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Posted By: Hannibal Date: Monday, 25-Dec-2000 19:29:12
B Eric Owens
December 25, 2000
A growing movement among Mexican Americans that is antagonistic to all other Americans seeks to take back the Southwest from the United States.
There is a movement growing in California and elsewhere in the nation of which-with help from the media-most Americans are entirely unaware but enjoys the support of both the California and federal governments.
This phenonmenon has come to be known as the reconquista movement(Spanish for "re-conquest.") It is highly organized and its main principal revolves around the recapture of the American Southwest by Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, and the overturning of the treat of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, signed by the United States and Mexico.
As strange as this might sound to the average American, there is a growing popularity for this movement among the Mexican population, as demonstrated by the high-profile, and well-funded, Mexican activist groups involved.
Part of the reason for its silent success is that the mainstream media has utterly refused to report the growth, or even the existence, of this phenomenon. What is most alarming, however, is the amount of support that this movement enjoys among elected government officials.
Consider this statement, if you will "California is going to be a Hispanic state, and anyone who doesn't like it should leave!"
Now, this statement, while certainly unsettling, would not be terribly surprising if given by the leader of some unimportant militant separatist group, or declared in a Marxist newspaper. However, it is rather surprising when one considers that it was a public statement given by a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient awarded by Bill Clinton in 1998.
When asked if he had made the statement during a call-in radio interview, Mario Obledo followed up with: "I did", offering no explanation or apology.
He then added, "If they don't like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe." Of course the caller never suggested that he didn't like Mexicans. It was the suggestion of a hostile takeover to which he was objecting.
Obledo said"...it is the reality. We are going to take over all of the political institutions in California in the next five years."
Mario Obledo is the founder of a "Latino" organization called the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF).
Latino is the Spanish word for Latin. As these organizations declare themselves to be neither Spanish nor Italian, but rather Aztec Indian, it is not clear why they refer to themselves as Latins. Hispanics, or by any other name from southern European culture.
MALDEF was founded in 1968 with funding from the Ford Foundation, which in its struggle for the interests of blacks, felt that its job would be made easier if it broadened its political base of support against the white majority population.
Much as Michael Eisner took over the Disney corporation and turned it wholly against all of the views and morals that its founder Walt Disney stood for, so too did the directors of the Ford Foundation, who with offices world-wide and $9.5 billion in assets were able to bloster causes diametrically opposed to the principles dear to the heart of its founder.
The Ford Foundation has funded quite an array of various non-white-and often anti-white-activist groups, from MALDEF and the National Council of La Raza (NCLR, or National Council of the Race), to the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund, to name a few.
MALDEF made its name by winning court cases supporting bilingual education, by successfully campaigning for bilingual voting ballots, and the inclusion of a "Hispanic" category in the census through an amendment to the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
MALDEF, like most "Latino" activist groups, recognizes no real distinction between Americans of Mexican descent, and Mexican citizens. Although there is a marked difference in history, language and customs between the two groups, MALDEF is concerned primarily with race. Therefore MALDEF also works actively and quite successfully, to defend and augment the "rights" of illegal entrants to the United States.
Despite the racial expansionist form of activism practiced by groups like MALDEF and the NCLR, called "La Raza or "race" for short, they have successfully avoided the "racist" tag given by the media to all white activist groups no matter how moderate. In fact, these groups have enjoyed much political success.
When the president of Mexico, Ernesto Zedillo, came to America in July, he paid a visit to this group and spoke before them in Chicago.
At this meeting, he boasted: "I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants are a very, very important part of it."
California Gov. Gray Davis agreed. In 1999 Davis, who once said that Obledo was his "hero", clearly stated his vision for the future of California: "In the near future, people will look on California and Mexico as one magnificent region."
This magnificent region is beginning to look more like a war zone. There have been several stand-offs between Mexican soldiers and the U.S. Border Patrol, when Mexican soldiers have crossed our border, and even shot at Border Patrol Agents.
By now, most are aware of Roger Barnett, who has gotten much coverage in the media for having to detain illegal aliens on his property, simply to keep them from cutting his water lines and killing his cattle. Few, however, are aware that several American ranchers have been detained, while on their own property, by Mexican soldiers crossing onto our soil and American newspapers, including The San Diego Tribune which borders Mexico, do not want to report these growing incidents.
