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SRA,Murder,Missing Persons, mayhem , Ireland/USA

Posted By: jacquedekarnys
Date: Monday, 22-Jan-2001 19:43:49

SRA ,Murder, Missing Persons and Mayhem in Ireland and the USA

Missing Persons Ireland -
archive articles on Satanic and Child-abuse activity in Ireland
new age cults in Ireland
satanic exposes in ireland
The Jehovah,s Witness Murders

Many experienced professionals who are working in the fields of child-abuse and SRA would agree that the first signs of higher than normal incidents of incest and rape were seen in the mid seventies. Since then the recent upsurge in all types of Satanic related crimes give great cause for concern. I quote from the article written by Daniel Ryder called "Satanic Ritual Abuse"; "many professionals dealing with Satanic Ritual Abuse believe we are seeing the beginnings of a phenomenon that might well mushroom into staggering proportions."

Child Abuse in Ireland and the USA

In Ireland there have been several high profile cases of child abuse which would be widely known , namely the cases of Fr Brendan Smyth and Fr Fortune. The Fr Brendan Smyth affair brought the child-abuse problem in Ireland to the attention , not only to the Irish public but to the world and caused the downfall of the Irish coalition government at that time. There are many less well known child-abuse cases which would not be so well known to those outside of Ireland. These would include the Kilkenny Incest Case and of course the infamous Kincora Boys Home Child Abuse Case in Belfast , Northern Ireland. I highlight these two cases in preference to many other cases because I fled to Kilkenny from Belfast in 1994 after UVF paramilitaries tried to abduct me.
Regarding child-abuse in the USA, few people in Ireland would have known there was a problem . Indeed many in Ireland today think that the curse of child-abuse is something of an Irish desease.

In my personal opinion; "I suspect that the great majority of cases involving child-abuse are perpetrated by relatives or persons who are deeply involved in devilworship!" There will be those who will disagree with my diagnosis , no doubt but I cannot see any other explanation for the huge jump in child-abuse cases since the mid sixties! For the same reason , I believe the RC priests in Ireland who have been exposed as child abusers ,, have been actively involved in devilworship. The fact that Fr Fortune was in the habit of showing films such as the Life of Brian and the Exorcist to the children points strongly in that direction! There is no other satisfactory explanation which can explain why so many Irish priests have been proved to be abusing children under their care!One of the worst cases of RC priests involved in child-abuse was the Artane Orphans Home Scandal where children were not only abused on a large scale over many years but several children went "missing" also! ....web site
Irish Satanic and Child abuse expose's ...web page

Satanic Ritual Abuse including ritual murders in Ireland and the USA

One cannot separate Satanic Abuse from Satanic murders or Ritual murders, they are parts of the same monstrous drama to terrify, humiliate,hurt, harm, subdue, enslave and finally destroy all that is good, naive and innocent!
It has only been comparatively recently that the first case of SRA has appeared in Irish tabloids. I say tabloids because the Irish broadsheets such as the Irish Times, The Independent etc , seem to have the attitude of denial as the Irish police and Justice Dept to the existence of SRA in Ireland or elsewhere. All of the articles on SRA which I have on files have been published by the Irish Mirror, Sunday People, The Sun, The Irish News of the World and The Evening Herald.
The first case of SRA to be made public was the Sarah Bland case in Jan 1999 and although the Irish Rape Crisis Centres have other SRA victims in their records , Sarah's case is the only one to be made public so far.Sarah's case was REJECTED by the Director of Prosecutions and he would not entertain a case against the group of well-to-do Satanists, one of whom is a relative!
(NB. I will show later the similar responses from the FBI involving cases of SRA in the USA.)
Later that year in July, the Rape Crisis Centres had another article published in the Evening Herald proclaiming, "Satanic Rape On Increase" US citizens , on first seeing the statistics for SRA in Ireland would think that the problem is not very great here but these low figures conceal the much greater and hidden spread of Satanism throughout Ireland! The reality is , the powerfull satanic network in Ireland has been able to disguise many Satanic related crimes simply because IT has infiltrated many of the escential state institutions such as the police, judiciary, churches, the press and political parties.( I have no doubt that this is the case from the information which I have on audio tape from my cult sources . My Born Again source tells me that top police , clergy, politicians etc are Satanists. He also explains how many missing persons cases involving Satanists are covered up by those in the police and in authority. This is also a mirror image of the USA confirmed in David Icke's book ,"The Biggest Secret")

