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Posted By: Ru Mills
Date: Monday, 10-Jan-2000 01:23:45

===========RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY===========

Dateline: January 9, 2000

In the last week of December, Helen Thomas, the White House reporter for UPI wrote an article

"(Clinton) begins packing for a Jan 20, 2000 Departure! " UPI --Helen Thomas

More than likely, Ms Thomas meant Jan 20, 2001.... but in these days of conspiracy upon conspiracy Rumor Mill News Agents see conspiracies and hidden messages everywhere.

The UPI article was sent out to the subscribers on the Ru Mills One List. (If you were a RuMills Onelist member, you would already know this. Go to the button on the front page that is marked “Mailing List” and sign up so you won’t miss anymore important emails!)

One of the subscribers to the onelist pointed out that not only did the article state that President Clinton was stepping down as President on January 20, 2000, but there were words in the article that are “trigger words” for Manchurian Candidates. Was there a hidden message which told the President that if he didn’t step down willingly, he would step down anyway?

The two original articles that were sent to the OneList subscribers will be inserted at the end of this article.

After reading the UPI article about Clinton stepping down on January 20, 2000, a OneList subscriber sent the following email:

This is from an astrology newsletter ----

“ Our first Lunar Eclipse of 2000 (January 20) finds the Moon at 0 Leo, which falls directly on Bill Clinton's Arabic Part of Catastrophe.

The Pre-eclipse New Moon of July 23, 1998 at 0 Leo presaged events that subsequently manifested at the August 7, 1998 Lunar Eclipse (15 Leo/15 Aquarius) where we witnessed bombings of embassies, the attack on tourists at our nation's capital, and the "foregone" impeachment conclusions speculated upon in the media by the time of the August 21, 1998 Solar Eclipse at 28 Leo.

The 0 Leo degree for Bill Clinton proves to be a fated degree in his chart by virtue of what transpired from August 1998 to now. Clinton will soon "revisit" that fated point in his chart at our very next eclipse. Bill Clinton was not the only individual affected by the 0 Leo fated degree. The collective, the U.S. government and Yugoslavia were all impacted by the pre-eclipse New Moon and subsequent eclipses of 1998. This "fated" degree in Bill Clinton's chart just may presage more upheaval globally....”

Comment from RMNews reader: “Interesting "coincidence" that this is the date which Helen Thomas used in that article a few weeks ago...”

Rumor Mill News immediately contacted the astrologer. We asked permission to post her newsletter on the Rumor Mill News Forum. We explained the UPI January 20, 2000 “mistake”, and stated that in light of the lunar eclipse of January 20, 2000 and the negative aspect in Clinton’s chart, we wondered if something was being planned for this date.

The Astrologer emailed back this reply:

Subj: Re: From Ru Mills, Editor of Rumor Mill News .com Date: 1/9/2000 6:21:55 PM Pacific Standard Time From: (Claudia Dikinis) To:

Dear RuMills,

Yes! By all means. Post my remarks to your list and subscribers and let's see if more pieces of the puzzle come together. Please keep me posted!

You might want to add the fact that the Ascendant for the Lunar Eclipse (New Moon) chart for Washington, DC has 18 degrees of Libra rising. 18 is the degree of the critical August 11, 1999 eclipse at 18 degrees of Leo. The 18 degree Ascendant for the eclipse conjoins Bill Clinton's wounded healer planet Chiron in his first house, and conjoins his progressed Sun, which is also 18 degrees Libra. An eclipse Ascendant conjoined to Bill's Chiron and Progressed Sun along with an Eclipse New Moon conjoined to his Arabic Part of Catastrophe spells trouble. Further, The Eclipse Ascendant and Bill's progressed Sun are in the degree of his natal Lunar Nodes, thus indicating a "fated" unfoldment of critical events to come. The Midheaven for the Eclipse Chart is 20 Cancer which falls in Bill's 10th house of reputation and status. The Midheaven makes a perfect sextile to Bill's natal Moon at 20 Taurus in his 8th house of sex, loss, debts, and death duties as President of the United States. The potent Chiron-Pluto conjunction, which is still in orb in the sign of Sagittarius, falls on Bill's Black Moon Lilith, the asteroid identified with female outrage and a "Kali" kind of woman's revenge. With Hillary's "independent" move out of the White House to upstate New York, the Lilith factor is easy to see.

