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Date: Saturday, 23-Jun-2001 10:01:49


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Source: American Patrol Report

Published: June 19, 2001 Author: Glenn Spencer

Posted on 06/19/2001 22:19:45 PDT by tobygan






Thanks for staying with us, I am Newt Gingrich in for Bill O'Reilly.
And in the unresolved problems segment tonight, illegals crossing the border.

Last month fourteen illegal immigrants from Mexico died of thirst and
exposure crossing the southern Arizona desert. The Mexican government is
trying to prevent even more tragedies by giving immigrants border survival
kits that contain food, water and medicine. But will that just encourage
more illegal immigration?

Joining us from Anaheim, California, is Carlos Olamendi, who is vice
president of the National Coalition of Professional Mexicans Abroad. And
from Los Angeles, Glenn Spencer, who is president of American Patrol dot

Let me start Glenn with you because of the background from your standpoint.
Could you outline what you see is happening and what you think the American
people should be concerned about.

SPENCER: Newt, as a historian I am sure you understand the importance
of historic perspective.June 18, 01

April 4, 1997, responding to our new immigration law that you passed, the
president of Mexico said as follows: "We will not tolerate foreign forces
dictating and enacting laws on Mexicans."
That was on April 4.
On April 3rd the L.A. Times reported that a debate on our immigration laws
in the Mexican congress bordered on a declaration of war on the United

And only three months later, the president of Mexico went before a crowd
in Chicago and said, "I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends
beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican migrants
are an important, a very important part of it." [Real
Audio clip of this statement

And he announced a new dual citizenship law, a law that I
described in the December 24, 1996 issue of the Los Angeles Times as declaration
of war on the United States. And I really believe this. I said this almost
five years ago, and I believe it today.

GINGRICH: How does that relate, then, Glenn, to fourteen innocent people
dying in the desert?

SPENCER: Because the Mexican government is encouraging them to come.
The Mexican government is trying everything in its power to encourage these
people to come. Their
Border Czar, appointed by Fox, Mr. Ruffo, recently said "If the Border
Patrol stops you ,try again."
So they are responsible for these
deaths on the border and that's why they are handing these kits out. Because
they are responsible for it.

GINGRICH Mr. Olamendi, I suspect you have a very different view of this.
How would you interpret

OLAMENDI: Well, first of all, it seems to me it is very irresponsible
to say those words on the national television. And the attitude and the
level of the negativism in the Mr. Spencer words is the one who encourage
more illegal activities. And what we're facing here is a reality. Right
now the problem with Mexico and the United States we cannot turn around.
Right now we have to face it. And right now the Mexican government is not
providing any illegal activity or try to bring more people into the United
States. What he is doing is, he is doing in conjunction, in conjunction
with some organizations here in the United States who care for this situation
on the border, try to establish a federal program for the health care for
the people of the immigrants, the communities and the family ones in Mexico,
not in the border

GINGRICH: Let me ask you a question if I could Mr. Olamendi, I notice
in today's newspapers that the Fox administration in Mexico has just announced
that they're going to tighten up control of their own southern border,
that they have a great deal of illegal immigration coming in from Guatemala,
from Honduras, even from places like China, who are coming north from Central
America, and then crossing Mexico. Don't you find it a little interesting
that the Mexican government on the one hand is actually getting tougher
on its own southern border and doing more to control immigration into Mexico.

OLAMENDI: Well sir, look at what we are facing right now is uuhh we
cannot looking the problem of immigration just by one side one government.
This is have to be a completely bilateral decisions of the United States
government, Mexican government, and Central American governments, and right

SPENCER: We are a sovereign nation. We can make unilateral decisions
about our border and we'd better - we'd better do it right now.

OLAMENDI: That's exactly what you and your activities and your group
increase those illegal activity. You're talking that Mr. Foxes is trying
to provide immigration

SPENCER: A Mr. Olamendi, you
are a member of the fifth column
, a fifth column of subversives
trying to break down the laws of the United States. You are advancing la
Reconquista, the takeover, starting with California, of large sections
of our country. And you...absolutely....

OLAMENDI: You are ignorant.

SPENCER..I am not ignorant, I am very knowledgeable.....

GINGRICH: Let me break in

OLAMENDI: Mr. Gingrich, this is an important issue. This is not an issue
regarding the issue of the survival kit package. This is a well established
program, a national program of the federal government trying to help the
help of the immigrant people, their communities because right now we are
facing now.

