Patriotlad -- Sunday, 16 May 2004, 10:17 p.m.
Below are all the articles regarding Nick's Berg's death which have been posted on Rumor Mill News. RMN has looked at this from all sides and we have not formed a united opinion. Some think it was staged, some think he was killed and beheaded after he was killed. Some think he is still alive when he was beheaded. Some think he was killed at Abu Graib by the CIA or the Mossad. About the only thing that some of us agree on is it is a "psyops" designed to numb us into submission.
Who is behind this psyops? The Al Queda terrorists? Who really backs them? Many RMN writers believe Al Queda is a creation of the New World Order.
The one thing that is true is this:
NO ONE really knows the truth behind the video of Nick Berg. The horror of what you see and hear in the video numbs most westerners. However, the life cycle of news stories in the west is very short, and the horror of the Berg video has already faded. It did NOT have a long term numbing effect on the consciousness of the West. I don't know if that says something positive about our culture or not. The media focuses the west on what they want the west focused on. If they want us focused on beheadings and decapitation and other horrors, they can do it. The powerful image and impact the Berg video had only lasted about 10 days. Was the video some kind of psyops to see how much is needed to immobilize the west by fear and horror? Since the "numbing effect" only lasted 10 days, is there more in store for us? Should we start to expect a beheading or other grisly video every 10 days?
Another question you have to ask is if the beheadings in NYC and Italy are related. Are we about to have an "epidemic" of beheadings?
They are in reverse order. The newest articles are first: