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Date: Thursday, 16-Nov-2000 03:01:10

In Response To: The New World Order @ War: TWA 800 (Patriotlad)

TWA 800

This is the Rumor Mill News lead article
From the September 1996 print edition

Counterfeit bearer bonds were onboard TWA800. These bearer bonds made up the 10% reserve in several large Federal Reserve member banks. The exposure of these bonds as counterfeit would lead to the collapse of the Federal Reserve System.


Dateline: September 5, 1996 RMNews -

TWA 800 What Really Happened?

The Government Rumor Mill Cranks up

All the puzzle pieces are laid on the floor of a hangar in

New York. Various government agencies are engaged
in the difficult task of trying to piece together the story
of what happened to TWA Flight 800. Unfortunately,
even if the dedicated researchers do discover the truth
of the downing of TWA800, there is little chance that
the American people will ever be told.

The government rumor mill, has begun to crank out
first class disinformation. It is designed to cover all
bases, and prevent the American people from ever
discovering the truth ... which would implicate our
government, the Federal Reserve, and the
international banking community in the murder of 230
innocent people.

Disinformation is a common tactic used by the
government to obfuscate, blur, cloud, confuse, and
otherwise keep the truth from being known. Whenever
private researchers and investigators get too close to
the truth, the disinformation specialists leap into action.

Such is the case with TWA800.

Over the long Labor Day weekend, various fax
networks and radio shows broke a story in which a
TWA pilot supposedly came forward and told the truth
about the downing of the airplane. According to his
story, which was provided in a government sponsored
secret briefing, the plane was hit by a missile fired from
an Aegis class Navy destroyer. The Navy ship which
allegedly fired the missile was similar to the USS
Vincennes, which "accidently" fired a missile and
downed an Iranian airliner. As with all disinformation,
this story is believable, and just in case anyone
doubted that such a thing could ever happen, the
government created a story that almost paralleled an
identical shootdown.

The story is a good one, and it ties up all the loose
ends. It explains why so many people saw something
streaking toward the airliner. It explains why the
government is taking so long to tell the American
people what really happened. It explains the traces of
explosives. It explains why all four engines came up in
tact. It explains the rumors of National Guard
maneuvers. It explains why an international manhunt
for Islamic terrorists has not begun. The story answers
all the questions the American people and the victims'
families have been asking. Unfortunately, it is not the

"The White House is the biggest rumor mill in the
land. They put out more disinformation than any other
group in government." RMNews Euro Chief

Over the long weekend RMNews sources were deluged
with information. Secret meetings seemed to be going on
everywhere. David Rockefeller had summoned the board
members of the Federal Reserve to an emergency
meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Leaders of the American Patriot movement were
summoned to a meeting in Washington DC.

TWA executives and senior pilots were summoned to a
secret briefing regarding the downing of TWA Flight 800.

According to RMNews sources, the version presented at
the secret TWA briefing, said that Flight 800 was the
victim of a National Guard training accident. TWA
personnel were told that Flight 800 was shot down by a
rocket fired from shore, during a training exercises. This
version closely resembles the truth, but it is dramatically
different from the White House version that was
supposedly leaked by a TWA pilot. By the time the White
House put their slant on the story, it was barely
recognizable as the same TWA briefing.

Over the long Labor Day weekend, our RMNews Euro
Chief filed his report. You will not like what you read, but
it does explain all the disinformation that has been
circulating over the weekend. The truth is known about
what caused the downing of TWA Flight 800. The
European intelligence agencies have put the puzzle
together. There are those in our government who do not
want the truth to ever be told. They know that others
know the truth and it is beginning to seep out; therefore
they have cranked up their mighty Wurlitzer (the CIA
disinformation machine) and begun the disinformation

To understand how successful a government
disinformation campaign can be, all one has to do is
think about the assassination of John Kennedy. The
government put out the official version, and then they
created hundreds of cover stories with supporting films
and documents. Each of these cover stories take years
and thousands of hours to pursue. Private investigators
have neither the time or money to track down every
story, and so, many alternative news sources innocently
print or air government created disinformation, thinking
that it comes from a reliable independent source. With so
many disinformation stories, it becomes impossible to ever know the whole and real truth.

The story of Flight 800, which we recently received from
our European source, explains the reason for the many
different cover stories that are being put out. Since we
are also dealing with a story of personal grief, horror and
tragedy, we have chosen to file this story exactly as we
received it, with no editorial comments.