SPENCER: They are forcing Mexicans into the United States, they have
been doing it for years, they even call it themselves, la Reconquista.
They are taking back what they feel was lost as a result of the Treaty
of Guadalupe Hidalgo and you, and you , Mr. Olamendi , are part of that
program, and so is

GINGRICH: But I am curious

OLAMENDI: If I can contribute by example like I have something to do
because I am Mexican and I also American and I feel proud to in that form.
And I am here as a businessman, and I also part of this society, this community,
try to implement a new ways to communication so that historically.

how many people know that your co-founder
...yes.... [The co-founder
of Olamendi's organization, International Coalition of Mexicans Abroad,
is Eddie

GINGRICH: Mr. Spencer, let me break in for a second if I could

SPENCER: Go ahead.

GINGRICH: I am fascinated by one of the things I've noticed in the last
few years. There's a dramatic difference the way some Californians view
this issue and the way Texans seem to view it. Texans seem to have a much
more accepting attitude towards the relationship between Mexico and the
United States, a much more accepting attitude towards integrating the two
cultures and yet in California there's a much deeper resistance to that.
Do have any sense to what you ascribe that dramatic difference to?

SPENCER: (OLAMENDI- interrupting - He don't understand the history he
don't) He asked me the question and if I could please answer the question
and not be interrupted let's show some courtesy here.

GINGRICH: If you would, Mr. Olamendi, let Mr. Spencer answer for a second.

SPENCER: I think that the record clearly shows that California has been
targeted. The
head, the founder of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
once said on Los Angeles radio that California was going to be a Hispanic
state and anyone who doesn't like it should leave [Real
Audio clip of this statement
]. Art Torres, head of the California
Democratic Party, "Proposition 187" [the proposition passed by 60% of California
voters] was the last gasp of white America in California." [Real
Audio clip of this statement
] We have been targeted and we know
what is going on.

GINGRICH: Well, I find it fascinating. Mr. Olamendi, you might briefly
want to comment from your perspective as an American of Mexican descent.

OLAMENDI: (Talking over part of GINGRICH) Well the perspective is clear.
The first time we have two presidents facing the issues that historically
any society and country need to face. We are neighbors and we have to continue
being as neighbors and better we start right now facing those issues. Health
issues are a problem

GINGRICH: Thank you very much (OLAMENDI continues to talk)

SPENCER: This is an issue of conquest and this is an issue of....


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Note: Gingrich's reaction.

1 Posted on 06/19/2001 22:19:45 PDT by tobygan

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To: tobygan

What is to note?

2 Posted on 06/19/2001 22:24:04 PDT by MissAmericanPie

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To: tobygan

Their Border Czar, appointed by Fox, Mr. Ruffo, recently said "If the Border Patrol stops you ,try again."

Claymores and anti-personnel mines. Razor wire, spotlights, and a bounty. That'll help slow it down.

3 Posted on 06/19/2001 22:33:36 PDT by Tennessee_Bob

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To: tobygan

No mention of AZ which is being INUNDATED!!!

4 Posted on 06/19/2001 22:42:26 PDT by brat

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To: brat

This is frightening.

5 Posted on 06/19/2001 22:48:41 PDT by BenR2

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To: tobygan

GINGRICH: Let me ask you a question if I could Mr. Olamendi, I notice in today's newspapers that the Fox administration in Mexico has just announced that they're going to tighten up control of their own southern border, that they have a great deal of illegal immigration coming in from Guatemala, from Honduras, even from places like China, who are coming north from Central America, and then crossing Mexico. Don't you find it a little interesting that the Mexican government on the one hand is actually getting tougher on its own southern border and doing more to control immigration into Mexico.

Gingrich hits a home run here and everyone misses it entirely.

This is THE argument so settle this issue. All the Congress and the President need to do is say the following: "OK. Our Southern Border immigration policy will be a MIRROR IMAGE of Mexico's OWN SOUTHERN BORDER immigration policy.

Anyone who knows ANYTHING about the subject will confirm that Mexico is MUCH harder on illegals caught crossing its Southern border than we are on those caught crossing ours.

In all fairness to Mexico, not all those illegally entering the US via our Southern Border are MEXICANS. Many are Central American, Asian or Eastern European, as well.

6 Posted on 06/19/2001 22:53:10 PDT by BenR2

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To: tobygan

No offence, but why not let Mexico have California back, the greens would love it, and we get rid of Boxer and Feinstein in the Senate.

7 Posted on 06/19/2001 22:54:04 PDT by Yellow Rose of Texas

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To: Yellow Rose of Texas

That idea is soooo crazy, it just might work!!! But seriously folks... This problem is REAL, and we better start doing something NOW, because it doesn't look like 'W' will be of any help to us at all!!!

8 Posted on 06/19/2001 23:59:36 PDT by Captainpaintball

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To: Yellow Rose of Texas

"No offence, but why not let Mexico have California back,..."

Because it doesn't belong to them. Let them have Feinstien and Boxer instead.

9 Posted on 06/20/2001 00:20:38 PDT by gryphon

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To: tobygan

I don't like Newt Gingrich; he is akin to fascism as liars before him in government such as Oliver North.

