church's mythmongers in the month of July. This was to align the birth of Jesus (the sun) with the rising of the star Sirius. Eventually, however, the birthday was moved to December in order to occlude the connection between the Christian Jesus and the Egyptian Osiris.”

-----Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1)

The real meaning of the word Hebrew was to be obscured. The original Hebrew were Hibernians. Hibernia was the land of Ireland. The Hebrews or Hibaru were the wise ones or counsellors to the pharoahs. The early Egyptians knew them as the Shemsu Hor (Disciples of Horus). They were astronomers, astrologers and teachers. They were the Arya, the Druid Elders . The Shemsu Hor built the pyramids.

A Hebrew was a priest of the sun, from the word “Heber” which means “fire” or “sun”. The word Hebrew did not mean a race or nation. It meant to be the caste of Druidic Elders and to their gnosis. It also regarded to their sacred language and alphabet. A “Hebrew” was one having experience with the sacred knowledge, to be exact, the understanding of the stars and the zodiac and “who had stellar churches and centers of learning throughout the land”.

In obscuring the real meaning of the word Hebrew, it be noted that the word Hibaru be similar to the word Hapiru, which referred to thieves, wanderers, or shepherds. Egypt was where people came during times of famine in order to survive.

The Ibaru (or Ibri, Abri, or Abari) turn up in Egypt as the "Wise Ones" or "Elders." The letter "H," added as a prefix, simply meant "the," and so the word Hebrew meant "the Ebru" or "the Ibaru." This is the origin of the word Iberia that signified Spain, and Hibernia that signified Ireland. The word rabbi is a rendition or variant of this ancient name Abari or Ibaru. The Ibaru were Druidic Elders who had traveled to Egypt in remote periods bringing solar worship there. They were probably akin to the Shemsu Hor, the Disciples or Companions of Horus, the fair-complexioned technically endowed race whose remains were found in Nubia by eminent archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery. This word Ibaru had a similarity to Apiru (Egyptian Apir) that meant "wanderer," "undesirable" "shepherd," or "foreigner." This unfortunate similarity of etymology has caused great confusion but has favored the machinations of those who crave to obscure the truth of the Ibaru's Western ancestry. The vast majority of Jews in the world (approximately 80 percent) have no ethnic or racial ties to the holy land of old. The Ashkenaz Jews originated from a race in Southern Russia known as the Khazars. The Khazars lived near the Caspian Sea and were of Turko-Mongolic racial stock. They had close ties with the Hungarian Magyars and Bulgarian Bulgars. They were more akin to the Huns and Tartars than to the "Hebrews" of Judea. These ferocious pagan Khazars converted en masse to Judaism during the 7th century. We understand that any human being can convert to any religion that suits them. This was the case with the Khazarian king of the time. He became Jewish after religious conversion. As centuries pass, the descendants of the converts naturally believed themselves related to the old world "Israelites." They are quite willing to accept the official reports concerning the nature of these people they falsely consider ancestors. It does not occur to them to question it, or to discover that the Israelites were actually pharaohs. They conceive of themselves as "Jewish" with little idea what a Jew was.

--(Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol I CH 14)

The Hyksos were an element group of the Hapiru. The Hyksos were the Scythians who had to flee the British Isle area, in/after the Age of Catastrophe, to northern & eastern Europe, then toward Syria, Palestine and India. They gathered around of the eastern Europe and central Asia, forming the land called Scythia, that also contained the Khazar mongols from the east Asia. . Even though the Scythian of the later times were at first affiliated with the Megalithic Arya, some of them became spiritually & morally corrupted in consciousness because of their ordeal to survive after the Age of Catastrophe.

These Scythians migrated south, as wandering nomads. During a famine, these wandering nomads migrated to Egypt, which was at the time a 'breadbasket' of the land. They were known as the Hyksos. In time these Hyksos became a ruling dynasty of Egypt as the 'Shepherd Kings', of the Hyksos pharoahs.

The Hyksos began persecuting and casting out the panthiestic Amenists, killing their priests and priestesses, who were of a Stellar Cult, as astrologers studying the movement of the stars and as how it effect the energy pathways of the earth. The Hyksos pharoah Akhenaton formed a monotheistic Solar Cult, reusing some of the figuarative language and combination of words of the Stellar Cult of the panthiestic Amenists. Akhhenaton became the sun-god king reusing and renaming the symbols of the Amenist idols and dieties.