RMNews presents the unedited story:

"There was no Air Force plane dropping Willy Peter
flares into the black sky. There was white phosphorous
present but it wasn't in flares launched as decoys for
heat seeking missiles. Your American sources have
been caught up in misinformation. The Willy Peter came
from the missile itself. It wasn't a singular payload
missile! It was a double headed missile. It had White
Phosphorous to penetrate the skin and all layers of the
fuel cell, and cause the fuel cell to erupt into fire.

"The high explosive portion of the warhead, in fact,
detonated right below the cockpit door. Because of the
Willy Peter burning into the skin, droplets of an orange,
fiery mass, fell into the Atlantic before the explosion,
which tore the plane into two parts. The fuel cell erupted
into the first fire ball just about 2 seconds before the
explosion of the H.E. (high explosive) segment,
separated the cockpit from the plane. The fire spread
quickly, although the aft section of the fuselage began its
almost vertical descent into the water. (RMNews has
chosen to omit the next several sentences out of
concern for the victims families)

"What has not been mentioned in any paper because it's
classified is that one fuel cell didn't have time to rupture
and catch fire. It was recovered intact. The pieces of the
weapon that were recovered match my description of a
"Sledgehammer Rocket". The missile came from a
National Guard Armory, and was not one of the Stinger
missiles that the Afghani rebels offered to sell back to
the government.

"Sledgehammer Rockets" were produced by Litton Light
Arms Division, a division of "Litton Commercial

"Sledgehammer Rockets" have nothing to do with
Operation Sledgehammer which is an economic unit to
disrupt new issues trading on the market. There are
small parts of this operation that CAN turn into terror
groups, but terrorist activities are not the intent of
Operation Sledgehammer. Operation Sledgehammer
has NOTHING to do with the downing of TWA800. The
name is the same as the missile that downed it. That's all.

"The "Sledgehammer Rocket" was part of a robbery from a
National Guard Armory in North Carolina in the late 70's.
The rest of the stolen munitions were recently recovered in
a warehouse in Montana. They were stolen by an
underground, homegrown terrorist group that has been
active for over 20 years.

"About 20 years ago, an operation was introduced by
William Casey. (Casey was a former OSS operative who
headed up the SEC under Nixon and became the head of the
Reagan 1980 Presidential campaign. Some speculate that
Casey was behind the October Surprise scandal that helped
Reagan win the 1980 Election. Casey was appointed
Director of the CIA by Reagan. He served until 1987)

In 1976, at the time Casey was the head of the SEC (Securities
Exchange Commission), billions of dollars of
counterfeit bonds and debentures were introduced into the
world economies. The bonds had a 10-15 and 20 and 30
year maturity rate, before they were to be pulled out of
circulation. Many banks in the U.S. also held billions of this
phony money. The last batch, the ones ear marked 20 years,
was to come due in September of this year (1996), in Paris.

The bulk of these bearer bonds were 20 year bonds. It is
possible that an entire section of the forward freight
compartment of TWA 800 was carrying a cargo of phony
bonds. There are no duplicates of these or any of the other
bonds in existence. Untold billions of dollars, gathered from
all over the country, may very well have been the intended
victim of TWA-800. It is only during the last 10 years or so
that commercial airliners carry such freight. We used to
charter cargo transporters to carry such cargo. If our theory
holds any water and the phony paper was on board the TWA
flight, hundreds of billions of dollars of debt would have
been wiped out by downing the plane. In that case it was an
internal operation without regard for any human life on

"All indications speak of a rocket. No bomb would have left
light bulbs intact! Such an act would have saved, or helped
save, the national economy. If the bonds had come due, and
were proved to be phony, there would have been one hell of
a market crash. The American economy would have been
destroyed, food shortages, riots and warring factions would
have been created. Martial law would have been declared,
maybe even U.N. troops would have been brought in the
"keep the peace". Now that all the phony paper has been
destroyed, the market crash probably has been averted. It
was the perfect solution, and no one will ever know. Those
who planned the move sacrificed 230 lives to save the
American economy. As if there wasn't another way!

"Lloyds of London is currently involved in this same "bad
paper" operation. They have been asking their investors to
accept a percentage of the value of the paper they hold. No
one has bothered to explain the Lloyds disaster to their
investors. They have used their other holdings to cover the
bad bonds.

"Banks in France have also discovered that they hold
counterfeit bonds. But they didn't kill anyone to destroy
them, they merely set a fire that gutted the entire third floor
of Credit Lyonaisse in Paris. Presumably that is where they
stored their phony bonds.

"Every institution chose their own way of handling the "bad
paper" crisis. Too bad a few more fires couldn't have been
started. A lot of good people would still be alive.