In the case of the Marc Dutroux Murders in Belgium , the allegations of SRA and Satanic murders were Completely censored from the Irish newspapers , TV and radio. The word Satanic , relating to Child -Abuse or murders is Never mentioned on TV or radio! Indeed when Paul Marschal , the Belgium father of a missing girl in Belgium was on the "Born Again " Gay Byrne show on RTE , never a mention of Satanic in any shape or form was uttered"
Limerick Leader - May 8th, 1999 - News - Born-again Gaybo never flew with Virgin
The Dutroux murders were simply described as paedophile killings and Gay Byrne made great issue of just how corrupt were the Belgium police!

The reality is , there are more people missing in Ireland than there are in Belgium, as confirmed by a former Newsblad reporter in Belgium , Caspar Nabor. He told me , after the exposure of Marc Dutoux and the murderous "Pastor"( we have many murderous Irish "Pastors" as well) few if any people were missing !

In the Broxtowe Cases in Nottingham , England, the allegations of SRA and Satanic murders were completely censored from the Irish press, TV and radio!I have never in the six years since I have been in Kilkenny , heard the Broxtowe cases discussed in the Irish media. When I first started to mention the SRA and Satanic connections to the Dutroux case and the Broxtowe case to journalists and politicians , I realised that very few people in the Republic of Ireland knew about this aspect of these cases! I have no doubt that there has been a concerted and co-ordinated conspiracy involving many organisations and powerfull bodies in Irish society to conceal the truth about the Satanic realities in Ireland and elsewhere!
In Northern Ireland , which is British controlled , the people there would have seen the full story about the Dutroux and Broxtowe cases and would have been aware of the Satanic allegations because they are able to get BBC and ITV(British TV stations) channels. In the southern provinces of Leinster, Connaght and Munster , the people here are restricted to RTE and radio Eireann with blanket censorship in situ!
From my own cult sources , I have no doubt that the Kincora Boys Home Scandal involved SRA and devilworship. My source , who is a clergyman ,informed me that SRA and devilworship took place at Kincora and he said that he knew who these people were. He told me that the Satanic abusers at Kincora were "top civilservants!" NB The results of the official police investigations into the Kincora Scandal are "Sealed" to this day because of the influence of certain UK political heavy-weights! The Kincora children were taken to Birr Castle , County Offaly, the family home of the 7th Earl of Rosse, where the abuse took place!( Confirmed by Joan Coleman of R.A.I.N.S, England)
NB The ancestor of the present Earl , the 1st Earl of Rosse in the eighteenth century was a founder member of the infamous Irish branch of The Hellfire Club, Irelands aristocratic devilworshippers!

How can the average UK citizen have any further trust in those who govern them as a result of this clearly undemocratic and criminal decree?

I was told by a Rape Crisis member that the Irish police and Justice Dept will not accept the existence of SRA until there is a successfull prosecution in court !(round and round we go!) The similarities between this and the FBI responses to SRA are practically identical! Quote from Daniel Ryder's article , "Satanic Ritual Abuse!; FBI response, " there is no tangible evidence ORGANISED Satanic abuse exists at all!" Amazingly similar !!The word "organised " is what the FBI and Irish Garda are hung up on!!!

Nb. Note the FBI's and Irish Garda's official responses to the question of SRA and Satanic murders;
A report by FBI agent Kenneth Lanning on Organised Satanic Ritual Abuse Homicide( two or more Satanic cult members conspiring to commit murders) stated; "The Law enforcement perspective can't ignore the lack of physical evidence"( no bodies, even hairs, fibres or fluids left by violent death)
The Garda's constantly repeated catch-phrase regarding missing persons in Ireland;" no bodies , no crime scene".

The word the Irish Garda is hung up on is "organised". They do not want anyone to realise that the abductions of people in Ireland is a co-ordinated "organised" conspiracy involving a large group of powerfull establishment people!

