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Rabin Assassination - Censored Pages re: Raviv

Posted By: Philip
Date: Tuesday, 16-Nov-1999 13:45:29

Tuesday, November 16, 1999 7 Kislev 5760 Updated Tue., Nov. 16 01:22 Censored Pages re: Avishai Raviv Philip San Ramon CA USA (15 Nov 1999)

Jerusalem Post and Citizens:

In a letter to The Israel Culture Newsletter (1), Ellis Shuman states: "The press has highlighted censored documents, concerning Raviv's employment by Israel's secret service organization, and many have claimed that this is proof of a further coverup regarding Rabin." ("Who Shot Yitzhak Rabin?"; Ellis Shuman; Mon, Nov 15, 1999; The Israeli Culture Newsletter) [added comment not in letter because the Jerusalem Post does not publish urls (2) - url - ]

I think it is important to note the appearance of this censored material on the Internet.

"Regarding the news about Avishai's [Raviv] operation methods in the SHABAC, I was told a website containing the original 4 pages in Hebrew that were censored yesterday in Nisim Mishal's TV program is available. Can anyone tell me what's the URL for that website???" [added comment not in letter because the Jerusalem Post does not publish urls (2) - url - ]

I tested one site [added comment not in letter - url - ] (3) and found the censored pages in both Hebrew and translated into English and, as a matter of free speech, I will continue to check the site daily to see if it is still there which is the case as of November 15, 1999

--- Philip

Note: Submitted Letters (4,5)


Mon, Nov 15, 1999 Who Shot Yitzhak Rabin? The Israeli Culture Newsletter Ellis Shuman

Dateline: 11/15/99

"The questions I am raising are not new ones, but this time the media has decided to relate to them." These were the words of Knesset member, Dalia Rabin-Pelosoff, daughter of the late Prime Minister. Dalia was speaking on the fourth anniversary of her father's assassination, and while she didn't support the many conspiracy theories that have been circulating regarding the murder, she emphasized that the issues of the case remain open.

"Until this day, there is no answer to the question of who killed my father," Dalia said, speaking in an Israel Radio interview. "Here we blame Yigal Amir. But it isn't that simple. It is much deeper and much more complex."

What could Dalia Rabin-Pelosoff be referring to? Wasn't this a clear cut assassination by a single gunman? The evidence is so apparent - there was even a video film released showing Amir in the moments before the murder, and as he reached forward and shot the Prime Minister from behind.

Most Israelis remember quite vividly where they were the night of November 4, 1995. Israel's Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin left the stage of a peace rally outside the Tel Aviv Municipality building, surrounded by secret service agents. He descended the steps to the "sterile area" where his limousine was parked. Gunshots rang out, and Rabin's head turned. After moments of confusion, Rabin was sped away in his car to nearby Ichilov Hospital, where his death was announced hours later.

A lone gunman, Yigal Amir, was arrested and later convicted of the murder. But the circumstances at the scene of the crime, and at the hospital afterwards, left many unanswered questions.

One of the first to raise the questions was author, Barry Chamish. In his book, Who Murdered Itzhak Rabin? Chamish offers the proof, or in many cases the lack of proof, to support his theories. The principle behind the book is simple - Yigal Amir was a patsy for a much more complex successful assassination.

Let me give you but one example of the theory that Chamish is supporting. There is no doubt that Rabin was spirited away from the Tel Aviv municipality in his limousine. Wouldn't this car, after what had happened, been prime evidence for the Shamgar Committee that had been appointed to investigate the murder? Were there not records of what was found in the car, of its being cleaned afterwards? For some reason, the car has disappeared from all police and court records.

The issue of Rabin's murder returned to Israeli headlines recently due to the anniversary of his death, but also because of a court case that has received much attention in the Israeli press. On trial is former General Secret Service (GSS) agent, Avishai Raviv, who supposedly was in connection with Yigal Amir during the months before the assassination. Prosecutors are trying to prove that Raviv could have prevented Rabin's death, as he was aware of Amir's intentions. The press has highlighted censored documents, concerning Raviv's employment by Israel's secret service organization, and many have claimed that this is proof of a further coverup regarding Rabin.

Right-wing groups in Israel, including the Women in Green organization, applauded the words of Knesset Member, Dalia Rabin-Pelosoff. Like the Knesset Member, they called for a reopening of the investigation of the assassination. Right-wingers, some of whom have supported the conspiracy theories, have long claimed that Israel's Left blamed the entire nationalist movement in Israel for Rabin's murder.

In a separate radio interview, Yuval Rabin, Dalia Rabin-Pelosoff's brother, echoed his sister's doubts about their father's murder. Rabin's widow, Leah Rabin, was quoted as saying that the questions raised by her children are quite legitimate.

The decision to open a new investigation would have to be made by Israel's government. Sources in the Ministry of Justice admit that there are many unanswered issues, but such is the case after any investigation. Only under the most extreme circumstances would the government call for a renewal of investigation into the murder of Yitzhak Rabin.

- Ellis Shuman -

(2) Letter from the Jerusalem Post:

Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 07:36:36 +0000 From: The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition Reply-To: Organization: The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition X-Accept-Language: en MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Philip Subject: The Jeruslaem Post Status:


Thank you for sending a letter to the Jerusalem Post Reader's Letters section. Please note: we cannot allow any website/URL addresses to appear in any letter as we do not know to where these addresses are linked and we are unable to check out all the addresses we receive each day.