The Egyptian Amenists rebelled against this cruel and oppressive rule of Akhenaton, and forced him out twice.

When the Hyksos were ousted from Egypt the second time, along with the Atonists and their renegade pharoah Akhenaton/Moses, they returned to their ancestral land of Scythia, but the people living there distrusted these Scythian/Hyksos/Israelites/Atonists ousted from Egypt, so they migrated back to Ireland, by the way of Iberia/Spain, as the Milesians, in fact returning back to their ancestral homes.

The Scythian were also known in the east as the Messegetae.

The "Sages" of Europe, the Saca, Saka, or Scythians, were a highly advanced Gaelic or "Celtic" tribe that were once connected to the Western Arya. A group of them were, we believe, allies of the Hyksos Kings of Lower Egypt. After the fall of Akhenaton (1400 BC), the Scythian-Hyksos-Atonists made their way Westward to invade Spain and Ireland. These conquerors (known in Irish mythology as the Milesians), were responsible for the destruction of the Druids. One of their elite members was the Atonist Princess Meritaten. She was the daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti,and bore the nickname Scota. This name derives from Scuti or Scut, the name by which the Scythians were originally known. After the Milesian-Atonist invasion, Ireland was given the name Scota. Later, the Irish took their Princess's name to Scotland ("Land of Scota," or "Land of the Scots or Scythians"). The Scythian-Hyksos-Atonists were none other than the "Israelites" and "Judites" of the Old Testament.

...have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair - Herodotus (on the appearance of the Scythians)

Official history accepts that the Scythians (under the pseudonym "Sarmatians") were used as mercenaries by the Romans during their conquest of Britain. However, this is a half-truth. In fact, it was the Scythian/Sarmatians, or more correctly Atonists, who employed the Roman army as mercenaries. The Scythians had been a power in Eastern Europe and the Middle East long before the rise of Rome in 700 BC. The great patrician families of Rome were under the control of the secretive high-level Atonists from the beginning. Historians in their employ deliberately inverted the true story about the Roman-Scythian connection.

----Michael Tsarion (Appendix 1, Druidic Symbolism in Masonry and Judeo-Christianity)

It is surely pertinent that almost all traditions which refer to culture-heroes…describe them as white, tall, bearded, and invariably superior to the aboriginal peoples among whom they appeared — often suddenly — to impart laws, crafts and useful information

--- D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair (When the Earth Nearly Died)

The Mahabharata reports of the Indian hero, Arjuna, that during his visit to the mountain of Meru, the sun and moon daily passed around from left to right. Such an idea could never have originated in the tropical south, for only in the far north does the sun disc roll along the horizon. A prayer is also addressed to the Indian Adityas: May the long darkness not come over us, and it is complained of bright Agni that he had tarried too much in the long darkness, all of which can only be attributed to the long Hyperborean night .

- Alfred Rosenberg (Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930)

Before this 'exodus' the Jews were known as Hebrews. After their 'exodus' from Egypt, the Jews are known as Hebrews by the pagans, and the Jews referred to themselves as Israelites. But, as of today, the generic names of “Israelite” and “Hebrew” are of those people who spent time in Egypt, and were probably of the Hyksos.

The 'Israelites' were not lower class foreign people living miserable lives, but were wealthy and powerful conquerors of Egypt. They were the Hyksos/Atonists, the “Shepherd Kings”, a powerful pharaonic dynasty. The god of Moses/Akhenaton was Aton, god of light. The same god was worshipped by the 'Israelites' as Adon. Adon was Jehovah, made to be like a 'volcano-god', a god of consuming fire and thunder and lightning.

But Aton and Adon are the same deity, that is of Egypt, and their priest was Akhenaton, the “expelled eighteenth dynasty renegade pharaoh”.

That is, Jehovah was to Moses, as Aton was to Akhenaton.

The Hyksos used the title “Israelite”, which was altered greatly from Iesa-ite (or Esite), a composite of the terms Isis, Ra and El. Isis the goddess of the moon and the “archetypal Mother worshipped under various titles throughout the world”. Ra was Amun Ra of the Sun Cults. El was Bel or Baal, first part of the Irish-Druidic trinity, and archetypal father like the Hindu Brahma.

The term Israelite has its etymological origins in the term Iesa, the Druidic Christ. A high initiate of the Cult of Iesa was known as an "Iesa-ite" or, as it has come down to us, an "Israelite." The Israelites were worshippers of the sun, stars, and zodiac.