Promoting everything Pagan on the TV, radio and in the Irish Press

There has been a great effort to actively promote everything Pagan , mystical and even openly promote the so-called virtues of witchcraft. At Hallow'een 1999, RTE ran a program about the so-called "White Witches" of Clonegal Castle , County Wicklow, with Lord Strathloch and his sister Olivia Robertson.
NB. Dear old Derry(Lord Strathloch) was previously a clergyman in England and known as the Rev Lawrence Alexander Durdin -Robertson, before he was defrocked for claiming that God was a woman.
There were also allegations that he preached "cannibalism" and this was probably another reason why he was unfrocked!
The Witches of clonegal Castle
On the RTE program , another Priestess or witchess, whatever they call themselves, declared that " witchery is perfectly compatible with Christianity!"
The very fact that they are able to get onto prime-time RTE and utter these words without so much as a ripple of condemnation from the so-called Christian Churches , tells the reader just how far Irish society has come under the influence of the Satanic Network , or what David Icke calls The Satanic Brotherhood.
I have often been made very angry on hearing the oft spoken phrase , quote, "spiritual Ireland" or "the hidden Irish spirituallity". On a radio Eireann program chaired by Dick Warner, a weather-beaten looking anglophile known for his TV series on Irish waterways, posed the question;"is talk of Irish spirituallity just another name for paganism?" I have no doubt that this is so and a cover name to actively discuss and promote paganism!
Yet another Satanic expose' in an Irish tabloid told how a former Satanic cult member had to flee from Ireland for fear of his life. The most remarkable aspect of this article from my point of view , was the suggestion from a so-called "White Witch" , to get government funding so that she or other "White Witches" could visit schools and "educate the children in the dangers of Witchcraft"!! In my personal opinion, there is no such thing as a White Witch ! It is known from many sources that the Satanists constantly use REVERSE SYMBOLISMS in everything they do and say! This is a point which David Icke constantly repeats in his book , "The Biggest Secret" and through my own bitter experiences , I totally concur!
Every way Irish people turn they are confronted with pagan and witchery images and symbolisms! The tarot card adverts are more common now than they have ever been. On RTE again , we are constantly confronted with dancers , on programs such as The Pat Kenny Show , dressed as devils, dragons and four-headed men. The Dublin street parades regularly portray the same devils and gargoyles and indeed in 1999 ,the theme for a major Dublin street parade was "MAGIC". TV programs on everything devilish seem to be predominant in the RTE's choices for TV viewing!
There have even been allegations about the recent Harry Potter phenomenon ; books in which the main child character has magical powers. It was alleged that the Potter books indoctrinated the children into the world of Witchery.
One has just to look and you will see these things, they are there for all to see!

The Most Powerfull Cult in Ireland , The Born Again Christians!

I have suspected for a while that expose's of Satanic activities in Irish tabloids have not only helped to highlight the threat but also to " advertise" for new recruits for the Satanists especially among the youth of Ireland. In 1996 a Born Again Christian called Dick Moore , presented me with a copy of a recently published tabloid newspaper, The Irish News of The World in which the headlines read, "Satanists plot child sacrifice". The manner in which Moore presented this article to me can only be described as , with a sense of pride and accomplishment!
The Irish tabloids are willing to cover satanic expose's as long as these articles don't point in the direction of the real Satanic cult , and in Irelands case it is the most powerfull pseudo Christian cult , The Born Again Christians! (Borne in the USA) The Born Again Christians are able to get onto Irish radio and TV with the greatest of ease! I would say that they have even more power than the RC church because the RC church in Ireland is being destroyed as a result of the many child-abuse scandals; but ne'er a word is ever uttered against the mighty Born Again Sect! This same Born Again sect has members in the IRA, UVF and LVF and wherever killers are to be found! The most notorious Born Agains are The Shankill Butchers (UVF), Karla Fay Tucker (executed pick-axe killer in the USA) and of course Glenn Hoddle , former England football manager. In the English newspaper The Observer 25th June 2000, reporter Nick Cohen 's article plainly shows that The Born Again Christians weald enormous power and unhealthy influence over the English Conservative Party leader William Hague! The most damning of all the Born Agains have been the "Evangelical Christian" directors of the Kincora Boys Home in Belfast and when the truth is finally made public, the world will realise how powerfull these Born Agains really are!