Warmly, Claudia Starcats

Subscribe to my free Newsletter, "Starcats AstroNews" @ AstroConsultants of Santa Monica (310) 394-5226 _______________________________________________________

Here is the rest of Claudia’s newsletter — there are many more references to the President. I find this one extremely disturbing:

From the section labeled: Bill & His Progressions and Solar Arcs:

“I don't think Clinton is out of the woods yet on a several fronts. Especially when considering that his progressed Mars (11 Scorpio) now squares his natal Pluto (11 Leo). A Pluto-Mars square holds the potential for lethal encounters with covert powers. (Terrorists?)

RMNews Comments: Could Bill’s personal astrologer have seen the same thing and advised him to step up his surveillance of terrorists? Could this be the reason for so many recent arrests of middle eastern men and woman who are suspected terrorists?

Here is another “jewel” from the newsletter:

“Nodal Contacts: Clinton's progressed South Node is 13 Sagittarius, which interestingly enough, is the degree of the part of fortune in the Chiron-Pluto conjunction chart! Transiting Pluto and Chiron will eventually conjoin Clinton's progressed South Node thus ushering in endings, transitions and shifts that only Chiron and Pluto can bring. I dare say, I still worry about Bill Clinton. His health. His lifeline. His longevity.”

RMNews Comment: Re this snippet from Claudia’s earlier email to RMNews: —

“...falls on Bill's Black Moon Lilith, the asteroid identified with female outrage and a "Kali" kind of woman's revenge. With Hillary's "independent" move out of the White House to upstate New York, the Lilith factor is easy to see.”

In an article written by RMNews several years ago, we reported that one of our Sources had said that Faction Two had looked into getting rid of Clinton using one of three methods. They referred to the methods as: The Kennedy method, i.e. assassination; the Nixon method, i.e. impeachment; and the Bush Method, i.e. threaten him so badly that he loses the election on purpose.

Faction Two rejected the Kennedy Method because they didn’t want Hillary to create a Clinton Cult of which she would be the high priestess. The tried to make him lose the 96 election as Bush had lost the 92 election. But Clinton wouldn’t cooperate and screw up... as Bush did.

That left impeachment as the only route left. But Clinton survived impeachment. Does this mean that the only way for Clinton’s enemies to get rid of him before his term expires is the Kennedy Method? Or could there be another impeachment looming in the near future?

Claudia is not the only astrologer and/or psychic who has seen ominous signs in Bill’s future for this year. When I questioned my Sources from Faction Two and Three, I was told by Faction Three: “We don’t kill people. If God wants him dead, God will arrange it.” My sources in Faction Two stated: “We’d be nuts to kill him. Do you think we want to live with President Hillary for the next eight years?”

The Sources from Faction Two went on to say, “Who would win from Bill’s death? It is too late in his term for his enemies to want him removed this way. There are only two people who could benefit. Al Gore and Hillary.”

The source went on to say, “If Bill died in office, the masses would rise up and demand that Al appoint Hillary as VeeP. If he didn’t, there would be several indictments suddenly come out of the woodwork. Al doesn’t have the glib tongue to talk himself out of these things like Bill had.

“Al and Hillary would run as a team for President, then suddenly Al would resign, making Hillary the first woman President. Hillary would pardon Al and keep him out of jail. That would leave George W. Bush in a race against Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first woman president and the widow of the dead president. Every woman in the United States and Mexico would cast a vote for her, making her the first woman president.”

Could the “female outrage” and the “woman’s revenge” that Claudia referred to cause Hillary to conspire in the assassination of her husband? Could this be the reason that she is dragging him to New York with her and pretending that the two of them are love birds?

The predictions that Bill may die in office could bring about some very unusual circumstances here in the United States.

