===========RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY===========
Dateline: March 3, 2000
On March 1st, FOX talk show host Bill O'Reilly asked if we are heading for a race war? This has been a question Rumor Mill News has asked many times.
Just look at some of the latest headlines and ask yourself the same question.
NY Police Kill Man Near Site of Diallo Shooting
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A plainclothes police officer shot and killed an unarmed drug dealer in a struggle in the Bronx on Wednesday night, just three blocks from last year's police shooting of an unarmed African immigrant.
The dead man, identified by police as ex-convict Malcolm Ferguson, was black. He died from a single bullet wound to the head fired from the gun of an Hispanic police officer, Louis Rivera, during a struggle in an apartment building.
Thousands March in Washington for Diallo Protest
``It doesn't matter what your title is in America. If you're black, brown or yellow, you're still just another n_gg_r,'' former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry said to shouts of approval. ----
RMNews -- At this same rally, Black activist Dick Gregory stated, "What happened to this black man will soon happen to you white folks." This was said before the black racist killed the three white people.
South Carolina Republicans Block King Holiday
COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - South Carolina legislators blocked a bill on Thursday establishing a holiday for Dr. Martin Luther King, leaving the state the only one in the nation refusing to honor the slain U.S. civil rights leader.
snip snip....
RMNews-- Remember, less than two weeks ago the South Carolina Republican Party locked out black voters from the primary by closing the precincts in their areas.
Remember also that South Carolina is the state that flies the Stars and Bars and is being boycotted by the NAACP. Is South Carolina being set up to repeat its infamous first step in racial division?
Remember your history, South Carolina was the first to declare itself free from the Union. The Civil War started in South Carolina, will the second American Civil War also start there?
Pennsylvania Gunman Acknowledges Mental Illness
WILKINSBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - A black gunman accused of killing two white people and critically wounding three others appeared to be motivated by racial hatred, police said on Thursday.
Ronald Taylor, 39, who faces homicide and other charges, kept a notebook of ``anti-white'' and ``anti-Jewish'' writings at his apartment outside Pittsburgh and confided to witnesses that he meant to shoot only whites before unleashing his bloody rampage on Wednesday, police said.
snip snip ----
RMNews--- FOX News reported that this black man might be the first minority to be charged with a "hate crime".
Regular readers of Rumor Mill News have read of conversations between Rayelan Allan and the mysterious Admiral from Faction Two who used to sit at her kitchen table and have tea and cookies with her.
On one occasion Rayelan asked the Admiral if he was admitting that his group also conducted mind control experiments. The Admiral replied, "You have to fight fire with fire."
If these mass murders are committed by mind controlled Manchurian Candidates, who were created by evil forces in the NWO to bring about the disarmament of the America people, then what is to be made of black people killing white people in a fit of racial hatred?
After reading the stories of the black six year old who killed a white girl, followed the next day by a black racist who shot and killed three white people, it appears that two possibilities exist.
1. This is the final act of the NWO's plan to disarm the American people. In this act, if everything goes according to the NWO's script, black people will start killing white people. This will enrage many white supremists (programmed supremists?) who will join together with like minded people and start killing blacks. This will lead to more and more killings which will eventually erupt into a race war, which will bring about martial law.
This article from the RMNews archives spells out the Coming Revolution:
2. The other possibility, which is almost too difficult to imagine, but in light of what the mysterious Admiral said to Rayelan, it seems imminently possible:
What if Faction Two has trained it own group of mind controlled sleepers?
What if this black racist who just killed three white people is a way of forcing the hand of the NWO?
Many white people have been justifiably angry when the "hate crimes" label is attached to every incident in which blacks are beaten and killed by whites, but these same standards are never applied when whites are beaten, raped and killed by blacks.
If this black racist was a mind controlled creation from Faction Two, there could be many different ramifications which will quickly follow.
Yahoo has even created a webpage dedicate to full coverage of all the hate crimes:
Yahoo! Full Coverage: Hate Crimes
This article was posted by Rumor Mill News October 18, 1999. This was long before John McCain was taken seriously as a candidate, but RMNews predicted his meteoric rise to front runner status. Back in October of last year, the major media had anointed G. W. Bush. The McCain comment was just a side note in this article.
It is only mentioned here because of it's accuracy. If this comment was accurate, then maybe the rest of the article was accurate also.
The article is mainly about Bill Clinton having a nervous breakdown and what this might mean.
In another article, which can't be found at the moment, RMNews pointed out that Bill Clinton is having enormous pressure put on him by his NWO handlers. They want American disarmed before the next election. Clinton was told that if he did not get the guns out of the hands of the American public, then he would be killed by a gun and the next President would pass "The Clinton Memorial Gun Ban".
With the rhetoric that Clinton is using regarding the recent shooting by the black six year old at school, it appears as if he is gearing up for another battle to take away the guns of Americans. If he is successful in passing his anti gun legislation, we will have a revolution.
One of the things Clinton is stating regarding this recent school shooting is that "Trigger locks may have prevented this needless killing."
The gun the six year old black boy used was found in a "crack house." It was a stolen gun. The thought that illegal drug users and sellers would put trigger locks on their stolen weapons is absolutely ludicrous!
And yet not one person in the establishment media has pointed this out. In fact the three major networks refer to the "crack house" as a "rooming house". Again, showing all of us that they are complicit in the NWO takeover of AmeriKa.
If you have not yet read the following long article on Mind Control and Gun Confiscation please take the time to do so. If we understand what the enemy is doing, we might be able to stop them.
Olson and Woll discovered that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1863 that the president can unilaterally decide whether an insurrection is in effect and determine how much force is necessary to suppress it. He can "brand as belligerents the inhabitants of any area in general insurrection."
snip snip --- (read the rest)
If your think that martial law can't happen in the United States of America in this day and age, the you must read this:
If the President declares a national emergency and implements martial law, what will this mean to you.?
Many states and federal agencies built huge control centers for Y2K and stocked them with enough supplies to feed hundreds to thousands of people for a year. Were these people preparing for something other than Y2K?
Look around you, the signs are everywhere, and everyone is ignoring them.
Race based killings... leading to..
Race riots and race wars
Stock market tilting
School shootings and mass killings beginning again
Clinton trying to pass new gun laws... again
Not to mention the WTO,
Chinese campaign money and spying,
Oil prices which may deplete our national reserves,
And a dozen wars around the globe that could involve our military whenever the NWO wants them out of the United States.
If your attention is entirely on the headlines in the newspapers and the primary elections... then the controlled media is doing its job very well ....
Take some time to review many of the articles on the Rumor Mill News Forum.
Get a perspective and realize that we may have made it through Y2K, but we haven't survived the Millennium yet.
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