If curent trends continue unabated Zedillo and Davis could have their way.
Mexico is a country with, not only a phenomenal birthrate, but an entirely new birth explosion waiting to happen. With a majority of the population under age 25, a lack of viable employment, and virtually unguarded U.S. border to the north, border crossings will increasingly appear as the logical alternative to a life of poverty.
The Mexicans bring few benefits to California. The United States is beginning to feel the weight of a "Latino" population explosion.
According to the U.S. Census, the "Latino" population has grown by 38 percent in the past 10 years. There are approximately 30 million "Latinos" in the United States, up from only 8 million just 20 years ago. In California alone the "Latino" population increased by 35 percent, to 10.5 million people, 2 million of whom are illegal-a conservative estimate. There are 1 million "Latino" voters in California, a full half of all "Latinos" registered in the United States.
Whites were the only ethnic group to decrease in population, causing them to no longer make up a majority in California, a state that in 1998 accounted for nearly 26 percent of all immigrants entering the country. Today, there are 100,000 births each year in the United States to illegal alien mothers, whose children gain automatic American citizenship.
California schools are overcrowded as are the hospitals, largely due to illegal immigrants being awarded state funded education and medical treatment.
California spends $1 billion a year in free medical care for illegal aliens. In 1992, more Mexican mothers gave birth in California than did whites. Sixty-three percent of births in Los Angeles County hospitals are to illegal alien mothers.
In California schools, Mexicans accounted for 70 percent of the increase in enrollment between 1985-1996. Mexicans have the highest drop-out rate and the lowest test scores in the state. Many do not speak English.
Seventy percent of Mexicans enter the United States with less than a high school education, and while they comprise 30 percent of the California population, they contribute only 16 percent of the economy. Hispanics (legal and illegal) account for 55 percent of violent crime in L.A. County.
The reason for Zedillo's visit to the United States, and the previously quoted speech in particular, was in order to make sure that American citizens would never be successful in denying free education and medical benefits to illegal Mexican immigrants.
After the passage of proposition 187, Zedillo said, in the April 4, 1997, issue of The News in Mexico City, "We will not tolerate foreign forces enacting laws on Mexicans."
During his tour of America, and at the La Raza conference, he announced that Mexicans seeking citizenship in the United States would henceforth be allowed dual citizenship in Mexico. In this manner, a Mexican national would not have to fear losing his Mexican citizenship if he or she would seek citizenship in Amnerica. Therefore, one could obtain voting rights in America, but still remain a legally recognized Mexican citizen. The implication is that, if one chose, one could vote in America, but in the interests of Mexico.
During this same visit, it was suggested that the governor of California had already assured the president of Mexico that the "catastrophic effects," as Zedillo put it, of Propostion 187 would never come to pass.
How could a newly-elected governor make such a promise, with regard to a voter initiative, passed by the majority of Califorians?
When Davis was inauguriated he said when discussing the issue of Propositon 187, "I'm a governor, not a judge," and vowed to uphold all of the laws of the state, even the ones with which he personally disagreed.
Proposition 187 was a voter initiative that would have denied illegal immigrants the right to taxpayer-funded programs and benefits. The issues were, primarily educational and medical benefits.
In spite of daily attacks by the press on the proposition, it passed overwhelmingly in California in 1994. Predictably, it was then challenged by "Latino" activist organizations, and ended up in federal court. Four years later, Judge Mariana Pfaelzer announced her ruling that proposition 187 was unconstitutional.
At this point, newly-elected Democratic Gov. Gray Davis-ostensibly the people's representative-was expected to appeal the decision to a higher court on behalf of the California voters. In an unprecedented move, however, he took it upon himself to "mediate" the bill. At this "mediation" he appointed himself as the representative of the proponents of Proposition 187, despite the fact that he had theretofore been publicly outspoken against the initiative. He then invited various opponents of the bill to discuss a possible compromise.
At this so-called "mediation," there were no proponents of the bill present. Not even the Voice of Citizens Together, or the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, the two groups that wrote the sponsored the initiative, had any members invited to this "mediation." The major points of the initiative were dropped and were never tested in the Supreme Court.