THE FOLLOWING ARE THE LINKS TO THE RMNEWS ONELIST ARCHIVES CONTAINING THE ARTICLES ABOUT HELEN THOMAS'S UPI ARTICLE: "CLINTON BEGINS PACKING FOR A JANUARY 20, 2000 DEPARTURE DATE" Digest 108, originally sent Sun Dec 26 03:48:42 1999 There is 1 message in this issue. Topics in today's digest:

1. "(Clinton) begins packing for a Jan 20, 2000 Departure! " UPI --Helen Thomas

MORE ON HELEN THOMAS'S UPI STORY: "END OF CLINTON" Digest 109, originally sent Mon Dec 27 03:50:56 1999 There are 4 messages in this issue. Topics in today's digest:





* * * * * * * * *

Claudia’s Newsletter:

Mia Culpa!

My apologies for a late (and not yet ready for prime time) publication of my own year-ender newsletter. I've suffered a very bad bout with the flu over the last 3 weeks. I hope you'll be content with some snippets in this edition. They represent themes I'll be developing in 2000.

As we look back to the August 11, 1999 eclipse, I am sure many of you can report ongoing upheavals, reorientations, challenges, and breakthroughs that are sometimes scary and sometimes liberating. We are not done with this cycle yet! More will be revealed (and congealed!) as we approach our first lunar eclipse in 2000 on January 20 ( 21 Washington, DC time). This eclipse was not an isolated event with a "beginning, middle and end." Eclipses are processes, as you'll see from an overview on Bill Clinton below.

Eclipses and Clinton:

Our first Lunar Eclipse of 2000 (January 20) finds the Moon at 0 Leo, which falls directly on Bill Clinton's Arabic Part of Catastrophe. (It also conjoins Monica Lewinsky's natal Sun). The Pre-eclipse New Moon of July 23, 1998 at 0 Leo presaged events that subsequently manifested at the August 7, 1998 Lunar Eclipse (15 Leo/15 Aquarius) where we witnessed bombings of embassies, the attack on tourists at our nation's capital, and the "foregone" impeachment conclusions speculated upon in the media by the time of the August 21, 1998 Solar Eclipse at 28 Leo.

The 0 Leo degree for Bill Clinton proves to be a fated degree in his chart by virtue of what transpired from August 1998 to now. Clinton will soon "revisit" that fated point in his chart at our very next eclipse. Bill Clinton was not the only individual affected by the 0 Leo fated degree. The collective, the U.S. government and Yugoslavia were all impacted by the pre-eclipse New Moon and subsequent eclipses of 1998. This "fated" degree in Bill Clinton's chart just may presage more upheaval globally. Not because Bill Clinton himself seeks to foment chaos. Not at all. A nation's leader is pulled into collective events when his or her chart is impacted heavily by critical degrees, nodal contacts, and hits to arabic parts. Globally, Israel, Jordan, Russia and China are the hot spots to watch over the next year.

More on Bill & The Eclipses:

The solar eclipse of August 21, 1998 occurred a mere two degrees past Bill Clinton's natal Sun at 26 Leo. Further, the eclipse was just shy of a conjunction with the royal fixed star, Regulus. By the time of the impeachment vote in December of 1998, "the King" faced the possibility of dethronement. The trial debacle of early January-February 1999 started with the malefics (Mars and Saturn) applying to an opposition; Mars turning retrograde for most of the year; and two potent chart angle "hits" to Caput Algol and Alcyone at trial time, the two most malefic fixed stars in the heavens. Frankly, 1999 was a lousy year for most of us if truth be told.

I'm bringing up eclipses from the past two years in this newsletter in order to point out that eclipse cycles endure, bleed into one another, and continue to impact the collective as each new cycle is initiated from the previous one. The same is true for Ingress Charts (when the Sun reaches 0 Aries, 0 Cancer, 0 Libra and 0 Capricorn in any given year). The foregoing, in concert with grand planetary cycles, are the keys we look to when working to understand world events and how they ultimately affect us personally. If we want to know where we're going as individuals, we need to study our world.

Bill & His Progressions and Solar Arcs:

I don't think Clinton is out of the woods yet on a several fronts. Especially when considering that his progressed Mars (11 Scorpio) now squares his natal Pluto (11 Leo). A Pluto-Mars square holds the potential for lethal encounters with covert powers. (Terrorists?) Bill and Hillary plan to be present at the Lincoln Memorial in DC for the New Year's Eve Gala. Even though security will be very tight, I am still uncomfortable with the Clintons' decision to make this very public appearance.