---Michael Tsarion(Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1)

The initiated, who had passed through all the inferior grades, and attained the highest rank of Autops, or eye-witnesses and ministers of the word, were called by the whole pagan world, Israelites, Jews, or Hebrews, did never designate a political or national body, but were the name, which, from an infinitely remote antiquity, designated the highest order of the initiated in those holy mysteries; and to whom, and to whom alone, were committed the oracles of God.

-------Rev. Robert Taylor (The Devils Pulpit)

Before the Age of Catastrophe, the Druidic Elders travelled about, they were the Magi who instructed the world's hierophants how to undo what had been done, and how to again set upright the pillar. They called themselves the Naddreds or Adders. It meant serpent like the Hindu “Naga”. The Druids were a Serpent Priesthood of the Stellar Cult. They were astrologers, and geomancers who were familiar with the precise and complex energy pathways of the earth.

There be no snakes in Ireland. but the importance of the serpent symbol to the Western Arya and Druids. The Pharaohs donned the Uraeus serpent coronet as a sign of mastery and enlightenment.

The Caduceus of Hermes represented the healing arts. The name “nahash” meaning serpent in Hebrew, also means "those who know". That Moses erected the symbol of the staff and serpent after the exodus, confirms that he was of Pharaonic bloodline, and that he was familiar with Druidic ways. That is to say, he and his Israelites, were Arya.

The Druids were related to the Fir Bolg, “men of the Trees”, who had fought a war with the Tuatha Dé Danann. The Tuatha Dé Danann and the Fir Bolg were of the same race, and they divided Ireland between them.

The meaning formerly given to Tuatha Dé Danann was "the men of science who were gods," danann being here connected with dán, "knowledge."

-----J. A. MacCulloch (The Religion of the Ancient Celts)

The Tuatha Dé Danann came from the north-west to Ireland after their homelands were devastated in the Age of Catastrophe. They came from the remnant Isles of Finias, Murias, Gorias and Falias of the super continent Appalachia, which had covered all of the north--including North American Arctic, northern Asia, Siberia, British Isle area, Greenland, and Scandinavia. Atlantis was a city-state that be situated around of the British Isle area. There be some wondering if the Tuatha Dé Danann came by sea or by air, as it is said they came in a 'cloud'. They were semi-divine beings. They are of the tribe or children of the goddess Danu, the Earth goddess. They are also called the 'elven' race, the Fairies, the Dragons, who after the defeat in the battle with the Milesians, transmuted their physical form, and became the mysterious Sidhe, the Fairie Race.

The not authentic connections between Danites and de Dannan,---- these connections are not able to be trusted, are but subtle fabrication. The word Dan, as used in the biblical scriptures, is to be a later adding of a piece of writing to aid in deception in words of the historians tampering with occidental history.

The Tuatha - G. W. Atkinson supposes, "must be the highly intellectual race that imported into Ireland our Oghams, round towers, architecture, metal work, and, above all, the exquisite art which has come down to us in our wonderful illuminated Irish
manuscripts." The polished Tuatha were certainly contrasted with the rude Celts. Arthur Clive declares that civilization came in with an earlier race than the Celts, and retired with their conquest by the latter

----James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions)

For all these peoples, whether Hyperboreans, Cimmerians, Cimbrian, or even Tuatha de Danann are represented as belonging to a race of mysterious origins which lives at the ends of the earth and was supposedly driven from its original home. In mythological terms they are all Tuatha de Danann...The Tuatha de Danann were the ancient inhabitants of Ireland who were forced to give way to the Gaels and to become the gods of Celtic imagination, the lords of the subterranean world. There is not doubt that the name Tuatha de Danann was given to the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Ireland and that it must have been they who built the megaliths. Their uncertain origins combined with their curious stone constructions give them a cloak of mystery...If the Celts drove out the megalithic peoples of Ireland, there is no reason why the same thing should not have happened on the continent, where much of the region occupied by the Celts still
bears traces of megalithic monuments.

----Jean Markale (The Celts)

...the Tuatha De Danann or Sidhe, the 'Gentry', the 'Good People', and the 'People of Peace' are described as a race of invisible divine beings eternally young and unfading. They inhabit fairy palaces, enjoy rare feasts and love-making, and have their own music and minstrelsy. They are essentially majestic in their nature...Mythologically they are gods of light and good, able to control natural phenomena so as to make harvests come forth abundantly or not at all.