Please keep sending your letters.


Doreen Ravona The Jerusalem Post Internet Edition"

(3) "Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 23:51:43 +0200 (IST) X-Sender: Mime-Version: 1.0 To: Phillip Henika From: barry chamish Subject: Re: My Proposed Letter Status:

"Important site []. Who is running it? Barry"

'I don't know.

I did a 'ftp search' i.e. I did a location search (open apple L on a Macintosh) with Netscape Navigator typing in and got:

"Current directory is /

Welcome to!

bin/ Fri Nov 22 00:00:00 1996 Directory dev/ Fri Nov 22 00:00:00 1996 Directory etc/ Fri Nov 22 00:00:00 1996 Directory incoming/ Sun Apr 13 00:00:00 1997 Directory lib/ Sat Nov 8 00:00:00 1997 Directory pub/ Fri Nov 22 00:00:00 1996 Directory"

I tried accessing the folders but couldn't but the dates are of curiosity to me.

Another way of accessing the site is with the ISP number: This morning [November 15, 1999] I did a location search (open apple L on a Macintosh) with Netscape Navigator typing in: and got the site . Maybe your people can trace the ISP number to location.

The site is still there as of November 15, 1999. An additional article was added last week after the censored pages were posted.


"Swiss court approves charges against Mossad agent 11.59 a.m. ET (1708 GMT) November 11, 1999

LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — A Swiss court gave final approval Thursday to charges against an Israeli agent caught in a bungled spying operation last year.

Charges were first filed against Isaac Bental in September after he and four others were caught in February 1998 trying to install bugging equipment in an apartment building just outside the Swiss capital of Bern.

Bental — also identified by the alias Jacob Track — told investigators he was working on orders of Mossad, the Israeli secret service, and said the operation targeted an apartment thought to be connected to Hezbollah, the guerrilla group fighting Israeli troops occupying southern Lebanon.

A panel of Switzerland's supreme court approved the charges Thursday in a standard procedure. No date has yet been set for the agent's trial before Switzerland's federal criminal court.

Bental faces charges of committing illegal acts for a foreign government, political espionage, falsifying identification papers, and attempted interception and recording of conversations.

Israel, which apologized for the espionage operation, paid about $2 million to bail out the arrested agent in April 1998, and guaranteed he would appear for trial in Switzerland. © 1999, News America Digital Publishing, Inc. d/b/a Fox News Online. All rights reserved. Fox News is a registered trademark of 20th Century Fox Film Corp. © 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed."

--- Philip'

(4) My Letter Submitted to the Jerusalem Post - November 16, 1999:

'Jerusalem Post and Citizens:

Yesterday, I received an email from the Jerusalem Post's Doreen Ravona with the note that "we cannot allow any website/URL addresses to appear in any letter as we do not know to where these addresses are linked and we are unable to check out all the addresses we receive each day."

I am, therefore, resubmitting my letter and my concerns without website/URL addresses:

In a letter to The Israel Culture Newsletter, Ellis Shuman states: "The issue of Rabin's murder returned to Israeli headlines recently due to the anniversary of his death, but also because of a court case that has received much attention in the Israeli press. On trial is former General Secret Service (GSS) agent, Avishai Raviv, who supposedly was in connection with Yigal Amir during the months before the assassination. Prosecutors are trying to prove that Raviv could have prevented Rabin's death, as he was aware of Amir's intentions. The press has highlighted censored documents, concerning Raviv's employment by Israel's secret service organization, and many have claimed that this is proof of a further coverup regarding Rabin. ("Who Shot Yitzhak Rabin?"; Ellis Shuman; Mon. Nov 15, 1999; The Israeli Culture Newsletter - url available upon request).

I think it is important to note the appearance of this censored material on the Internet and I found that there exists a web site in which the alledged "censored documents" appear (url available upon request).

I tested this site and found the alledged "censored" material in both Hebrew and translated into English. As a matter of free speech, I will continue to check the site daily to see if it is still there which is the case as of Tuesday, November 16, 1999.'

Philip Henika'

(5) My Letter Submitted to the Jerusalem Post; November 15, 1999:

'Jerusalem Post and Citizens:

In a letter to The Israel Culture Newsletter; Ellis Shuman states: "The press has highlighted censored documents, concerning Raviv's employment by Israel's secret service organization, and many have claimed that this is proof of a further coverup regarding Rabin." ("Who Shot Yitzhak Rabin?"; Ellis Shuman; Mon, Nov 15, 1999; The Israeli Culture Newsletter).

I think it is important to note the appearance of this censored material on the Internet.

The following question was asked at :

"Regarding the news about Avishai's [Raviv] operation methods in the SHABAC, I was told a website containing the original 4 pages in Hebrew that were censored yesterday in Nisim Mishal's TV program is available. Can anyone tell me what's the URL for that website???"

The answer was:

" "

I tested this site and found the censored pages in both Hebrew and translated into English and, as a matter of free speech, I will continue to check the site daily to see if it is still there which is the case as of November 15, 1999 ( ).'

- Philip Henika

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