The cosy relations between the FBI, Irish Garda and the RUC

The , RUC, Irish Garda and the FBI held conferences in Dublin and Belfast in Sept 2000. These conferences were called " FBI National Academy Associates/European Chapter Retraining Session".(what a mouthfull) This FBI "school for scoundrels" was set up in 1972 and invites police forces from around the world to take part in a retraining program at the notorious Quantico Academy in Virginia , USA.
Garda Commissioner Byrne and Chief Constable Flanagan were both trained at this academy and obviously are more chummy than previous RUC and Garda Chiefs.
We already know that these police groups co-operate closely with each other and most people would say that this is normal procedure but is it? The FBI and foreign police forces are working more closely than similar US and international police groups have done in the past! People such as myself who are engaged in the fight to expose the Satanic Network would look on these cosy FBI/RUC/ garda relations with deep suspicion!
In Alex Constantine's article , "The False Memory Hoax" , he plainly shows how the CIA have been engaged in Mind Control Experiments ,code-named MKULTRA. We cannot disassociate the FBI from the CIA as they are part of the same State Control System.
In Tim Rifat's article , "Mind Control in the UK", he plainly shows that MI5 is engaged in similar operations involving different methods of mind control.
If we accept these advances in technology with the ability to control , not only individual persons but groups of people, then we should be very concerned for our individual freedoms!
An awful lot of British people, especially, think that their democracy "is writ in stone" , probably because they were part of a soul cleansing war in which they fought and defeated "The Evil Hun". Post-war Britain was very anti everything right-wing and the ordinary people were given the opportunities to achieve higher levels of education and so improve their social standing ;opportunities which their forefathers would never have had!

The FBI have been called in by the Irish Garda and RUC to investigate and give their opinions on several sensitive murder and missing persons cases in Ireland in the past few years.
In 1999 the FBI were called in to examine the case of the "six missing women in Leinster" because the Garda were coming under increasing pressure to solve these cases. The FBI came up with their incredible deliberation and that was;" one or two serial killers were at large in the Leinster area!" This is quite an incredible diagnosis when you consider the true facts and circumstances in this region! Firstly , there were at least 90+ missing persons in Ireland at the time the marvelous FBI made their investigations into the "six" missing girls in Leinster, and Leinster contains 12 of the most populated counties in Ireland!

Do the FBI expect people to believe that one or two serial killers are responsible for the abductions of the 90 + missing people in Ireland , most of which in the words of the Garda cliche',
" disappeared off the face of the earth".
When you realise the Garda's and the FBI's true agenda , you will see why they came up with these incredible judgements . Their agenda is to keep the public in the dark so they will not realise just how serious things are! IE, they are afraid that the public will realise that a large group is involved in an organised co-ordinated conspiracy and is abducting many people !

In the Jo Jo Dollard case ( one of the Six missing women in Leinster) it is widely known that a relative of a prominent politician was being accused by the sister of Jo Jo Dollard of abducting Jo Jo outside the village of Moone , Co Kildare on the 9th Nov 1995. The Irish Garda's response has been to deny the claims made by Jo Jo's family , even though Mary Phelan and her husband Martin ( Jo Jo's sister and brother in-law) can produce strong circumstantial evidence , their claims are constantly rebuffed! I have personally met with Mary Phelan and her husband and I believe their information is 100% correct. Mary Phelan lives 5 miles outside Kilkenny in the village of Cuffesgrange , the scene recently of another terrible crime where a complete family of 4 were murdered in "strange" circumstances. (28th Sept 2000 Byrne family murdered) . I personally knew the father and I cannot believe he could harm his children!RTÉ News: Byrne father's clothing found in Waterford Estuary
The Byrne Family Murders A family of 4 are wiped out in one foul deed!

The FBI were again called in to help the Irish Garda after they got themselves into another mire of controversy when their Emergency Response Group (trigger-happy killers) shot dead John Carthy at Abbeylara in April 2000. The inquiry into this shooting is ongoing and the family of John Carthy are calling for a public inquiry , not being at all satisfied with the Garda's explanations into the shooting!

