Between the new bankruptcy laws and the market crash, "the little people" are going to bear the burden on the economic downturn
George W. campaigned as a "compassionate conservative". What hogwash!! This bankruptcy bill shows his true colors!
With the passage of the bankruptcy bill, the Republicans are handing the Democrats victory in the 2002 Congressional election!
Whether or not you agree withsome parts of the bankruptcy legislation, the Democrats will spin this bill and the Republicans will be seen as doing the bidding of their corporate masters at the expense of the "little people".
How can the Republicans continue to be so stupid!
And how can people who love freedom and liberty continue to back either of these corporate friendly parties. While the Republicans give us lip service on the hot button issues such as gun control and abortion, they are selling the middle class out to the corporate masters.
While Bush throws us peanuts with his tax cut, the Republican Senators and Congressmen doom us to years of indebted servitude which resulted due to "the irrational exuberance" of the Clinton/Greenspan economy of the 90's.
Years from now, investigators will look back and realize that the scam of the 90's was NO DIFFERENT that the junk bond scams of the 80's. The rich got richer at the expense of the "little people."
The billionaire owners of the bankrupt companies are laughing all the way to the bank. While their companies are declaring bankruptcy and laying off their employees, they are still counting their billions. It doesn't matter if their shares have lost half of their value, this simply means that their two billion dollar fortunes are now only worth a measly one billion dollars. While the "corporate greedniks" are savoring their Starbuck's Latte and perusing the Wall Street Journal, their former employees are stuck with worthless stock options, huge credit card debt and long unemployment lines.
All of this smells like the same MO of the Savings and Loan scandals of the 70's and 80's, and the junk bond scandal. Wealth is stolen from the little people through an organized advertizing campaign that suck-in the ignorant with claims of "instant wealth". Those who profit from the ignorance of the "little people" laugh, as they luxuriate on their yachts, "...if the "little people" weren't so greedy they wouldn't have gotten fleeced!"
The PROFITEERS refuse to acknowledge their part in the fleecing of the "little people" through advertizing campaigns and pre approved credit cards that arrive everyday in the mail. They want to place the entire blame on the "little people's greed" in order to assuage with own guilt!
Now the ignorant/beholdin' Republican sycophant/servants are showing their corporate colors, by doing the bidding of their masters and passing a bankruptcy bill that will force the "little people" into an eternal indebted servitude-hell.
The Democrats will use this against the Republicans and will defeat them in 2002. The Republicans will deserve this defeat!
Bill Clinton has virtually destroyed the Democratic Party through pardoning people who were rich enough to buy their freedom. Now the rich strike again and all of those Democrats who had just vowed never to vote for another Democrat because of the Clinton Pardon Scandal will be back in the arms of the Democratic Party due to the stupididty of the Republicans as they scurry to do the bidding of their "owners" and pass a corporate friendly Bankruptcy Bill.
How can the Republicans continue to be so stupid. Our country is in the middle of an economic crisis that will hit the middle class and the poor the hardest. On top of this economic disaster, the republicans are passing a bill which will prevent the poorest amoung us from seeking relief through the tried and true path of bankruptcy.
When our founding fathers passed the bankruptcy bill they did it for two reasons:
1. They did not want any of us spending time in the poor houses while our relatives tried to find the money to "buy us out".
2. They knew that while people were paying off old debts, they were not consuming new products, therefore the economy would stagnate.
If the Republicans want the economy to recover, then they should NOT pass this bankruptcy law NOW! Wait until the economy is healthy again!
If consumers are paying off OLD debt, this means they have NO MONEY left over to purchase new goods. This means that the economy continues to stagnate.
If a consumer has all their credit cards taken away from them through bankruptcy, but they STILL are forced to pay off the bills from these credit cards, these people will have NO MONEY to inject into a stagnate economy. Therefore the economy will continue to STAGNATE and the coming recession/depression will last that much longer.
If you agree with this, voice your outrage by calling the Republicans on the Hill and telling them what you think of this Republican Bankruptcy Bill. If they don't wake up now, the Democrats will wake them up real fast in 2002 as the Democrats take back Congress because of this Republican Bankruptcy Bill!
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