On November 6, 1998, RMNews published a story saying that Hillary Clinton will run for the Senate seat in New York. After we broke this story, we received numerous letters from readers stating that we were either crazy, uninformed as to residency requirements, or agents of disinformation. It is now 8 months later, and the major media is stating that Hillary HAS decided to run.
Rumors of Hillary's desire to run for the New York Senate seat started being spread in the major media in January of this year...two months after Rumor Mill News broke the story.
When our Source gave us the information that Hillary was going to run for Moynihan's Senate seat, he also told us that Faction 2 WANTS Hillary to run for the Senate seat. Our Source asked that we not publish the information he gave us until Mrs. Clinton had made up her mind to run. He said he was afraid that if she knew what was in store for her, she might decide not to run. He also said, that it would be better to have her in public view, than behind the scenes making policies that are implemented without representation.
Our Source said Faction 2 has two reasons for wanting Mrs. Clinton to run for the Senate.
The lesser of the reasons involves all of Hillary's scandals. Putting Mrs. Clinton in the public eye as the "candidate" instead of the "candidate's wife", will allow the investigators and researchers, which Mrs. Clinton dubbed, "The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy", to have one more chance to expose "The Crimes of Hillary Clinton."
Our Source said a book titled, "The Crimes of Hillary Clinton" is being written. It will be published just as soon as they (Faction 2) choose the appropriate author to front for it.
Plus some heretofore unknown scandals!
The major reason Faction 2 wants Hillary Clinton to run for the Senate is they would prefer to have her in public view rather than slithering through the back alleys of the United Nations.
If Mrs. Clinton joined the United Nations she could make public policy and have it implemented, with no public representation, through various UN treaties, and front companies such as the World Health Organization.
The grey imminence behind the United Nation's Secretary General is a shadowy figure named Maurice Strong. The National Center for Public Policy Research states:
"Maurice Strong is a senior advisor to United Nations' Secretary General Kofi Annan. Annan has appointed Strong to lead U.N. reforms, positioning him to be the next U.N. Secretary General."
Mr. Strong is 70 years old. When Kofi Annan steps down, Mr. Strong will get his first and last chance to become Secretary General. If this happens, the position of "grey imminence", the power behind the throne, will have to be filled.
Hillary Clinton is the number one candidate to take the place of Maurice Strong as the "power behind the throne" of the United Nations. If Mr. Strong succeeds in becoming Secretary General of the U.N., he can serve two five year terms. This will make him 80 when he steps down. In ten years, Hillary Clinton will have been properly groomed to step into the role of Secretary General.
If Maurice Strong is not successful in winning the job as Secretary General, his New World Order handlers want him replaced immediately by Hillary Clinton. From behind the scenes, Mrs. Clinton will continue to promote a One World Government, implement world wide environmental regulations, and orchestrate maneuvers like the Codex Alimentarius, the United Nations' plan to regulate vitamins and herbs worldwide and place them under the giant pharmaceutical companies which will require you to see a doctor and get a prescription.
Faction 2 wants Hillary to serve in the Senate where she and her policies are visible. They believe that after six years in the Senate where her communist/socialist environmental human unfriendly agenda, is exposed on a daily basis, the world will finally see her for what she is and for what she is promoting.
Faction 2 realizes that neither option is "America Friendly", but they believe that by manipulating her ego and letting her be elected a Senator, she will do less damage to the world than if she replaced Maurice Strong as the "power behind the throne."
Mayor Rudy Guilani has worked with members of Faction 2 since the early 80's. He believes he has their support in his run for the Senate seat. The Mayor is counting on the support of Faction 2 and believes their "Hillary smear campaign" will succeed in getting him elected.
The Mayor should not count his chickens before they hatch.
From talking to our Source, RMNews has concluded that Faction 2 believes it is in the best interest of the world to put Hillary Clinton in the Senate and keep her out of the United Nations.
Faction 1, the New World Order, will be happy with either course of action. They believe that they can make her into the Secretary General through either of the two routes. They can put her into Maurice Strong's present position and groom her for the post, or they can put her in the Senate and groom her from there.
Faction 2 is hoping that by putting her in a public position, as a Senator, Mrs. Clinton will finally show the world who she really is. They hope this will finally show America and the world what her real agenda and plan for humanity is.
