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Posted By: Rayelan Date: Saturday, 16-Sep-2000 03:46:57
In Response To: MANUSCRIPTS AND BOOKS (Rayelan)
Books, Manuscripts, Booklets, Tapes and Videos
From Pigeon Point Publishing & Rumor Mill News
You can use PayPal to purchase the books and tapes on this page. Order instructions are at the bottom of this page.
Video Tapes
An Interview With Gunther Russbacher
Taped in August of 1993 by Alexander Horvat, Publisher of Probe Magazine
For the first time, You will see and hear Gunther Russbacher Tell his own Story
The death of Paul Wilcher, had occurred just one month before this tape was made!
How the CIA funds its Black Ops through money shuffling
Twenty year bogus bonds that are the reserve part of CIA banks and
savings and loans Savings and Loans started by the CIA based on zero funds
CIA's unlimited money supply which is FDIC secured
The Federal Reserve's 7-1 borrowing program. One million can borrow 7 million
the details of the mission. He was a POW for 18 months, and brutally tortured. The lack of fingernails, which is shown at the beginning of the tape, is due to having them repeatedly ripped out with pliers.
Terrorists used by the CIA to influence foreign elections
The New World Order
The Knights Templars
Factions within the Intelligence Community
Over 90 minutes long. This tape should be in the library of every serious CIA researcher. Russbacher candidly lays open the covert side of the CIA. It is truly a tape you will not forget. You will be surprised by the information and details he gives. Over 2 hours $20.00-- $4.00 S&H
The October Surprise,
a Television Interview with Rayelan Russbacher
Elvira Bohle, from Santa Barbara, conducts a one hour interview with Rayelan Russbacher. This is the best description of the October Surprise and what the Russbachers had endured for trying to expose it. 1 Hour Video Tape $20.00 $4.00 Shipping and Handling
The Obergon Chronicles
The video tape of the Global Sciences lecture by Rayelan at the 1997 Global Sciences 1 Hour Tape $20.00 $4.00 Shipping and Handling
Diana, Queen of Heaven
Lecture given in March, 1999 by Rayelan Allan, at the Global Sciences Congress in Daytona Beach, Florida. The presentation of her research into the death of Diana and the New World Order's plan for her, is riveting. 1 Hour Video Tape $20.00 $4.00 Shipping and Handling
Web of Lies -- Who Killed John F. Kennedy, Jr.?
Three Hour Lecture by Rayelan Allan, Publisher RMNews
The web of disinformation that surrounds the death of JFK, Jr. is designed for one purpose ... to obfuscate the assassination to such a degree that no one will ever know for sure Who Killed John F. Kennedy, Jr. Two 90 minutes tapes $20.00 Plus $3.50 Shipping and Handling
Paul Wilcher and Gunther Russbacher Are Interviewed by Geraldo
These tapes were recorded by Paul Wilcher during the taping of a segment for the Geraldo Rivera television show Now It Can Be Told. The three part segment was scheduled to run Tuesday through Thursday. The Show was canceled the Monday before the segment would have aired. The segment was never aired! Seven and a half hours--5 Tapes $35.00 --$4.00 S&H
Gunther Russbacher Breaks His cover
A radio interview with California radio personality Dave Emory.
2 Tapes $15.00 $3.00 Shipping and Handling
The Ariadne Thread, Rayelan Russbacher's First Interview
She appeared on Radio Free America, hosted by Tom Valentine. Mr. Valentine stated this tape was the most popular show in the history of RFA. 1 Tape $10.00-- $1.50 S&H
An Informal Discussion with Rayelan Russbacher
Mrs Russbacher tells what she and her husband have been through in their fight to free him from the AmeriKan Gulag. 2 Tapes $15.00-- $3.00 Shipping and Handling
We're Losing Our Country, A lecture by Rayelan Russbacher
Rayelan gave this lecture in 1993 at the Denver Global Sciences. She and her husband, Gunther were undergoing constant, life threatening attacks from the U.S. government. At the time she gave this lecture, Gunther's life had been threatened. She did not know if he was dead or alive!