Another key player in the reconquista movement is a group called MEchA, the Movimento Estudiantil Chicanos de Aztlan, In English, this reads: the Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan.
Aztlan is the name which they have already chosen to rename the American Southwest, as they reject the United States of America, and white people in general. When visiting their website, one is greeted by the picture of a sneering, shirtless Aztec Indian pointing his finger and stating "Who is the illegal alien, pilgrim?" This is a well funded organization that has chapters on nearly every university campus in the Southwest, around the country, and in many high schools. The official mission statement of MEChA, called El Plan Spirituel de Aztlan or the Spiritual Plan of Aztlan, begins:
In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage, but also of the brutal "gringo" invasion of our territories, we the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny.
We are free and sovereign to determine those tasks which are justly called for by our house, our land, the sweat of our brows, and by our hearts. Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to foreig Europeans. We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continent. Brotherhood unites us, and love for our brothers makes us a people whose time has come and who struggles against the foreigner "gabacho" who exploits our riches and destroys our culture. With our heart in our hands and our hands in the soil, we declare the independence of our mestizo nation.
The preamble to MEChA's consitution states: "Chicano and Chicano students of Aztlan must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community, politicizing our Raza with an emphasis on indigenous consciousness to continue the stuggle for the self-determination of the Chicano people for the purpose of liberating Aztlan.
Aztlan is the name of an admittedly mythical Aztec land, after which they have renamed the southwestern United States. The Aztecs never made it much past Mexico City. Although the Aztecs practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice, in which they pulled out the hearts and devoured the limbs of their victims, this does not discourage the idea among proponents of Aztlan of the Aztec Empire as a more attractive societal model than modern democratic America. In fact, it is not uncommon at their public rallies to see Mexicans in loin clothes jumping up and down in feathered headress, puzzling passing commuters.
The official symbol of MEChA is an eagle with wings spread, clutching a stick of dynamite in its talons, and lighting a fuse with a match in its beak.
Far from being shunned as a racist or separatist organization, MEChA enjoys quite a lot of political clout. Antonio Villaraigoza, Joe Baca and Gilbert Cedillo, all former members of MEChA at UCLA in the 1970's are all currently elected members of the California State Assembly.
In fact, Villaraigoza, referring to Proposition 187, stated: "When the will of the people is found unconstitutional, the will of the people is null and void," Villaraigoza is also the speaker of the California State Assembly.
Antonio Hernandez, president of MALDEF, was also a former member of MEChA, and was the keynote speaker at MEChA's national conference in 1998.
It is not just Mexican students in the American Universities who are cooking up these kinds of ideas. Often they are led by Mexican faculty. Through the "Chicano studies" programs on many campuses resentment against whites is taught causing these inevitable political consequences.
For example Charles Truxillo, who teaches Chicano studies at the University of New Mexico, advocates a sovereign country called the "Republica del Norte," or Republic of the North, which would encompass the American Southwest.
Truxillo said that the "Southwestern Chicanos and Norteno Mexicanos are becomming one people again." This should be achieved" by any means necessary," using an overused, but no less menacing, quote by the late anti-white activist Malcom X.
According to the Associated Press, Truxillo feels it is his job to develope a "cadre of intellectuals" who will turn this concept into reality.
The University of New Mexico also is home to a Soutwest Hispanic Research Institute. Its director, Felipe Gonazlez, states that there is a "certain homeland undercurrent" among Mexican students who feel that the Southwest was stolen from Mexico.
"Educated elites are going to have to pick up on this idea and run with it and use it as a point of confrontation if it is to succeed," Gonazlez said.
Another of the Aztlan proponents is L.A. School Board member Vicky Castro, who like most of the influential Latino leaders enjoys beginning a speech with a loud "Viva La Raza," said that she had always wanted to begin a class by saying "Good Morning Aztlan!"
Many Mexicans still harbor a grudge against Americans over the outcome of the Mexican American War, and believe the resulting Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo to be unjust and invalid. The Mexican government is all to happy to exploit this type of sentiment in the United States.
California bears plentiful and diverse mineral and agricultural resources. This suggests one reason why Mexico is so interested in "El Norte."
One of the main figures behind the dual citizenship movement in Mexico was Angel Pescador Osuna, the Mexican consul general of Los Angeles.