Bill's progressed Ascendant is 29 Scorpio 42, hovering on the "great moment" of sign change (to Sagittarius) and is a time of great instability. This is a time of "endings" for Clinton. His Solar Arc Ascendant is 10 Sagittarius, which now takes strong hits from the current Chiron-Pluto conjunction (exact December 30, 1999 in Washington, DC). Clinton's Solar Arc Chiron is also 10 Sagittarius and that whammy takes on more impact when considering that his Progressed and Solar Arc Sun is at 18 Libra, the degree of the August 11, 1999 Eclipse!

When planets by transit, progression or solar arc hit eclipse degrees, a "revisiting" of eclipse themes is highly possible. Clinton's progressed Sun in the marriage sign and in eclipse degree is more telling than we might initially guess. Hillary is moving out of the White House to reside in the Clinton's new home in upstate New York in order to run her Senate campaign. Bill has plans to live and work in both Arkansas and California once his presidency is over. This is the first "public" move in what I foresaw for the Clinton marriage in early 1998: a splitting apart. A separation of the ways. Not divorce necessarily, but it seems evident that Hillary "made a decision" once she knew the full story on Monica Lewinsky.

Nodal Contacts:

Clinton's progressed South Node is 13 Sagittarius, which interestingly enough, is the degree of the part of fortune in the Chiron-Pluto conjunction chart! Transiting Pluto and Chiron will eventually conjoin Clinton's progressed South Node thus ushering in endings, transitions and shifts that only Chiron and Pluto can bring. I dare say, I still worry about Bill Clinton. His health. His lifeline. His longevity.

The Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction:

The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of May 28, 2000 (23 Taurus) falls in Clinton and the USA's (Sagittarius rising chart) 8th house of endings. Death. Transformation. The second house "gets." The 8th house "removes." The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will square Bill Clinton's 11th house natal Sun at 26 Leo. The 11th house is the's hopes and dreams. Does this square say "I'm removing your future?" In what way?


The Chiron discovery chart and biwheel of the Chiron-Pluto conjunction (click the link above to view the chart and read Nikki's column) is quite a "Chironic" picture! The Chiron discovery chart holds Saturn at 29 Leo conjoined to the Part of Fortune, both of which conjunct the royal fixed star, Regulus, the King. It seems fitting that Saturn would sit with royal fortune on the day that the rainbow bridge to transformation and healing was discovered! It is also fitting that Saturn would be found in the 8th house: transformation through deep psychotherapy. I am convinced that Chiron (as well as Pluto) is a key player in the therapeutic process. Venus at 28 Scorpio in the Conjunction chart squares Discovery Saturn which is a decided "cooling down" of the Pluto-Venus conjunction in house 10 of the Discovery chart. Perhaps the "distancing" of Venus-Saturn is what is needed in order to balance the instinctual, ruthless manifestations of Venus-Pluto.

(Come to think of it, 1977, the year of Chiron's discovery, was the year of Hillary Clinton's final Saturn Return transits. It was also the year that Bill Clinton lost his re-election to the governorship of Arkansas. Uranus at 11 Scorpio in the Chiron discovery chart was squaring Bill's natal Pluto. Mars at 2 Leo was squaring Bill's natal Saturn!! Hillary also discovered another one of Bill's "affairs" at that time. The bargain: He was to stay away from women. She would make him President of the United States by becoming his fight manager. Hummm. The things one sees while recovering from the flu!)

Pluto conjoins Venus in the 10th house of the Chiron discovery chart in the relationship sign, Libra. Neptune at 14 Sagittarius is in nodal degree in the chart and is in sextile to Pluto-Venus. The nodes lie across the 4/10 axis – Libra/Aries. It's me and you trying to love, and its me and you stuck in our mom and dad issues that block "the way." Is love about power and seduction (Venus-Pluto), or is it about Neptune's path: releasing, dissolving, letting go of the past, the hurts, and the betrayals through Chironic confrontation with the dweller on the threshold (Saturn!)?