The Freemasons , the Garda and the RUC

In Britain , the current Labour Goverment has compelled all serving police to declare if they are members of the old cult , the Freemasons and apparently Chief Constable Flanagan of the RUC has resigned from the Masons to "make himself more acceptable to the public". Most people who have investigated cults and sects will know that the Freemasons are direct descendants of the Knights Templars of old who were believed to be worshippers of the devil , the Baphomet.
In the Phoenix Magazine June 2000 , the Grand Master of Irelands Freemasons , Michael Walker revealed in a speech to mark the 275th anniversity of the order that members of the Irish Garda are Masons. In a predominently RC and Nationalist force one would have expected to find the Knights of St Columbanus ( another secret society), Irish Nationalists 20th century imitative response to the Loyalist Freemasons.
(Nomatter which way one turns , we are confronted by the same reality! Nomatter the colour of the flag , the secret society is there!)

Missing Persons, Murders and Suicides

The Irish Garda's failure to produce full and up-to-date records for missing people in Ireland , is mirrored in the USA by the FBI's failure to keep accurate records for missing children!
Examine this article by Ted Gunderson, (retired FBI agent) , from author John DeCamp's book, "The Franklin Coverup; Child Abuse ,Satanism and Murder in Nebraska"; quote " The FBI has an accurate count on the number of homicides, rapes, and robberies but the FBI has no idea of the number of children who disappear every year. They simply do not ask for them", Gunderson goes on to say, " they do not ask for them , because they don't want to see them. They would be confronted by an instant public outcry for action because the figures would show a major problem that would demand action!" unquote.

Before Feb 2000, the Irish Garda did not produce any official figures for missing persons in Ireland, save a handfull of the most publicised, "The Six Missing Leinster Women".Since Feb 2000, the Garda have published on their own web site the figures and details for missing back to early 1998 only.
Garda missing persons information site.
Why do we not have the full figures for missing in Ireland?
We have the same problem in Ireland as the US citizens have with the FBI!
In 1998, we discovered that the Garda were trying to make the public and foreigners think that there were only a handfull of missing people in Ireland, when the true figures were at least 90+ from the year 1990. This figure would not include missing vagrants or persons without family ties.
I remember receiving an email earlier this year from a woman in the USA after she saw my web site, The Missing Persons Issue Ireland..She told me that she was shocked to realise that so many people were missing in Ireland! She said that she had watched the ABC News TV program about "The Six Missing Girls in Ireland" and the main US interest would have been Annie McCarrick , the missing daughter in Ireland of former New York policeman , John McCarrick. There was no mention in the program of other missing people in Ireland! Indeed , when she inquired from the appropriate authorities , no-one knew anything about other missing persons in Ireland!

Figures for Missing, Murders and Suicides

Since I came to Kilkenny in 1994, I have been witness to a catalogue of terror , murder and mayhem!There are around 15000 people in Kilkenny and we currently have 5 missing persons, 6 murders (this would be higher if we were to include some of the so-called " suicides"), and then there are the suicides. I cannot give accurate figures on suicides because I do not have access to the official figures. I can say however that in 1996 there were two "drownings" at Hallow'een (that Satanic date again) . In 1997/8 there were at least three drownings , again declared suicides. One of these suicides lived only 4 houses from my home and she seemed so at ease with herself and confident that I find it hard to believe that she did it with her own free will! (NB Take into consideration that I know what the Satanists in this town have been doing and what they are capable of. We know that Satanic Covens control people with drugs and hypnosis ; so I would not rule out murder in any of these "suicide" cases!)

There are 5 missing people in Kilkenny City ; Jo Jo Dollard , Kate Madigan, Raymond Long, Michael Smith and recently Stephen Byrne.

Dates of the Missing..................................................................Satanic Date.....
Jo JO Dollard..............9th Nov 1995..........................................2nd Nov Haow'een
Raymond Long...........26th June 1997..........................................22nd June .. Summer Solstice
Kate Madigan..............14th may 1998.................................................Mayday
Michael Smith...............26th Oct ...1999...........................................2nd Nov..Hallow'een
Phillip Cairns ................24th Oct 1986..............................................2nd Nov Hallow'een
Stephen Byrne..................28th Sept 2000

NB . The date for a Satanic sacrifice is the full moon nearest to the Satanic date.
NB I have added Phillip Cairns to this list because his mother is from Kilkenny , ne' Brennan

please visit my web sites

Jim Cairns

satanic ritual abuse missing persons and satanism

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