In 1995 he spoke before the Southwestern School of Law in Los Angeles regarding the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo. When discussing Mexican immigration into the United States, specifically with reference to the dual citizenship proposal, he said: "I believe that we are practicing the reconquista of California.
Although this all might seem like wishful thinking on the part of the Mexican government and the radical "MECHistas" as they call themselves, the reality proves otherwise. One city, the Texas town of El Cenizo, has already declared its official language as well as officially declaring itself a "safe-haven" for illegal immigrants, prohibiting city government employees from turning in illegal immigrants to the INS.
Although this is against federal law, it is not being challenged by the INS, which has been headed by outgoing director Doris Meissner, a long-time open borders advocate. Robert Bach, also a long-time open borders advocate is now the Associate Commissioner for Policy Planning at the INS, in charge of setting our immigration policies. Bach announced that the INS would no longer deport illegal aliens unless they had been violent. El Cenizo is a town exclusively inhabited by illegal aliens and the descendants of illegal aliens. El Cenizo has set the precedent.
Predictably, illegal immigration isn't stopping at the borders of the Southwestern United States, nor are its associated problems. Mexican drugs and crime are spreading across the country with the same rapidity as Mexican nationalism. Des Moines, Iowa, has been hit especially hard, as well as small towns in Kansas, by Mexican drug cartels aided by Mexican government officials. Eighty percent of felony drug arrests in Salt Lake City, Utah, are illegal aliens, Reno, Nev., had an annual festival over-run by 2,000 gang members. The small town of Rogers, Ark, experienced its first drive by shootings after Tyson Chicken put up billboards all over Mexico advertising jobs in its Rogers meat-packing facility. As far east as Farmington, N.Y., residents witnessed hundreds of Mexicans marching through their small Long Island community in October, waving Mexican flags.
This year's march in Farmington is just a small smpling of what is to come. On Oct. 12, 1997, Los Angeles watched as 70,000 Mexicans-legal and illegal-marched under the Mexican flag, yelling "Raza Si, Wilson No!" One Mexican was seen on the local news holding up a dead baby pig with then California Gov. Pete Wilson's name scrawled across its body.
Entire neighborhoods in southern California speak English as a second language or not at all.
On June 13, 1998, while speaking in Portland, Oreg., even President Clinton said: "Mark my words. Immigration of this size and scope could threaten the bonds of our union." Clinton is certainly not telling the California citizenry anything new.
In the Korea Town area of Los Angeles, an El Salvadorian gang has all but run the LAPD out of the neighborhood. When police have tried to retrieve stolen cars from the area, they were met with machine gun fire and engine parts being being tossed off the roof tops of apartment buildings. With thousands of non-English speaking residents living just a few apartment buildings, some frightened by gangs, and others simply unwilling to cooperate with American authorities, arrests are very difficult in these neighborhoods.
The passage of Proposition 187 really began to mobolize the Mexican leaders on both sides of the border. Four hundred Mexican leaders met at UC Riverside to discuss strategy and how to create new voters out of illegal aliens.
On March 27, 1995, Mexican Intellectuals, Jorge Bustamonte wrote in Mexico City's Excelsior newspaper that the Mexican nationals to vote in U.S. elections, and outlined a plan which resulted in the granting of dual citizenship to Mexican nationals residing in the United States. The idea was clearly set forth that if Mexicans did not have to fear giving up their rights as Mexican citizens of the United States and take part in U.S. elections, voting for the interests of Mexico.
The list of government officials who hold these kinds of views is long.
Energy Secretary Bill Richardson, who prides himself on being "Hispanic," said that Hispanics must put political parties aside and think of themselves as Hispanic first.
Art Torres, chairman of the California Democratic Party, who when speaking before "Latino" leaders begins his speeches by yelling "Viva La Raza!, said: "We need to concentrate and help those organizations like One Stop with Juan Jose Gutierrez and ..Americana with Bert Corona, any organization that helps make citizens. Power is not given to you, you have to take it! Remember. {Proposition} 187 is the last gasp of white America."
Bert Corona, a self-described Marxist Leninist, heads the Hermandad Mexicana Nacional or the National Mexican Brotherhood and has received $30 million in federal funds to support his organization.