----W. Y. Evans-Wentz (The Faerie Faith in Celtic Countries, 1911)

The Church Festivals themselves in our Christian Calendar are but the direct transfers from the Tuath de Danann ritual. Their very names in Irish are identically the same as those by which they were distinguished by that earlier race .

-----James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894)

It is worthy of remark that while of the towns and places of Britain, he has in general given but the new Roman names, those of Ireland still have on his map their old Celtic titles, the city of Hybernia still tells a tale of distant times.

-----Thomas Moore (speaking of the historian Ptolemy, in his History of Ireland)

Egyptian records reveal how Egypt was invaded by a strange seafaring people known as the Danue It is speculated that this group is the same as that mentioned by Homer, namely, the Danoi (or Danai or Danae). Homer's Danae were kindred to the Hellenes (called "Greeks" by the Romans). Homer mentioned the Danae, along with the Pelasgians, Achaeans, and Lacedaemonians, as ancestors of the Hellenes. Research into the Danaoi reveal them to be, like their cousins the Pelasgians, the erectors of intricate yet massive Megalithic Earthworks precisely the same as those found in Ireland. Coincidentally, the name Danae is common to Ireland. Indeed, it was the name of the supreme goddess of the Irish Druids, also revered as Ana or Anu. The name Hellene (son of Deucalion) has been debated and historians seem conspicuously vague concerning its origin. Clearly, it is of Scandinavian origins. The term Hel referred to the underworld of the Teutonic, Gothic, and Nordic (or Caucasian) peoples, and figured in mystical rites. Helen of Troy is really the Helene of the Dorians. The letters "T" and "D" were often interchanged and, therefore, the word Trojan could be rendered Droian, Drojan, or Drohan, etc. The Dorians are listed as ancestors of the Hellenes (or Greeks).

--------Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol I)

The term Messiah not a Jewish term, but an Egyptian pseudonym for the initiated man. To be specific, the term Messiah meant to be an adept and an astrologer. This be why the serpent becomes the symbol of the adept. It represented Draco in the northern sky. This cosmic serpent was a symbol for the female. The serpent was the Egyptian hieroglyph indicating woman. It also indicated wisdom.

Of course, it is interesting to find out how important the serpent symbol was to the Western Arya and Druids. This is particularly so, given that there are no snakes in Ireland. It is also significant because we see that the Egyptian priest-kings also showed inordinate reverence for the symbol. The Pharaohs donned the Uraeus serpent coronet as a sign of mastery and enlightenment. (The word Pharaoh comes from "pharos nous," meaning "enlightened or fiery mind.") It was, however, not physical snakes or reptiles that interested the adepts and caused them to adopt serpentine iconography. It was the stellar antetype that fascinated these astrologically-minded men. It was the giant constellation of Draco that caught their eyes and imagination. It was the protector of the heavens, of Eden, of paradise. It coiled around the pole and kept watch over the sacred apples or stars. It was the circumpolar dragon, the guardian of the imperishable Khus, or everlasting souls that traversed the many demanding trials of the afterlife to enter Amenta in a morally uncorrupted state.

-----Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol I)

The so-called “Brazen Serpent” was the standard of a sect known as Naassians. In ancient Hebrew, Nasi referred to a spiritual or religious leader. Moses was an Atonist who understood that the sun had passed from the house of Taurus into that of Aries. He wanted his people to honor that sidereal change. The stories of the erecting of the standard in the "Wilderness" and the conflict on Mount Sinai cryptically conceal astrological phenomena. (See Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs, by Ralph Ellis for more on this subject.)


The word Jew is, likewise, a Gaelic term. It did not refer to a racial group per se. It referred to any man or woman who rose up to study the great mysteries in order to attain spiritual perfection. It referred to those who shone like the sun, morally and spiritually, and to those who lived in harmony with nature. Its origin is the Gaelic Ibur, meaning "Yew Tree," or Iuh or Iudach (later Yudah or Judah) meaning "the "bright," or "the shining," or "the daylight." It referred to those awakened ones, the devotees of the stars. This is where we get the word "Judge". Thus, the original "Judites" were nothing less than the awakened ones who revered the twelve signs of the zodiac. They were the astrologers of Ireland and Egypt. The term Judah in the bible (the fourth son of Jacob whose name was adapted as Jew) was not a name at all, but a title. It has been the clever ploy of duplicitous historians to have us erroneously believe that titles (for an initiate, king, or vizier, etc,) were personal names.

