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The Antichrist's Plan and the NWO

Posted By: Novaliz
Date: Friday, 13-Apr-2001 18:05:04

Another extract from Peter Tradowsky's excellent book 'Kaspar Hauser'. This extract regards what Tradowsky describes as the "ideal plan" for the coming incarnation of the Satanic power and is an analysis of Soloviev's work written in the closing years of the nineteenth century entitled 'The Antichrist', which was clearly written out of a deep understanding of the workings of the Spirit.


"Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900) pointed in the year of his death to the significance of this century's end in his story The Antichrist.' This prophetic writing which describes the beginning of the twenty-first century - the beginning of the third millenium - tells, according to a fictitious retrospective account of the twentieth century, about the inescapable appearance of the Antichrist, who becomes the generally accepted world ruler with his headquarters in Jerusalem. Soloviev mentions twice that the decisive change in the man who became the Antichrist happened at the age of 33. `He was still young, but, thanks to his great talent, at 33 years of age was widely proclaimed as a great thinker, writer, and social worker . . . He believed in Good, but the All Seeing Eye of the Eternal knew that this man bowed before the power of evil when it offered him a bribe-not by the snare of the senses and lower passions, nor even by the superior attraction of power, but through his immeasurable self-love alone. Besides, this self-love was neither an unconscious instinct nor a foolish pretence. In view of his exceptional talent, his beauty, nobility of character, his supreme display of continence, his disinterestedness, and his active beneficence, it seemed that his enormous self-love was justifiable, and worthy of a great spiritualist, ascetic and philanthropist.'

It is this self-love which was the source of the change. `He had passed his 30th year and still another three years go by. Suddenly the thought flashes into his mind and pierces to the depths of his brain with a burning shudder, "But if? If it is not I, but that other-the Galilean. If he is not my forerunner, but the real first and last?" '

In the place of humility and veneration `there grows up in his heart, at first a sort of horror and then a burning envy and fury which seizes and contracts all his being, a hatred which fills his soul. "It is I, and not He," he calls out. "No, he is not alive and will not be. He has not, He has not risen! He is rotting in the grave, rotting as the lost..."'

Soloviev here describes the decisive moment in which this well-prepared person finally surrenders to the Antichrist. He recognizes the truth of Christ's resurrection-he must basically recognize it-but he intentionally denies such truth and, with all the means at his disposal, seeks to nullify and destroy it. This is the archetype of the sin against the spirit in which knowledge of the truth is consciously opposed. The recognition of the earthly-cosmic effect of the resurrection body, discussed earlier in such detail, lies at the basis of the decision of will which here entirely includes the Antichrist. At the same time it was emphasized that the Antichrist, in sinning against the spirit, ruthlessly opposes this with universal humanityencompassing tactics.

When the Antichrist denies the resurrection for the second time, he throws himself into the abyss, but is stopped in midair and thrown back up. `He felt a vibration as from an electric shock . . . For an instant he lost consciousness." Through the `electric shock' and the break in consciousness the Antichrist himself has the archetypal experience of that which Ahriman uses as the classical means of infusing the soul with his forces.

After these episodes those forces enter the superman-in conscious reversal of the Baptism in the Jordan-which enable him in the shortest space of time to write his book The Open Way to Universal Peace and Prosperity. He can write the book in his own name, he does not need to obey or serve anyone. The book is written in such a way that it will suit everybody, everyone will interpret it according to his own fashion, for nothing will induce man `to offer a sacrifice to truth itself, to actually raise himself above his "I" for its sake'. Actually it is not a matter of transforming the ego, nor of gradually absorbing the Christ-Impulse into the ego in order to truly change the nature of man, but it involves a resting or hardening of the ego itself.

`The wonderful author not only attracted everyone, but he was welcome to each, thus fulfilling the words of Christ: "I am come in My Father's name and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name-him ye will receive." Of course, for the latter to be received he must be welcome.' These words reveal their prophetic character for our time. As the economic process is understood and practised nowadays it largely serves to make things comfortable and easy by rousing and satisfying new needs. One becomes increasingly aware that, in connection with the community of man, egoism and antisocial behaviour in respect of the earth and its surroundings reveal forces of destruction and exploitation.

Behind the Kaspar-Hauser-destiny the heads of the Jesuit and Freemasonry Orders would be seen to be the deciding and directing powers. As Soloviev describes it: `The principle directors of general European policy belonging to the powerful Society of Freemasons felt the lack of a common executive authority... Then the "devoted ones" resolved to institute a personal executive authority of one person with full and sufficient powers. The principal candidate was a member of the Order, "the coming man". He was the only person with a great worldwide reputation. Being by profession a clever scientist in the branch of ballistics, and by possessions a large capitalist, he had friendly relations everywhere in financial and military circles.'

It has been shown how, especially since the events of 1945, the economy and armaments have become the decisive factors for life throughout the world. And should we not look upon Soloviev's remark, `by profession a scientist in the branch of ballistics' as a pointer towards space travel? At the instigation of the Freemasons the `coming man' was the elected lifelong president of the United States of Europe and finally, amid general rejoicing, raised to the rank of `Roman Emperor'. He begins his rulership on earth by bringing peace-which is no other than `peace through force', and he solves the socialeconomic problem through `an equality of general repletion'. The culmination of his accession to power was achieved through the magician Apollyon, who was a master of the halfscientific, half magical art of `attracting and controlling atmospheric electricity according to his will, which was commonly known as calling down fire from heaven'. Through miracles and signs he became the great entertainer of the nations of the world. Finally the Emperor wished to resolve the religious question at a Council in Jerusalem. `When the Emperor entered, accompanied by the great magician and his suite, the orchestra played the "March of United Humanity", which served as the imperial national hymn.'

'The March of United Humanity'. Over against that was, in the Christian sense, the choir of many nations with many different voices that individually served the community. The Emperor easily managed to win over most of the members of the Council to his way of thinking-Orthodox Christians, Catholics and Protestants. But he failed with the small remainder of Christians. To his question what he could do for

them the venerable John replied: `Confess now before us, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Who came in the flesh, Who rose from the dead, and Who will come again.' As the Antichrist could not give the appropriate answer he was unmasked. When the venerable John openly proclaimed in front of the Council: 'Children, it is the Antichrist!' he broke the spell. It is true, the magician Apollyon was able to prevent the immediate consequence of this unmasking through a seeming divine judgement, nevertheless the doom of the Antichrist has hereby been irrevocably sealed through his unmasking. Outwardly this was brought about by the Jews, who, having looked upon the Superman as the Messiah, noticed that he was not a Jew at all. He was imprisoned by a mighty earthquake and a volcanic eruption which engulfed the Emperor, the magician and all belonging to them.

Soloviev's story is not to be dismissed in a trivial way as a prophesy. It reproduces, as it were, the ideal plan for the Antichrist, the historical fulfilment of which is diverted, damped down and crossed by several other factors. The actual historical process, which takes place in a quite different period of time, presents a very much modified picture. In providing a knowledge of the evolutionary tendencies and the motives of the present day and near future which have to come to terms with the principle of evil, Soloviev's writing presents us with archetypal pictures that are of great importance and the reader will easily be able to verify how much in the course of history is based on such archetypal pictures."

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