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California Could Have An Offshore Embassy Sooner Than They Think....

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Monday, 19-Dec-2016 23:32:01

In Response To: SORCHA: "Embassy Of California Opens In Moscow—Looks For Arms Deal When Hillary Clinton Is Governor" (MrFusion)

Especially if the ring of fire keeps churning...

: Sounds like satire, but apparently not? And why would these
: separatists open the embassy in Russia, whom they
: supposedly blame for Hillary losing? I guess they know
: that's actually a pile of crap...

: Source, with links and images:

: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: December 19, 2016
: Embassy Of California Opens In Moscow—Looks For Arms Deal

: When Hillary Clinton Is Governor
: By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

: An astonishing Federal Security Service (FSB) report
: circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that subversive
: American-Russian elite “elements” are behind yesterdays
: opening of the Independent Republic of California Embassy
: in Moscow whose goal is to obtain international recognition
: in 2019 when it gains independence from the United
: States—and whose officials state will be led by Hillary
: Clinton after she becomes governor in 2018—and who, by
: then, will need arms deals to secure their new nations
: freedom from the tyranny of the Trump regime. [Note: Some
: words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are
: English language approximations of Russian words/phrases
: having no exact counterpart.]

: According to this report, the plot to have California succeed
: from the United States is being led by the Yes California
: organization seeking what it calls The 2019 Calexit
: Independence Referendum—and whose main public figurehead is
: Louis Marinelli.

: Though an American citizen and longtime US Democratic Party
: operative, FSB intelligence analysts in this report detail,
: Marinelli resided in the Federation from 2007-2011—but who,
: in 2009, was given a private grant to attend Saint
: Petersburg State University (the alma mater of Russian
: presidents Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev) where he
: studied Soviet communist history, most specially “tactics
: on subversion and sowing political chaos”.

: The private grant given to Marinelli to attend Saint
: Petersburg State University, this report explains, was
: provided by the Renova Group whose employees this American
: had been teaching English language lessons to in the city
: of Kazan in the Republic of Tatarstan—that is a part of the
: Russian Federation 805 kilometers (500 miles) east of
: Moscow.

: Important to note about the Renova Group, this report
: continues, is that it is owned by the Ukrainian-born
: Russian businessman Viktor Vekselberg who is the
: Federations 4th richest elite billionaire oligarch—and
: whose close personal ties to former President Bill Clinton
: and then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remain under
: investigation by both the FSB and American FBI.

: In following the Vekselberg-Clinton “money trail” throughout
: the Federation in order to ascertain their true motives,
: this report notes, FSB intelligence agents launched a
: bribery investigation against the Renova Group in Kazan in
: early September that led to two of Vekselberg’s senior
: officials begin detained in Moscow.

: Further discovered by the FSB in their raids against oligarch
: Vekselberg’s Renova Group, this report notes, were payments
: in the millions-of-dollars to a California real estate
: company named Chegini Group that is headed by an
: anti-Israel Iranian-American named Michael Chegini—who this
: past January hosted a Hillary Clinton fundraising event
: attended by her daughter Chelsea Clinton where she met with
: Marinelli and another California secessionist named Barton
: Gilbert, who is seeking to enact laws to keep California
: from being able to deport illegal migrants.

: As to why Vekselberg has aligned himself with Hillary Clinton
: and her effort to become the new leader of the independent
: nation of California, FSB analysts in this report explain,
: is due to his “eccentric love and fixation” towards Fort
: Ross, that is the former Russian establishment on the west
: coast of North America in what is now Sonoma County,
: California—and was the hub of the southernmost Russian
: settlements in North America from 1812 to 1842.

: With Vekselberg having professed that Fort Ross “holds a
: special place in his heart” during his American visits,
: this report continues, his efforts to outright purchase
: this now US historical site have been thwarted—but that
: some FSB analysts believe he has a made a secret
: “deal/agreement” with Hillary Clinton to obtain ownership
: of once she becomes the President of California.

: In his efforts to have Hillary Clinton become the President of
: California, this report notes, Vekselberg has for the past
: nearly 20 years paid to educate American separatists (like
: Louis Marinelli of Yes California) in order to reinsert
: them back into this US State in order to create chaos and
: division between it and the US Federal government—most
: specifically its Latino population.

: And in what FSB analysts in this report call a “perfect storm
: of convergence”, the just completed 2016 US Presidential
: Election has now provided Hillary Clinton with an unimpeded
: path to become California’s next governor in 2018 when they
: hold their next election—and as proven by her winning
: 8,753,788 of this States votes compared to President-elect
: Donald Trump only winning 4,483,810 of them.

: With Hillary Clinton’s margin over Trump in the entire 2016 US
: Presidential Election popular vote being 2,833,220, this
: report further notes, and if the results from California
: were eliminated, President-elect Trump would have won the
: popular vote with 58,471,553 as opposed to Clinton’s only
: winning 57,034,795—thus giving Trump a winning margin of
: 1,436,758.

: So with Hillary Clinton only being able to rely on California
: as her evidence that she’s more popular than Trump, this
: report explains, this State is now “ripe/ready” to be
: “plucked” from the United States as a whole so she and her
: criminal globalist allies will have their own nation to
: rule and control—and with additional arms be able to launch
: attacks against the rest of America too.

: And though the Independent Republic of California Embassy in
: Moscow stated yesterday that “we're opening up a
: conversation in Russia and it's to a much smaller degree to
: the Americans when they wanted their independence from the
: British empire who went and pursued military assistance”,
: this report warns, the hundreds-of-millions of dollars
: worth of US weapons being shipped to Vekselberg owned
: armories in Ukraine does given cause for concern.

: To if then President Trump will be able to thwart Hillary
: Clinton from becoming the governor of California in 2018,
: and then leading that State to succeed in 2019 in order to
: become its own nation, this report concludes, is at this
: time unknown—but it should be noted that in 2008, Russia’s
: most esteemed international experts predicted that the
: United States was beginning the process of fracturing into
: 6 different parts, and that this “Clinton Gambit” may,
: indeed, be just the beginning of.

: December 19, 2016 © EU and US all rights reserved.
: Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted
: under the condition it is linked back to its original
: source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "Embassy Of California Opens In Moscow—Looks For Arms Deal When Hillary Clinton Is Governor"
MrFusion -- Monday, 19-Dec-2016 19:35:39
Reader has recommendation for the Californians who want to secede...
MrFusion -- Monday, 19-Dec-2016 19:41:58
California Could Have An Offshore Embassy Sooner Than They Think....
Watchman -- Monday, 19-Dec-2016 23:32:01
Reader: "I wonder what the Calipornians will do if they ever did get Russian weapons since they are so anti-gun there."
MrFusion -- Monday, 19-Dec-2016 23:38:51
Reader: "There are millions of conservatives [in California]...Even most liberals own a gun...We are not anti-gun here."
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 20-Dec-2016 15:50:01
Reader: "CALEXIT? Sounds good to me. We can build a wall around them too. Of course they'll pay for it, don't ya know."
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 20-Dec-2016 14:46:23

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