This is the case with "Moses," "Joshua," "Jesus," "Aaron," and "John." Judah was the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, son of Abraham. Abraham's original name was Abram until, as chapter 17 of the Book of Genesis tells us, he was given his new title by the Lord. Sarah's original name was Sarai, and Jacob was renamed (re-titled) Israel. He probably received this title because, like his Levite family, he was very closely allied with the Cult of Aton. Being an initiate of the solar colleges he was eventually given a Druidic title to distinguish him as a "shining one”. As we have shown above, innumerable symbols, icons, and idioms used by "Jews" come from the Druidic archive.

The term "Jews" is never in the Bible applied to the Twelve Tribes or to the Ten-tribed House of Israel - (The Ensign Trust)

--(Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol I CH 14)

The Ari were in Egypt----

It is stated on a parchment found in a brick wall in the foundations of Denderah at the time of King Peopi: “The Great Pyramid was built by the followers of Horus”; the Stellear Cult people were the followers of Horus in the same sense as the Christians are the followers of Christ.......The Architect who drew the plans was Nu-er-nub-ari, “the Keeper of the Secrets”.

---Albert Churchward (The Origins and Evolution of Religion)

Horus (from Har, Hor, or Heru) - god of the sun, primarily associated with Southern Egypt and with the ancient city of Hierakonpolis ("City of the Hawk" or "Hawks"). In the earlier dynastic era he was referred to as "The Distant One”. The letter "H" was used as "the" and therefore Hari would really have been "The Ari". Horus was "He of the Ari".

--Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1

The Land of Seth before the deluge, is where Noah came from according to the ancient historians. The late British journalist, author and lecturer Comyns Beaumont believed the “Land of Seth” to be a reference to the Shetlands. He said, “Scotland, the Orkneys, and the Shetlands, were the original motherlands of civilization”. He said that they were a “remnant of the great pre-diluvian civilizations”.

The name Orkney (Gaelic Orcads) was, as Anna Wilkes pointed out in 1873, the original Accad erroneously believed to have been situated in Northern Mesopotamia. Orcads is also the origin of the Greek Arcadia. This word Arcadia, that contains the syllable Arc meaning "bear”, therefore, referred to the Northern stars and the Northern climes. Arcadia, or Akkadia, meant "the holy place”. These terms referred to the Orkney Islands of Scotland that housed astronomical Druidic cults so expert in the ordinances of the heavens. The oldest geological sites housed the oldest archives of human knowledge.

----Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1, CH 23, Comyns Beaumont)

Egyptian civilization was founded by the migrants seeking refuge from their wrecked lands after 10,000 BC. During their sojourn in the East, the dynasties of the Egyptians began, and the events we mention in Volume Two occurred. The “Jews”, "Judites", or "Yahuds", were not Semites, Asians, or Orientals, from the Eastern hemisphere. They were the Iuda or Juda, the Duwes, or Deus - the "Godly Men" - from Britain and Scandinavia.


Although the name Judea is a geographical term occurring in Assyrian period texts, referring to the highlands south of Jerusalem, in the Persian period the name is political. It is the name of the Persian province. The Assyrian's name for the southern highlands, Jaudaa, and the Persian's imperial name, Yehud, were no more reflective of a people than were any of the other names for regions of the empire. Moreover, the geographical spread of people referred to as Yehudim is so great that it would be rash to assume that this name refers to their place of origin. Nor should we continue to understand this term as ethnographic, without evidence .

--- Thomas L. Thompson (The Mythic Past, Biblical Archaeology and the Myth of Israel)

As far as the Bible geography is concerned it appears that the main person responsible for its misinterpretation was Constantine the Great, who had definite motives for transferring the arena of Jewish history and that of Christ to another region altogether. He used Christianity as a valuable political asset, selected the East as his Empire, and with the aid of Eusebius, Jerome and others, invented the present Palestine. If this be correct the present day Jews, who make a historical claim to Palestine are utterly wide of the mark

--- ibid

The names of places and people may have been changed, but Beaumont insisted that behind the travesties one could still detect the essential facts. Like migrating architectural or musical tropes, or like exotic spices and delicacies couriered by merchants, the stories and accounts found in the bible, put there by Roman hands, were stories that had been transplanted from elsewhere, to be precise, from Britain and Scandinavia.