Of course, if Hillary is elected Senator, someone will have to become the next Maurice Strong and be groomed for the Secretary General of the United Nations. Who will that be?
It is time for a citizen of the United States to become Secretary General. Up until the Monica Lewinsky debacle, Bill Clinton was number one in line for the position of Secretary General. Now the mantle has fallen upon his wife. But, if Hillary gets elected to the Senate and looks as if she could become the first woman President of the United States, then the NWO will have to pick someone else to step into the position of Secretary General. Depending on how gracefully President Clinton can end the Kosovo Crisis and claim victory, he could once again place himself as a candidate to become Secretary General.
It looks as though America and the world have not seen the last of Bill and Hillary Clinton. If Hillary is elected to the Senate, four years from now she could run for President.
Can you imagine having Hillary Rodham Clinton as President of the United States and William Jefferson Clinton as Secretary General of the United Nations?
Just remember, last November when RMNews announced that Hillary was going to run for Senator from New York, many of you thought we had gone off the deep end. We were right then, and we are right now as far as the Plan goes.
How successful the New World Order will be in implementing their plan is still to be told. The more people who wake up and realize where this road is heading, the less likely the NWO will be able to implement all aspects of their plans for Bill and Hillary.
The only thing that could truly dampen the Clinton's plans for world domination is for some new bombshell to explode. Maybe Faction 2 has video footage of Hillary and Bill hand delivering nuclear codes to the Chinese and accepting a bag of money in exchange. On second thought.... it would have to be MUCH bigger than that for the soccer moms and couch potatoes to desert their heros.
* * * * *
As you read the following, remember that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been groomed by the same people who shaped and molded the thoughts of Maurice Strong.
Most of the beliefs that Strong professes are also held by Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Al Gore. But these views are not just held by Democrats. Many Republicans hold similar beliefs.
The following gives a brief overview of what these beliefs are:
The Center for Public Policy Research continues its analysis of Maurice Strong by saying; "...placing Strong in charge of U.N. reform could pose a significant threat to the American way of life as Strong has used his position to centralize power in the U.N. at the expense of national sovereignty.
In the early 1970s, U.N. Secretary General U Thant tapped Strong to organize and direct the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The conference came to be known as the first Earth Summit. In the following year, Strong became the first director of the U.N. Environment Program. These two U.N. positions marked the beginning of Strong's methodical march toward global governance.
Strong's most significant role at the U.N. to_date has been his position as Secretary General of the 1992 U.N. Conference on the Environment and Development, the Rio Earth Summit.
In the opening session of the Rio Earth Summit, Strong commented: "The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security."
Interestingly, Strong had initially been blocked from participating in the conference by the U.S. Department of State. When Strong learned of this, however, he persuaded then_President George Bush to overrule the State Department.
Strong is also involved in the U.N. Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Through his work in UNESCO, Strong promotes Gaia, the Earth God(dess), among the world's youth. Strong is also the director of The Temple of Understanding in New York. He uses The Temple to encourage Americans concerned about the environment to replace Christianity with the worship of "mother earth."
Strong also directs the U.N.'s Business Council on Sustainable Development. Under his leadership, the council tries to affect peoples' lives through U.N. policies that attempt to reduce the availability of meat products; limit the use of home and workplace air conditioners; discourage private ownership of motor vehicles; encroach on private property rights; and work to reduce the number of single family homes.
Selected Strong Quotes
Strong on national sovereignty at the opening session of the 1992 Earth Summit...
"The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security." _Maurice Strong at the 1992 Earth Summit.
Strong responding to a question by a reporter asking why he gave large donations to both political parties in the United States during the 1988 election cycle...
"Because I wanted influence in the United States." _Maurice Strong quoted in Saturday Night magazine.
Strong on the impending global environmental catastrophe...
"If we don't change, our species will not survive... Frankly, we may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrial civilization to collapse." _Maurice Strong quoted in the September 1, 1997 edition of National Review magazine.
Strong discussing the role the Earth Summit would play in the emerging system of global governance...
"[The Earth Summit will play an important role in] reforming and strengthening the United Nations as the centerpiece of the emerging system of democratic global governance." _Maurice Strong quoted in the September 1, 1997 edition of National Review magazine.
Strong discussing his political inclinations...
"[I am] a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology." _Maurice Strong as quoted in Macleans.
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