"The truth of why and how the big bird was downed will
never be told to the public. It will also serve to push TWA
back into Chapter 11, from where it just emerged, less than
a year ago. From what you tell me, TWA has been given a
phony story... one that is close to the truth and will keep
TWA quiet. The government probably told them that
leaking the truth to the public would "undermine morale
and national security."

The Pieces Fit Together

The story given to RMNews by the Euro Station Chief
allows us to separate the wheat from the chaff and the
rumor from reality. One of the earliest reports filed by
RMNews was of the Air Force plane that was dropping
Willy Peter. Since our source for that story knew that Willy
Peter was seen around Flight 800, it seemed logical to
assume that it came from the National Guard plane that was
flying maneuvers in the area. And our logical conclusion
was that the government knew a missile attack was possible,
and was dropping Willy Peter to attract heat seeking

None of our American sources were familiar with double-
headed Sledgehammer rockets, therefore it would never
have occurred to them that the Willy Peter was in the
missile. As they scrambled to make the early European
information fit in with their information, there were many
misinterpreted bits of information.

The moment the name of the missile was supplied to us by
our European station chiefs, our American sources
misinterpreted the information and thought the missile came
from Operation Sledgehammer armament stores.

The unedited story just supplied by our Euro Chief should
have cleared up all accidental rumors put out by our
sources. When a story as monumental as this one crosses
our desk, there will be minor mistakes in our rush to get to
print. The main point we made in our TWA 800 issue was
that the airliner was brought down by a missile. On that
score, we were on target.

Other RMNews sources have reported that the missile
casing was found on the shore, and it was a missile whose
serial number matched one from National Guard armories.
This piece of information fits in with the disinformation
story put out that the missile was part of a National Guard
training mission. Can you begin to understand how clever
pieces of disinformation are sprinkled into a story to keep
the truth from ever being known? The missile did come
from a National Guard Armory, but it was stolen from there
over 20 years ago. It was NOT a missile that was part of a
training exercise that supposedly was going on at the time
TWA 800 was destroyed.

Another rumor that was circulating at the time Flight 800
was downed was that Henry Kissinger was on board. After
running the European Station Chief's story past several of
our American sources, they felt that Kissinger being on
board, would explain how the government could have
tricked a home grown terrorist group into downing that
particular plane. Yes, it was TWA 800 that was the target,
not the EL Al plane that was scheduled to leave at that time.

Kissinger is hated by almost every underground patriot
faction. Some see him as the man who sacrificed the POW's
from Viet Nam. Others see his as the obedient servant of the
international bankers who own the Federal Reserve. He is
definitely part of the ruling elite, and in many eyes, that is
enough to make him a target.

It is only speculation as to how the underground terrorist
cell was convinced to attack TWA-800, but if they had been
told Kissinger was on board, that might explain how they
were convinced to fire on Flight 800. For all we know, the
New World Order Elite sacrificed Kissinger. It is possible
that he really was on board and the Kissinger who is making
the rounds on the talk shows is one of the three doubles he
had created. All the doubles had a voice box inserted to
make them have identical voice prints.

Pieces of the disinformation story that circulated over the
weekend, report that the landing lights of TWA-800 were
on, making it a perfect target. Our European source has told
us that 4 to 5 sledgehammer rocketswere fired, only one
hit the plane. Sledgehammers are not heat seeking missiles.
They have to be aimed accurately. This is why all four
engines were brought up in tact. This also fits with the
disinformation story that a Navy destroyer fired on the

Tailhook 2?

Why would the White House want to blame the
Navy? The answer to this question goes back to
the death of CNO Jeremy Boorda. Forget the
crap which was circulated about Admiral
Boorda's medals. His death was not a suicide
and it had nothing whatsoever to do with his
combat medals. Admiral Boorda was a lapdog
for the New World Order. He was killed to send
a message to President Clinton. Clinton had
appointed Boorda as Chief of Naval Operations
in order to further demoralize and destroy the

The Navy harbors the American resistance force
to the New World Order. This is identical to the
resistance force that battled Adolph Hitler and
his New World Order "handlers". Admiral
Wilhelm Canaris headed the German Abwehr,
the German WWII version of the CIA. It was
the Abwehr that conspired to assassinate Hitler.
The German Navy, especially the U-Boat
(Submarine) captains, were loyal to Canaris,
who was the real head of the Navy, while he ran
German intelligence.

The same pattern of resistance is being carried
on in today's Navy. Operation Tailhook was
created by the denizens of the NWO to ferret
out all independent thinking, loyal Amercan
Naval officers. The most independent and
brazen Naval officers are the Top Jock Flyboy
Aviators who land on floating football fields.