An excellent example of what Beaumont meant involves the Scottish city of Edinburgh. A detailed investigation into this ancient city's history and significance reveals it to be a place mentioned, albeit cryptically, in the bible. According to Beaumont, Edinburgh (Din Eidyn), the capital city of Scotia, or Scotland, was the original Zion, or Jerusalem. ---- Arthur's seat is above the City of Edinburgh.

---Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1, CH 23, Comyns Beaumont)

Comyns Beaumont in his book ”The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain”, shows examples and evidence how the “Greek Hades can be topographically built again to fit the Western Highlands of Scotland”.

Many legends, he asserts, preserve the lineaments of the original human tragedy, and obliquely refer to the trauma suffered to the human mind from witnessing the wreckage and carnage of a world torn asunder by colossal natural forces.

The unleashing of such titanic forces was seen by early man as retribution by angered gods. Post-diluvian man lived with a great feeling of guilt as a result of what had transpired. His own psyche was, like the world around him, drastically changed. Man was hardened and guilt-ridden. His worship of gods became more ardent and fear-based. The gods of the Underworld were particularly revered. One good example of what Beaumont relayed concerning mythology involves the story of Osiris.
Osiris, considered by Egyptologists to be a god of the Earth, actually represented the Earth itself. He was the Earth. This is why we read that his ordeal involved a conflict with Set, the god of wastelands, and why we read of his dismemberment. Why this particular kind of death? Beaumont saw it as a device commemorating the tearing to pieces of the Earth by forces unleashed by comet Phaeton.

The story of the god or hero torn apart, with his body parts scattered over all parts of the land, served as a retelling of actual terrestrial events. The resurrection of the hero involved the methodical piecing together of the body parts. This trope represents the parts of the Earth emerging again from receding waters and retracting or melting ice sheets. The Egyptians had preserved the entire saga of destruction followed by renewal in their earliest cosmological motifs, particularly those of the Primordial Mound and conflict between Osiris, Horus, and Set.

---Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1, CH 23, Comyns Beaumont)

Raising of the Djed, also known as the Tat, or Pillar of Thoth. This solemn and vital rite symbolized the return of order and stability. It represented the resurrection of Osiris the god of the earth. The erecting of obelisks and towers represented restored order and new life for the Earth. The tower was the Earth's phallus. Its erection symbolized hope and life. The symbolism also extended to the phenomenon of Earth's Polar Shift. Objects are straightened or set in place again once they have fallen or been toppled. To understand this kind of solemn rite, and to fathom the modus operendi of Druidism we must comprehend the severity of the Age of Catastrophe that so ravaged the planet .


The Pillars of Hercules---- “Hercules was based on the Irish god of strength Ogma.” Plato spoke of the Atlantean Empire beyond the “Pillars of Hercules”. Comyns Beaumont says that the original “Pillars of Hercules” existed on ancient Albion or Logres. The Giants' Causeway between both sides, on the “shores of Northern Ireland and the facing Western coast of Scotland, with the Irish Sea in between”.

Where the deep sea flows from the found the Atlantic Gulf. Here is the city Gaddir, formerly named Tartessus; here are the columns of indomitable Hercules....the rigorous north wind bellows around them but they stand undaunted.

----Avienus( Latin writer, 400AD, Orae Maritimae)

The goddess problem that the patristic monotheist had, that the goddess and the feminine principle had to be suppressed. The pagans and their goddesses had to be suppressed, and the references to trees and nature had to be stripped away so that the Druidic elements with Judeo-Christianity would not become easy to understand or recognized. The carrying on in the underhanded way to renovate a new god, “warlike, vengeful, and consortless”.

…monotheism does not mirror human society. Humans are first and foremost social animals. A deity who was alone, not by choice but because there were no other companions for Him, was a concept without parallel in human society. The god of the Israelites did not have a wife, a son, a daughter, or a mother.

-----Leonard Schlain (The Alphabet Versus the Goddess)

Around 1500 BC there were hundreds of goddess-based sects enveloping the Mediterranean basin. By the fifth century AD they had almost been completely eradicated, by which time women were also prohibited from conducting a single major Western sacrament.


The earliest societies gave special importance to the mother and thus to woman in general. The Hebraic tradition, in which woman's status was diminished and god became a solitary male warrior or shepherd, and in the Islamic religion which it inspired, were both conceived by nomads used to the dryness of the desert. And the female divinity undoubtedly sank to her lowest position during the period when Rome forced its empire to accept both its patriarchal regime and its amazingly sterile religious formalism, part of which survived in early Christianity

---Jean Markale (The Celts)

In a society ruled by patriarchal values, only a woman who had renounced her femininity could actively compete in the symbolic power structure.