The lovely Libra Moon (16 degrees) in the Chiron-Pluto conjunction chart (Dec 20, 1999, Pasadena, California) has just crossed the North Node (our future!) at 14 Libra, and applies to a conjunction with Pluto (Hades) and Venus (Persephone). Shall we dance the dance of Kali on December 29? Perhaps our December/Millennial "Abduction" is to find the courage to face Chiron and Pluto without fearful defenses. It is the moment when we can just stand still. Be WITH our feelings and seek the solace of the wise Eumenides. There is no fix. Pep talks and advice are shallow. There is no counsel but the wisdom of endurance when Chiron and Pluto challenge the Dweller on the Threshold. (By transit, Saturn at 10 Taurus forms a quincunx to the Chiron-Pluto conjunction. A quincunx is an aspect of crisis and reorientation!)

The Chiron-Pluto conjunction falls in house 12 (the collective unconscious) of the Chiron Discovery chart and lies close to a conjunction with Discovery Neptune. The arabic Part of Fortune for the conjunction is 13 Sagittarius. 13 Sagittarius is the Aries decanate of the sign and just happens to be the degree of the 4th house cusp for the Chiron Discovery chart. Transiting Jupiter, Sagittarius' ruler, resides in the 4th house (Aries). The desire (Mars) to expand (Jupiter) philosophically (Sagittarius) is aided by the spiritualizing forces of Neptune!

We meet the future by owning our past (found in the 4th and 12th houses). And by allowing. By saying "yes" to the process. I am with you on the path! I am experiencing my Chiron return, the "big" transition transit of turning 50 years old. As 2000 unfolds, I'll be writing a series of astrological articles on this experience. There is nothing like "being there" to make astrology more REAL.


It's going to happen in 3 days. The big "thing." The Millennium shift. Y2K. The computer viruses. The 30 hours of non-stop TV broadcasts from 30 countries around the world. Whether you celebrate by candlelight or flashlight, it promises to be a melancholy time. The Scorpio Moon opposes Saturn. The Capricorn Sun conjoins the 4th house cusp. Issues of family, security and safety weigh more heavily in our system of values this New Year's Eve than do the parties, the lights, the champagne and the claustrophobic crowds. Don't kid yourself. Even the most cynical among us secretly tremble. The truth is, we don't know what will happen! This Millennium transition is another moment of absolute trust. A leap into faith. A pulling together of ourselves and our loved ones. We'll watch. We'll see.

On an even more dour note:

Credit card bills will begin to arrive shortly. 3,500 Mastercard transactions a second were billed during holiday shopping time. 60% of all shoppers charged their gifts. Imagine Mastercard's bandwidth! lol! Now the charges will come "home" to roost in the 8th house – retrograde Saturn in Taurus in the January 1, 2000 chart. A consumer creditor advisor on MSNBC-TV spoke this evening about the coming onslaught of new credit consolidation plans emerging in January-February 2000.

No problem for me. I'm filing Chapter 7.

God/dess bless you one and all. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your love and support throughout 1999. I eagerly await our adventures together in 2000!

Love & Light,

Claudia Starcats Love, Claudia

Starcats' AstroNews: Copyright 1999-2000 by Claudia D. Dikinis. All rights reserved.

You may forward my newsletter to your friends, but please write to me for permission to reproduce it on your Web Site.

Write to me at Don't address correspondence to the Newsletter List.

________________________________________________ AstroConsultants of Santa Monica

If you'd like to participate on my Astrology List, please subscribe to Anima_Mundi at, or write to me personally. I'll gladly sign you up. ________________________________________________

December 29, 1999


Nikki's Moon Column, the first of her series for 2000, is now previewing at:

Don't miss her tremendous Millennium opener!

Also featured in Nikki's article is the chart for the Chiron-Pluto conjunction of December 29, 1999, 10:39 pm (Pasadena, California) in a bi-wheel configuration with the birth chart for Chiron's Discovery, November 11, 1977, 10:00 am, Pasadena, California.

For those of you who wonder how a planet could be discovered at 10:00 am, keep in mind that astronomical discoveries of the 20th century were verified by viewing photographic plates. Photos of the heavens taken at night through a telescope were developed and studied during "normal" working hours! Even astronomers have to pay hommage to the 9 to 5!

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