10 Posted on 06/20/2001 00:36:14 PDT by Buckeroo (

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To: BenR2

Yeah, so much for multilateral decision-making.

11 Posted on 06/20/2001 00:59:18 PDT by mrustow

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To: tobygan

Well, if their government wants to give "survival kits" to their people by the border, then perhaps our government could reciprocate in like kind.

I'm thinking that the US federal government could put together "survival kits" and give them to Americans that live by the border. M16, ammunition, flack jacket, and night vision equipment might make the basis for a nice "survival kit", don't you think?

I'm sure the Pentagon has enough of that stuff stockpiled in surplus warehouses, so they'd be able to afford to created the "survival kits" at a very modest cost. Maybe toss in some training too.

What reasonable person could object?

12 Posted on 06/20/2001 01:08:02 PDT by Don Joe

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To: BenR2

In all fairness to Mexico, not all those illegally entering the US via our Southern Border are MEXICANS. Many are Central American, Asian or Eastern European, as well.

First, that is all the more reason to lock down our southern border and lock it down *tight*.

Second, I'm not interested in being 'fair' to Mexico. I'm interested in stopping them from entering this country well as anyone else entering this country illegally.

When the Mexican government encourages their people to cross into the US, they are *also* aiding those of *other* nationalities in doing the same thing. By spreading out the Border Patrol they make it easier for anyone to cross into the US. As little as I like the idea of having armed troops along our borders, I think this may be necessary for at least the near future.


13 Posted on 06/20/2001 03:47:08 PDT by Tuor

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To: Buckeroo

"I don't like Newt Gingrich; he is akin to fascism as liars before him in government such as Oliver North."

I don't care much for him as a man ie (an amoral swine) but your comment "fascism as liars before him in government" yada yada yada, they are all with few exceptions reporbates and socialists and no statesman anymore. but I will say I would rather have Newt Gingrich and / or Oliver North than Henry Waxman or hillary xlinton

14 Posted on 06/20/2001 04:45:42 PDT by SERE_DOC

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To: tobygan

They are all passing wind. Basically, it is already over. Give it a good ten more years and America will cease to be America. The illegals will be given the right to vote the US Treasury over to themselves, and American taxpayers will be forced to foot the bill for every Mexican from the cradle to the grave-- both in Mexico and in America.

This is a given. No discussion will change anything. They are here! they will have the majority vote and our elected representatives will cater to them. It is the US Treasury they are after and they will get it.

15 Posted on 06/20/2001 05:59:14 PDT by swampfox98

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To: Tennessee_Bob

Let's not forget snipers with m82a1s and maybe some good ol' ambush patrols along known routes. Mecahnical and human ambushes would be cool. Keep some TAC Air and Arty available in case of large numbers of targets.

16 Posted on 06/20/2001 06:09:57 PDT by dixierat22

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To: dixierat22

Well, if you're being sarcastic, so be it...but if you're serious, I have to admit that I like your way of thinking.

To me, this is an invasion, plain and simple. If the Mexican government wants to provide survival kits and claim that they're not encouraging illegals to cross the border, well, I think that's ridiculous.

Let's deploy that equipment, and let everyone know that we're just out there for pest control.

17 Posted on 06/20/2001 09:26:59 PDT by Tennessee_Bob

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To: Tennessee_Bob

I didn't turn sarcasm on or off. Load me up and send me out.

18 Posted on 06/20/2001 10:00:58 PDT by dixierat22

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To: tobygan

A "Brian Wilson mentioned this on KSFO last night" bump.

19 Posted on 06/22/2001 13:16:20 PDT by CubicleGuy

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To: tobygan

Here's a related story from an Arizona newspaper:

Mexico says legalize crossers or no deal

"Mexico will not sign any border agreement that fails to include the legalization of the 3 million to 4 million undocumented Mexican citizens already living in the United States, Mexico's foreign minister said Thursday."

Probably deserves its own thread. (Probably already has one.)

20 Posted on 06/22/2001 13:23:31 PDT by CubicleGuy

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To: tobygan

My tin foil hat is wondering if illegals could be used as an excuse to declare Marshal Law.

21 Posted on 06/22/2001 13:50:13 PDT by MamaTexan

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To: Buckeroo

I don't like Newt Gingrich; he is akin to fascism as liars before him in government such as Oliver North.

Hey, I don't like Newt, the tubby little hall monitor, and I'm not one of those faux conservatives that falls all over North, but remember that the nitwits in congress gave Ollie immunity and then he told them the truth.

Of course, our elected officials being the best nitwits money can buy, they then tried to convict him on immunized testimony.

Sorry, a$$holes.

Don't blame Ollie, Buck.

22 Posted on 06/22/2001 17:15:20 PDT by metesky

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