Representative Patricia Schroeder, D. Colorado,
was given the job of bringing down the Flyboys.
It was easy to do this. The Navy has a long
history of crude, vulgar and disgusting stag
parties. (I should know, I have been to many of
them! Ru Mills) All Miss Schroeder had to do
was wait for her marching orders to be given,
and she could find dozens of parties where
Naval Officers have behaved in a manner
unbecoming to an officer and a gentleman.

Every Naval officer has attended such parties.
Their existence is legion! Her orders were to
destroy the morale of the Navy, and to do this,
she had to attack the pride of the Navy... Naval
Aviators. Her Tailhook attack is history now.
She ruined the careers of thousands of Naval
officers. The elite aviators are history. The
heros of the Navy were brought down.

This current attack on the Navy is the first part
of a two prong attack which will eventually end
up targeting the Navy Submarine corps. While
the Flyboys of the Navy may be the handsome,
dashing officers that movies are made about,
the brains of the Navy are in the Submarine
Corps. No one ever hears anything about the
submariners. They run silent and they run deep.
In other words, they do not brag about their
activities and they keep their thoughts and plans

Just as the German submarine force backed
Admiral Canaris and his resistance movement,
so too does the American submarine
force harbor the American resistance to the
New World Order ... the NWO is made up of
the same groups and families that financially
backed Adolph Hitler. The American resistance
movement is hidden in the Navy and based on
the floor of the ocean.

The first prong of the disinformation attack has
accused a Navy destroyer of firing the missile.
When a top secret Congressional and military
review panel concludes that all missiles on
Aegis class destroyers are accounted for, then
the investigation will turn to the submarine
fleet. As usual, submariners will delay giving
any information to Congress or the President.
The longer they delay, the more the
disinformation and rumors will circulate.
Eventually the White House rumor mill will
have circulated so much disinformation that it
will eventually seep into the main stream
media. When it does, the Navy submarine corps
will have to surface and face Congressional
inquiry. Those who aren't forced to resign will
have their careers ended in other ways ...
accidents and being passed over for promotion
are two that come to mind.


Caveat: As usual, we repeat: Any similarity between
RMNews rumors and actual news stories are only in
the minds of the editors, writers and readers of Rumor
Mill News.

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* * * * *

September Index
Lead Story:
TWA 800: Sledgehammer missiles, counterfeit bonds, Tailhook 2 . . p.1

Second Lead Story:
Government Created Viruses, Operation Raindance, Hanta, E-Coli. ..p. 5

Short Stories and Rumors:
Scientology and The Grateful Dead.... p. 5
Mind control and vaccinations . . . . . .p. 5
Round Wing Aircraft slated for Mars trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 7
Washington Scandals: Elizabeth Dole's real estate troubles . . . . .p. 7
Clintongate: 103 civil cases filed against Clinton in Arkansas . ..p. 7

Letters to the Editor:
In Defense of CIA Rogues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. 8
A European Reader Shares His Thoughts . . . P. 9
A Former Insider Comments on RMNews . . p. 10
Shirley MacClaine; CFR, CIA and New Age Agent . . . p. 10

A Senseless Death:
A moving letter from a government insider . . . . .p. 11

New Feature; Questions and Answers:
Operation Sledgehammer, Mind Control, Jonestown . . . . p. 13

RMNews Follows up on Earlier Stories:
Princess Diana, Hillary and the White House . . . . . p. 16

Resident Future Predictor Proved Right;
Madam MaRu, CityStates, Las Vegas West . . . . .p. 17
Madame MaRu's New Prediction:
Tom Hayden, Mayor of the State of Los Angeles . . . p. 18

Newt Gingrich Will be Forced to Step Down--
Clinton and Gore Impeached . . p. 18

Quotable Quotes: The real Hillary, etc . . . . . . . . . . . P. 18

Unnoticed Stories:
Man Mutilated in Arkansas Rape Case to go Free . . . . . . . . . . p. 19
PC Administers Lethal Dose in Australia's First Legal Suicide . . . .p. 19
Sister Ru's Book Reviews: Farhenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury . . . . . p. 19
Rumor Mill News, The Only Rumor You Can Trust!

RMNews Agency September 1996 Issue $5.00

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Articles In This Thread

The New World Order @ War: TWA 800
Patriotlad -- Thursday, 16-Nov-2000 02:35:06
RUMOR MILL NEWS -- Thursday, 16-Nov-2000 03:01:10

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