--- Mary Condren

The Christian doctrine of the Atonement, carried out to its logical political conclusions, goes way beyond the Blood Covenants that held particular warring tribes together, or the saintly covenants whereby particular monasteries guaranteed not to ransack each other. Both the church and state now existed in people's minds as distinct entities to be reckoned with. Whereas the king had been made legitimate through his sacred marriage with the Goddess, the Christian Covenant, celebrated by the priests and bishops, would be the first sign of a new sacred marriage, the marriage of church and state.

---- ibid

When the feminine aspects of personality are repressed or considered weak, low, and suspect, the masculine aspects dominate consciousness and behavior. Following the advent of patriarchy, social groups began to organize themselves hierarchically. As history reveals, such an unnatural status quo inevitably engenders aggressive intolerance of outsiders, and of animals, women, and nature. It breeds a love of war, and severe sado-masochistic tendencies. It engenders fear-based obedience from those on lower tiers of the hierarchy toward the masters above. And most importantly, it permits evil men to aggressively rule over good men who can do little to change their fate.

----Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 1, Ch21, The Goddess Problem)

The cosmogony, pantheon, and tribal structure of the Tuatha de Danann, who came to Ireland after the destruction and loss of their Western homelands (the Isles of Finias, Murias, Gorias and Falias), and who were a matriarchy, bear no consistent resemblance to that of the Israelites of official history. Their entire culture was totemic and based on goddess worship.

Their legends are full of magic and wizardry, and their great kings and warlords were dedicated to the spirit of their goddess, Danu, after whom their tribe was named. All the male gods and deities were beneath her. This idiosyncrasy serves to nullify scurrilous British-Israelite pseudo-history that asserts the preposterous idea that Eastern monotheistic, patriarchal, tribes were the ancestors of the Irish. Surely, the forces who once set about burning the books of the Irish, who destroyed their ancient round towers and stellar observatories, and who desecrated their innumerable shrines, tombs, and ritual sites, can hardly expect a sane man to believe them to be the "fathers" of the civilization they have annihilated.


One of the most important ancient symbols for the goddess was the serpent. The Egyptian hieroglyphic for woman was a serpent. No man could reign as pharaoh unless he was betrothed to the woman with the correct legal heritage. When a man was made pharaoh he was adorned with a serpentine coronet. This featured the so-called "Uraeus" serpent of wisdom.
This coronet has many meanings. We believe it represented the lineage of the Dragon Court, and also the fact that the pharaoh had successfully passed through the trials of the Underworld. In other words, he had mastered his lower nature and come to possess great wisdom. He was the awakened one who worked with
the forces of creation. He was an ambassador for the goddess whose presence was always with him.
Like the Greeks, the Egyptians and Druids personified wisdom as a goddess. To the Greeks she was Sophia (a word meaning "serpent"), and to the Egyptians she was Ma'at, Nuith, or Taurt. As said, her cardinal symbol was the serpent.


Six thousand years ago patriarchy triumphed over women, and society became organized on the basis of male domination. Women became the property of men and were obliged to be grateful to them for every concession.

---- Rainer Funk (Editor: Love, Sex and Matriarchy)


The Irish Origins of Civilization

The following links are from Michael Tsarion's, Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume 1, 688 pages

Johannes Bureas (Connections Between Nordic and Hebrew)
The Burning Bush
John Allegro
Allegro's Sacred Mushroom and the Cross
The Borborites
Gnostic Media
Ambrosia Society
Mary Magdalene in Art
Plant Symbolism in Christian Art
Plant Symbolism and the Virgin Mary
The Great and Holy Myrrh-Bearer
Spirit of the Trees
Magnificent Trees
The Ancient Yew
The Yew: A History
The Yew Tree
The Golden Bough (Frazer)
Bulfinch's Mythology
Crown of Thorns
Agony in the Garden
The Lost Word
Protoevangelium of James
Red Hair
Queen Boadicea (Red Haired Queen)
The Red-Haired Tocharians (Toc Aryans)
Teshub of the Hurrians
Illuyanka the Serpent
The Serpent Vritra
Pythia and Delphi
The Aesir
Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence
Interview with James DeMeo
Sarnia, Ontario

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