1 Tape $10.00-- $1.50 Shipping and Handling
The Obergon Chronicles, A Lecture by Rayelan Russbacher
For the first time, Rayelan revealed that she had been "channeling" the history of the planet earth since 1981. She discovered in 1994 that what she thought were messages of ascended masters, were in reality coming from a secret unit of Navy Intelligence. She was a victim of mind control technology. In 1994 she was also told that the stories were found by the Knights Templars, during the Crusades, in the ruined Temple of King Solomon. Gunther and Rayelan were scheduled to give this lecture. At the time she had no idea what had happened to him or if he was dead or alive. Global Sciences Conference, January 1997. 1 Tape $10.00-- $1.50 S&H
Diana, Queen of Heaven, The New World Religion
Audio tape of the March, 1999 lecture by Rayelan Allan, at the Global Sciences Congress in Daytona Beach, Florida. 1 Hour Tape $10.00-- $1.50 S&H
Faction 2, The Opposition to the New World Order
Rayelan Allan and Dr. Rod Lewis from International Free Press Agency, discuss and explain the Faction of the military and intelligence communities that are actively opposed to the New World Order. Rayelan traces the origins of this Faction all the way back to the middle ages and the legendary Knights Templars. This is the most popular tape Rayelan has ever recorded. 90 Minute Audio tape $12.00-- $1.50 S&H
SIGHTINGS, Hosted by Jeff Rense
The Number 4 Radio Show in the World! http://www.sightings.com
In an interview spanning two nights, Rayelan and Jeff discuss her life as the wife of a CIA covert operative. The subjects include:
In 1994, Rayelan and Gunther returned the gold stolen from the Austrian treasury in 1939, by Adolph Hitler. The gold was the legendary treasure of the Knight's Templars.
Explanations of the two factions in the intelligence communities; Faction 1, Pro New World Order and Faction 2, the Opposition to the NWO
Never before disclosed information on New Age "channeled" writings that were in reality a form of Navy Intelligence "voice to skull" mind control.
Many, never before told, stories of what Rayelan and Gunther went through during the four years he was a political prisoner of the Bush Administration and the New World Order.
The untold story of the "unbelievable" first five minutes of Gunther's and Rayelan's 1989 "accidental" meeting.
Four hours on three 90 minute tapes $20.00-- $3.50 Shipping and Handling
The Following Tape Set Is A Must Own
For All Researchers of the Intelligence Communitites
CIA Crimes and Corruption --- Three Insiders Talk!!
Capt. Trenton Parker, USMC, attached to the CIA, ONI and USMC; Stew Webb, Investigative Researcher, Rayelan Allan Investigator, Writer and wife of Gunther Russbacher. Revealed for the first time, how the CIA uses their versions of the Hegelian Dialectic to change society.
3 audio tapes $25.00 plus $3.00 Shipping and Handling.
The Short Road to Chaos and Destruction
This was the original article written about the Federal Reserve Banking System by political prisoner, Gunther Russbacher. At the time this article was written few people even knew the Federal Reserve was not FEDERAL!!! $5.00 Shipping and Handling $1.50
Operation Open Eyes, Five Easy Steps to Create a Manchurian Candidate
Government insiders reveal how "sleeper assassins" are created. Also includes the true story of the Jonestown mass murders Over 40 pages $7.00 Shipping and Handling $1.50
The AmeriKan Gulag --
The Story of Three Political Prisoners in the United States
The lives of Congressman George Hansen, Captain Gunther Russbacher and American Patriot Writer Maynard Campbelled are profiled. Only one of the three escaped the AmeriKan Gulag with his life and mind in tact. Things like this aren't supposed to happen in AmeriKa. After you read this, you will understand that you don't have to go to Iran to see victims of torture.
$10.00 plus $1.50 S&H
The Time of Armageddon Has Finally Come
One of the articles from the Obergon Chronicles. It offers a different explanation of Armageddon and helps you determine if you have anything to fear from these coming changes.
Over 25 pages $5.00 S&H $1.50
This has been put on the web in the RMNews Forum archives. Do a search for the word Armageddon. You will be surprised at how much information has been written on Armageddon, including this article.
OUT OF STOCK FOR NOW! No immediate plans to republish.
Volume 1, The Original Numbers 1-7 June through December 1996 $25.00 S&H $4.00
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If you choose to pay this way, please send an email to rayelan@rumormillnews.com with a list the books and tapes you have ordered and a note stating that the payment was made through either paypal.com (I have asked PayPal to change my ID from Rayelan@aol.com to Rayelan@rumormillnews.com. Hopefully they will allow both IDs to be used for a while. If one doesn't work, please try the other. Thanks, R.)
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Articles In This Thread
Rayelan -- Saturday, 16-Sep-2000 03:28:13
Rayelan -- Saturday, 16-Sep-2000 03:46:57
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