One Stop Immigration is another citizen-making organization. It is headed by Mexican radical Juan Jose Guttierez. Its symbol is the American flag, but with only 13 stars. During an Oct. 17, 1994 rally, Guttierez gave the microphone to a parade of Mexican radicals who made all sorts of threatening comments to the effect that Mexicans were "re-colonizing" America and that white Americans were "very afraid."
They opened up the rally by playing the American national anthem mariachi style, while Guttierez showed his deliberate lack of respect by talking all the way through it. Then they played a lively Mexican national anthem. Guttierez sprang to attention and raised his fist. Guttierez was also permitted to lead a march on Washington with a uniformed, official military band of the Mexican army, demanding amnesty for illegal aliens.
Latino activist Jose Jacques Medina said in a television interview that his organization, as well as most of the other major "Latino" organizations, get their funding from U.S. government contracts.
Our political process has been hijacked and we are paying for our own displacement. Major corporations pick up the remaineder of the tab not covered by our tax dollars.
As well as government funding and the Ford Foundation, illegal immigrant groups have the backing of the corporations such as GTE, Miller Brewing Co., Coca-Cola, American Airlines, Chrysler Corp., Mobil, Burger King, AT&T, Avon, Texaco and JC Penney. These are just a few of the major corporations that have funded groups such as MALDEF and the Southwest Voter Registration Project, another group that works feverishly to get "Latinos" registered to vote.
At the 1997 Southwest Voter Registration Education Project meeting L.A. County Supervisor Gloria Molina implored Latinos to register to vote, saying: "Our vote is gonna be important, but I gotta tell you, there's a lot of people that are saying, I'm gonna go out there and vote because I wanna PAY THEM BACK."
While virulently anti-American, and specifically anti-white groups are given government grants and contracts with which to disrespect our country and people, American advocacy groups are embattled, not only financially, but also physically.
Leading the vanguard aginst illegal immigration is the California-based conservative group, Voice of Citizens Together (VCT). They work on a shoe string budget, with no help from the government or large international groups such as the Ford Foundation. VCT is a grass roots organization funded solely by donations from its members and supporters.
Despite the constant struggle for funds, Glen Spencer, who heads the organization, has managed to get Proposition 187 on the ballot and approved by California voters as well as to launch a weekly radio program, entitled American Patrol, on radio stations across the country. VCT also ran a large recall effort against Gov. Gray Davis, although it was ultimately unsuccessful due to a total media black-out. They have also produced an extremely important video, entitled Threatening the Bonds of Our Union, taking its name from the Clinton speech quoted earlier in this article. This tape has been an invaluable source of information to activists and news reporters everywhere.
On July 4, 1996, at an annual Independence Day celebration, VCT was attacked by the communist Progressive Labor Party, VCT members, comprised to a large extent of pensioners and veterans, were beaten with weapons and received no help from the police. The local news showed elderly men waving U.S. flags with blood streaming down their faces.
A similar attack took place this year, again in Westwood, Calif.. Communists, after buring the American flag directly in front of a veteran's cemetery, came charging across the street while local police did nothing. Police finally stepped in, but not before the communists were able to strike a few VCT members. In a bizarre turn of events, the police were actually disciplined for stopping the violence.
In fact, the government, having already dubbed any and all white activist groups as potentially violent, "hate groups," is beginning to set its sights on multi-racial, patriotic and immigration reform groups as well.
On Oct. 25, an official safety bulletin was released by the Department of Justice warning that "anti-immigration hate crime organizations" were planning to meet in Douglas, Az. to support the local ranchers.
So, the message is clear as far as our elected officials are concerned: whites out, Mexicans in. At this point, we can either continue to try to work within this government, or come up with our own solutions to these problems. Do we still possess the iron hearts of our forebears? The world is awash today with ethnic conflicts caused by governmental forcing of hostile foreign peoples into coexistance. Whether it be Zimbabwe, or Kosovo, the results are never pretty. We can either act on this situation today, or we can wait. However, if we don not act soon, this situation will surely act upon us and our families at a later time-a time in which we may be even less prepared.
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Articles In This Thread
Hannibal -- Monday, 25-Dec-2000 19:29:12
Rayelan -- Monday, 25-Dec-2000 22:34:38
Fire_Child -- Monday, 25-Dec-2000 23:31:45
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