The Reptile Report #0003-051499
It took me less than two hours of my life to discover that the AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC ASSOCIATION and the AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION are total, complete and absolute frauds! All I had to do was LISTEN to an eight-year-old talking about Pokemon for less than thirty minutes and watch one hour’s worth of the program! That’s it!
Two nights ago I GUARDED two children while their mother went to an AA meeting. Among other things the little boy shared his collection of “Pokemon” cards with me. I had never heard of “Pokemon” before so I asked him to tell me about it. What he had to say was so complicated, so foreign, so bizarre, that I made an appointment with him to watch the show with him the following day, which was yesterday. I went to his house at 3:30 and watched my first episode. The boy provided a running interpretation of what was going on. Even then I could hardly keep track of the cast of characters which, if I understood the little boy correctly, totals over ONE THOUSAND! This includes, some characters which EVOLVE through as many as three stages.
The pace is SUPERSONIC. The dialogue at times sounds exactly like Japanese. When the young boy talked about it at times I thought he was SPEAKING JAPANESE!
In answer to one question I asked about what was going on he replied, “They miss their owners.” I did not see or hear anything that indicated that. When I asked him a further question about “owners” he clarified that they were “trainers”. Trainers! TRAINERS??? What are they being “trained” to do?
Between the two episodes a real person, the announcer, was talking and between him and the camera a “fan” kept the image of him FLASHING! This is a hypnotic trance inducing technique!
In the second half hour episode the greatest achievement is to become a POKEMON BREEDER!
Some time before the young boy apparently received his “PASSWORD” and went to the store and bought his “ball” with some things in it. HE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL HIS PASSWORD. (Engaging and encouraging children in keeping secrets?)
I do not need to look any further to know what this program is all about. IT IS MIND CONTROL. Our children are UNDER ATTACK! (Like the tobacco companies, they’re getting ‘em while they’re young.)
I know for a fact that the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association are in on this. How do I know? Logic! It’s so SIMPLE! If I were the head of either one of these organizations I would be as a HUMAN HURRICANE demanding that this be STOPPED IMMEDIATELY. It is destroying our children. It is raping their minds and turning them into remote controlled units. Since neither of the APA’s, as powerful as they are, have lifted one finger to put a stop to this, they are obviously in cahoots with this cold-blooded pyramid scheme. I would say they have helped to make this happen and are getting rich from the suffering of these children and their families.
Children are being taken over while their little bodies sit in front of the television set. I have written about this many times in the past. Your television set is your own private satanic alter right in your own home. You allow your children to be psychically molested right there in your own living room, WITH YOUR BLESSING. And I bet you even lock your doors at night! Fools! You are letting the fox guard the chicken house.
The NWO plan is to steal a child’s mind and turn them into mind-controlled slaves, tuned in their their OWNERS!
WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! You’re living on The Mean Planet and you best not forget it.
“This ain't no party, this ain't no disco,
this ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey dovey,
I ain't got time for that now...”
--Talking Heads “Life During Wartime” Stop Making Sense
Yes, stop trying to make sense out of all this. “YOU AINT’ GOT TIME FOR THAT NOW...”
Jana Janus
Omnipresent On The Mean Planet