I used to have this short MPEG of the part of the introduction to one of the pokemon cartoons -- it was very disturbing & directly
suggested child molestation (to me anyway). Unfortunatly I cant find the thing on my PC. It was about 2 years ago that I got it- someone else might remember it.
Anyway, it went like this: A little girl is running towards the viewer, being chased by something, then, as she gets closer a chipmunk type character runs between her legs & toward the viewer. As it goes between her legs, its tail brushes her crutch directly. She stops, crosses her legs, puts her hands between them & hangs her head.
Suddenly, the scene changes to 4 adult characters who fold their arms & nod(as if in approval) in unison. The thing is, one is a doctor, one a nurse, one a policeman & one a housewife type figure. The last scene is of a red dragon breathing fire.
Scary stuff.
: The Reptile Report #0003-051499
: It took me less than two hours of my life to discover that the
: PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION are total, complete and absolute
: frauds! All I had to do was LISTEN to an eight-year-old
: talking about Pokemon for less than thirty minutes and
: watch one hour’s worth of the program! That’s it!
: Two nights ago I GUARDED two children while their mother went
: to an AA meeting. Among other things the little boy shared
: his collection of “Pokemon” cards with me. I had never
: heard of “Pokemon” before so I asked him to tell me about
: it. What he had to say was so complicated, so foreign, so
: bizarre, that I made an appointment with him to watch the
: show with him the following day, which was yesterday. I
: went to his house at 3:30 and watched my first episode. The
: boy provided a running interpretation of what was going on.
: Even then I could hardly keep track of the cast of
: characters which, if I understood the little boy correctly,
: totals over ONE THOUSAND! This includes, some characters
: which EVOLVE through as many as three stages.
: The pace is SUPERSONIC. The dialogue at times sounds exactly
: like Japanese. When the young boy talked about it at times
: I thought he was SPEAKING JAPANESE!
: In answer to one question I asked about what was going on he
: replied, “They miss their owners.” I did not see or hear
: anything that indicated that. When I asked him a further
: question about “owners” he clarified that they were
: “trainers”. Trainers! TRAINERS??? What are they being
: “trained” to do?
: Between the two episodes a real person, the announcer, was
: talking and between him and the camera a “fan” kept the
: image of him FLASHING! This is a hypnotic trance inducing
: technique!
: In the second half hour episode the greatest achievement is to
: Some time before the young boy apparently received his
: “PASSWORD” and went to the store and bought his “ball” with
: (Engaging and encouraging children in keeping secrets?)
: I do not need to look any further to know what this program is
: all about. IT IS MIND CONTROL. Our children are UNDER
: ATTACK! (Like the tobacco companies, they’re getting ‘em
: while they’re young.)
: I know for a fact that the American Psychiatric Association
: and the American Psychological Association are in on this.
: How do I know? Logic! It’s so SIMPLE! If I were the head of
: either one of these organizations I would be as a HUMAN
: HURRICANE demanding that this be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. It is
: destroying our children. It is raping their minds and
: turning them into remote controlled units. Since neither of
: the APA’s, as powerful as they are, have lifted one finger
: to put a stop to this, they are obviously in cahoots with
: this cold-blooded pyramid scheme. I would say they have
: helped to make this happen and are getting rich from the
: suffering of these children and their families.
: Children are being taken over while their little bodies sit in
: front of the television set. I have written about this many
: times in the past. Your television set is your own private
: satanic alter right in your own home. You allow your
: children to be psychically molested right there in your own
: living room, WITH YOUR BLESSING. And I bet you even lock
: your doors at night! Fools! You are letting the fox guard
: the chicken house.
: The NWO plan is to steal a child’s mind and turn them into
: mind-controlled slaves, tuned in their their OWNERS!
: WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! You’re living on The Mean Planet
: and you best not forget it.
: “This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
: this ain't no fooling around
: No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
: I ain't got time for that now...”
: --Talking Heads “Life During Wartime” Stop Making Sense
: Yes, stop trying to make sense out of all this. “YOU AINT’ GOT
: Jana Janus
: Omnipresent On The Mean Planet