Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by environmental war?
EcoNews Service
VANCOUVER, BC - Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake of 28 February 2001 triggered - accidentally or on purpose - by new, secret electromagnetic weapons?
The Vancouver-based author of "EARTH CHANGES" interprets events like this earthquake in the startling new light of Environmental War and Global Earthquakes.
You can read from EARTH CHANGES at:
"EARTH CHANGES" explores the disciplines of catastrophic geology, seismology, vulcanology, parapsychology, and public interest policy analysis. Vancouver-based author Alfred Lambremont Webre develops a new field theory explaining how an age of global earthquakes might be fulfilled – not by earth system mechanics, but by the deployment of a new generation of electromagnetic weapons, used in environmental warfare.
A Yakima valley, Washington researcher, writing about "EARTH CHANGES", agreed, "Like the weather and the oceans, the mantle beneath the floating tectonic plates also involve convection cells, but in a plastic medium that sets up wave patterns that may be modified by superimposition of additional waves."
Electromagnetic (EM) weapons are a possible trigger of cataclysmic earth events. EM fields can superheat the ionosphere, devastating magnetic bands around the earth, and in turn causing massive disruption of the earth’s Tectonic plates. A January 17, 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan may have been triggered by clandestine deployment of EM weapons. EM strategic warfare includes weather, climate and earth event warfare. Researchers have reported the use of EM weapons in anti-population mind-control operations over major cities.
Scientific observers and short wave radio operators now state that unusual electromagnetic (EM) broadcasts preceded the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake. One researcher who actually monitored the EM broadcasts prior to the earthquake states, "Could the abnormal activity on 3.39 MHz February 20 and prior be linked to the Seattle quake? If so, why would HAARP (supposedly funded by U.S. sources) be used to create quakes or other assorted EM mayhem on U.S. property? I picked up a signal so strong it went right off the S meter on my SW set at that frequency at 6:00 am on Feb 20th. Took an audio sampling of half an hour but can't make hide or hair of what HAARP is broadcasting, just that it's STRONG."
One example of how earthquakes (and climate shift including so-called global warming) can be triggered is HAARP, a U.S. military electromagnetic EM installation located in Alaska, and part of a global network of U.S. military electromagnetic weapons. HAARP and its EM network are designed to turn the entire ionosphere into a giant anti-submarine and anti-missile antenna. Environmental impact studies show that HAARP could superheat the ionosphere, and substantially damage or destroy it in a runaway ecological process.
A Seattle-based researcher notes EM activity just prior to and during the earthquake. "COINCIDENCE? Date: 2/27/01 9:54:34 PM Pacific Standard Time [hour prior to quake] . Washington, Yakima Valley: On the dial at WX Air VHF band around 153 we are getting the strangest signal. Anyone else hearing it or no what it is. HARRP maybe?"
"Date: 2/28/01 7:21:39 PM Pacific Standard Time. Does anyone have recording of 153 MHZ signal? I helped install seismic monitoring stations in California in early 90's. They are designed as early warning system in detecting earth movements prior to big quake. Several of these were in the 153-154 band. They send data, but during a big shift they send a screeching sounding data burst. Let me know what you find out."
The director of the ELFRAD group that monitors electromagnetic activity, including HAARP EM weapons writes, "Date: 2/28/01 1:55:52 PM Pacific Standard Time. Thought you might find this file interesting. It is a 21 hour recording starting this morning at 0001 hrs. We recorded intense activity from .02 to .036 hertz 473 minutes prior to the Washington quake. Actually this was a double boomer because 4 minutes earlier there was also a quake registering 5.4 off the coast of Central America. Also am including a [picture] during the same time period for yesterday so that you can compare with no major quake."
Faced with the information on EM Environmental war and earthquakes, another researcher with the ELFRAD group wrote, "I take back my former statement that all earthquakes are natural. After reading the following article and tying this information in with Russian predictions of major earthquakes in Kamchatka this year, I'm ready to believe we're in for a lot of trouble..." The researcher then cites the information EARTH CHANGES covers on the possible tectonic warfare earthquakes:
Other researchers have found that the HAARP electromagnetic (EM) signal is carrying within it another hidden signal, whose frequency has been shown to affect the limbic system in the human brain. Some researchers have stated that mood management of human populations may be happening through these hidden EM frequencies. On February 17, just 11 days prior to the Seattle earthquake, according to ELFRAD".9 Hz signal, which as we've discussed, may be related to limbic (emotion) activation in the brain, occurred during the transmission, lasting a very unusual 42 minutes from 1200 hrs to 1400 hrs UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on Saturday, 17 Feb 2001."
EARTH CHANGES: Prophetic Traditions
EARTH CHANGES integrates the prophetic traditions of many cultures with modern science. Prophetic traditions, ranging from the Mayan calendar, to indigenous Native-American-First Nations prophecy converges on cataclysmic earth changes accompanying a transition of earth into a millennial society. Analysis of the written precognition of psychics such as Edgar Cayce and Michel de Notredame (1503-1566) reveals that "terrible new weapons," with characteristics similar to EM weapons, may have caused the cataclysmic earth changes. The Mayan calendar, which divides time into galactic-based long cycles or tuns of 26,000 years, predicts that the galactic tun-cycle ending on December 22, 2012, may be accompanied by catastrophic earth changes, as well as initiation of cosmic consciousness among humankind.
Author Alfred Webre, a Yale Law School graduate, is a former member of the Governor's Emergency Task Force on Earthquake Preparedness, State of California, and author of a classic work on Earth Changes, THE AGE OF CATACLYSM (G.P. Putnam's Sons 1974).
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